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Call for Demonstrations Following Attack on Free Gaza

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*Call for demonstrations in all countries in the world against Israeli
embassies **the People's Committees in Palestine call you to demonstrations
of anger against Israeli terrorism and criminality. Let the third
International intifada uprising Against terrorism and the occupation.*.

Israeli criminal navy attacks humanitarian ships in International waters.

Reports of 10-16 humanitarian activists killed and 50-60 injured. The

Israeli army had tried to make the media maneuver of saying they would

arrest and take the boats when they enter Gaza coastal waters and tow the

boats to port in Asdod (renamed Ashdod after the occupation of 1948) and had

prepared tens to house the arrestees at that southern port. Instead the

Israeli army decided to execute a surprise maneuver and attack the boats at

night and in the north near Cyprus in International waters and then board

the boats and take them to the northern port of Haifa. In doing so they

committed a massacre of unarmed civilians to add to the hundreds of

massacres committed before but this time they have really gone way too far

and alienated the international community with this horrendous crime.

Time to demonstrate everywhere and write to all you know and all you do not

know (media, politicians etc). Organize your own event (in front of Israeli

missions abroad, in front of government buildings, in public squares etc) or
join any of the planned emergency demonstrations

Iyad Burnat 

 The head of the Popular committee




Since  when is 10  or even  20  a massacre  ?


Anonymous wrote:

Since  when is 10  or even  20  a massacre  ?


and which is the specific number of murders to be considered as massacre, we need to know so we don't say nonsense anymore...or did the word massacre hurt your feelings?

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