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Don't Say We Didn't Know 228

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In the Baq'a valley, east of Hebron , many Palestinians of the Ja'abar family live.  Israel integrated this area in the outline plan for the settlementKiryat Arba, and has tried to evict the Palestinians ever since, by way of demolitions and destruction of homes, agricultural crops, water cisterns and agricultural irrigation systems, as well as settler attacks, to name but a few of the means of displacement. On Wednesday, 25th August, 2010, nine settlers came to 'Ata Ja'abar' s home in that valley. They threatened the residents in the house and demolished nearby crops. A complaint was made to the police, which included video shots of the attackers. Near a petrol station nearby, a sign was erected declaring the intention to build a new settlers’ neighbourhood there, with the name Nofei Hevron ("Views of Hebron"). On Thursday, 2nd September, 2010, in the late afternoon, many settlers came near 'Ata Ja'abar' s home, with the army's authorization, and started pouring a concrete floor for the foundations of the new settlement Nofei Hevron. They left the place late at night.


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Re: Don't Say We Didn't Know 228

What is happening is quite alarming. Now, crimes, drugs and violence thrive only in a culture that has forgotten the distinct concepts of right and wrong. So to conclude, aren't we actually educating a society or criminals? So, let us take action for this little problem before it worsen. More so, discussing the education in our country, some people were alarmed about the soaring crime rate yet, we ignore the teaching of common morals from the schools. Fortuitously, there is a campaign to create morals once again taught in schools. If it is a non-religious concept I didn't see any reason why not taught to anyone, anywhere with no preconception but it still contains significant moral beliefs that our children needs.

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