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Ezra Update עדכון עזרא


עברית אחרי האנגלית


Dear Ezra Supporters,

Call for Demonstrations Following Attack on Free Gaza

*Call for demonstrations in all countries in the world against Israeli
embassies **the People's Committees in Palestine call you to demonstrations
of anger against Israeli terrorism and criminality. Let the third
International intifada uprising Against terrorism and the occupation.*.

Israeli criminal navy attacks humanitarian ships in International waters.

Reports of 10-16 humanitarian activists killed and 50-60 injured. The

Israeli army had tried to make the media maneuver of saying they would

arrest and take the boats when they enter Gaza coastal waters and tow the

boats to port in Asdod (renamed Ashdod after the occupation of 1948) and had

PCHR Weekly Report 20-26 May 2010



Palestinian Centre for Human Rights


Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

No. 21/2010

20– 26 May 2010

סדר חברתי 4

לכל מי שמאסו בתקשורת המסחרית,

Weekend Protest AWALLS Reports

While the Free Gaza ships get closer and closer to break the illegal blockade, demonstrations throughout the West Bank showed their support for the people of Gaza and the activists on the ships. A special occasion was marked in Ni'ilin, where two years of struggle were celebrated.

Cuba-Venezuela relationship: What can be said from an anarchist perspective?

 * This text appears in the June-July 2010 issue #59 of El Libertario, describing the position this voice of the Venezuelan anarchist movement takes regarding the close links between the governments of these two countries.

Free Gaza's Freedom Flotilla Resists Threats

We will resist Israel’s attempts to stop us!

Heraklion, Crete. As Israel continues to insist it will stop the seven-ship international Freedom Flotilla, two more ships have departed from Greece to Gaza. 

Peace project near Bethlehem under demolition threat


Dear Friends of the Tent of Nations all over the world,

At 2.00 pm this afternoon, two officers from the Israeli Civil Administration guarded by Israeli soldiers came to our farm and gave us NINE demolition orders for nine structures we've built in the last few years without a building permit from the Israeli Military Authority. The demolition orders are for: tents, animals shelters, the metal roof in front of both old houses, the restrooms (shelters) , a water cistern, a metal container and 2 underground renovated cave structures. One officer was writing the demolition orders whilst the other was taking pictures with two cameras. Israeli soldiers were following them everywhere and pointing their guns on us.

חוף פלמחים


הבוקר נודע לנו – הועד להצלת חוף פלמחים – כי קיבלנו את פרס המשרד להגנת הסביבה למאבק סביבתי מצטיין. לא מזמן קיבלנו את הגלובוס הירוק, ואנחנו מאד גאים בפרסים האלה ומעריכים את התמיכה הציבורית שהביאה אותם.


אבל הפרס האמיתי שלנו, ושל כל הציבור הישראלי, יהיה אם היועץ המשפטי לממשלה, עו"ד יהודה ויינשטיין, יבטל את תוכנית הבניה בחוף.

Another Nighty Army Raid in Bil'in
This morning, as is their wont, Israeli Occupation Forces intruded into the
village of Bilin, this time there were only three to the forefront with
backup behind them, when challenged they beat a retreat. This afternoon,
villagers rushed to quench a fire in an olive tree sited close to the
Apartheid-Annexation Wall which was deliberately set on fire by the
retreating IOF, but which was unable to be saved due to the fire being set
in a crevice in the trunk which smouldered throughout the day and it was

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