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*Video Description*: After Israel's major attack on Gaza in December 2008, it has faced criticism around the world. This criticism escalated after the publication of the Goldstone Report in 2009 that found evidence of war crimes in the attack. This year, Israel's security establishment declared a full out PR war on criticism that it identifies as "delegitimization" of

Israel. Israel's most influential think tank, the Reut  nstitute, developed the strategy for how to fight this PR war. It published a massive report in preparation for this year's Herzeliya conference entitled "Building a political firewall: against Israel's delegitimization" which advocated that

the Israeli intelligence agencies establish special units to collect information on critics of Israel. The report also advocates the establishment of pro-Israel networks in "hubs of delegitimization" which it named as London, Paris, Madrid, Toronto, and the Bay Area. The Real News' Lia Tarachansky spoke to Morton A. Klein, the president of the Zionist Organization of America who talks about how American lobby groups help Israel fight its PR war.



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