פוסט חדש בשם כותבים לשר החקלאות – תתמוך בחקלאי בית סוריכּ פורסם בבלוג פעולה אחת ביום.
מועד פרסום הפוסט: 1 בדצמבר 2010, 10:32.
עברו שבועיים מאז שכתבנו מכתב להנהגת החקלאות הישראלית. היום נפנה ישירות לשר החקלאות, שלום שמחון ונקרא גם לו להצטרף
שלום שמחון הוא חבר מפלגת העבודה, שר החקלאות אבל יותר מכל הוא מושבניק וחקלאי. בתור מי שעוסק בתחום הרבה שנים, ומכהן כבר קדנציה שלישית כשר החקלאות. מי אם לא הוא, יודע עד כמה חשובה ומשמעותית הגישה של אדם לאדמתו?
שלום שמחון
מצורף נוסח המכתב – משנים, מוסיפים ושולחים.
המייל של שלום: ssimhon@knesset.gov.il
מספר הפקס: 02-6496187
אפשר לפנות אליו דרך האתר שלו: http://shalom-simhon.com/site/form/showForm.asp?form_id=100136
וטלפון לבירורים: 02-6408385 או 02-6408386
לכבוד: ח"כ שלום שמחון, שר החקלאות
הנדון: מציאת פתרון מכבד שיאפשר לחקלאי בית-סוריכּ להגיע לאדמותיהם בחופשיות
שלום רב,
אני פונה אליך, בתור שר החקלאות וכבן מושב, שיכול להבין לליבם של חקלאי בית סוריכּ, אשר לא יכולים להגיע לאדמותיהם כבר שנתיים. לחקלאי הכפר, ששוכן ליד היישובים הישראלים הר אדר ומבשרת ציון, כ-2,400 דונם אדמות חקלאיות, שכלואים במרחב התפר. עד דצמבר 2008 איפשרו לחקלאים לעבור לאדמותיהם בחופשיות לפי רשימת שמות במחסום. מאז, הוחל על האזור משטר ההיתרים והם מחויבים בהיתרים פרטניים. לא היו עם ההסדר הישן בעיות ביטחוניות, וזה היה הסדר מקובל, שפגע הרבה פחות בכבוד-האדם ובזכותם לפרנסה.
כמי שחי באזור חקלאי בצפון, ואמון על החקלאים בישראל, אתה בוודאי יודע מה המשמעות של אדמה לחקלאים. לא מדובר רק בקושי כלכלי, מדובר גם בפגיעה בעצמאות בגאווה ובכבוד.
אני פונה אליך בבקשה לסייע למצוא פתרון חלופי עבור חקלאי הכפר – כזה שמכבד אותם ומכבד גם אותנו.
מצפה לתשובתך החיובית בהקדם,
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the OccupiedPalestinian Territory (OPT)
· A Palestinian activist and his brother were extra-judicially executed by IOF in the Gaza Strip.
- 4 Palestinian civilians, including two children and a woman, and a resistance activist were wounded by IOF in the Gaza Strip.
· IOF continued to use force against peaceful protests in the West Bank.
- 9 Palestinian civilians, including two children, were wounded.
· IOF continued to fire at Palestinian workers, farmers and fishermen in border areas in the Gaza Strip.
- 4 Palestinian workers were wounded
· IOF conducted 50 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank, and two limited ones into the Gaza Strip.
- IOF arrested 29 Palestinian civilians, including a child.
- Property valuing US$ 650,000 were confiscated from al-Dadu family and company.
· Israeli warplanes attacked a number of civilian targets in the Gaza Strip.
- A house and an agricultural room were destroyed, and a house was damaged.
· Israel has continued to impose a total siege on the OPT and has isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world.
- Israeli soldiers at military checkpoints in the West Bank arrested 10 Palestinian civilians, including 5 children.
· IOF have continued settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.
- IOF seized a house in Jabal al-Mukabber village near Jerusalem.
- Two residential barracks and 4 barnyards were demolished by IOF in al-Jiftlek village near Jericho.
- IOF ordered demolition of a number of Palestinian houses.
- Israeli settlers burnt 52 olive trees in Qalqilya and 20 donums of arable lands in Hebron.
- Israeli settlers, escorted by IOF, expelled Palestinian farmers from their lands in Qaryout village, south of Nablus.
Israeli violations of international law and humanitarian law in the OPT continued during the reporting period (11 – 24 November 2010):
During the reporting period, IOF extra-judicially executed a Palestinian activist and his brother in the Gaza Strip, and wounded 17 Palestinians, including two children and a woman, in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
In the Gaza Strip, on 17 November 2010, IOF extra-judicially executed an activist of the Army of Islam in Gaza City. An IOF warplane fired a missile at the car in which the activist and his brother were traveling. As a result, the two brothers were killed. IOF admitted responsibility for the attack, claiming that the activist was planning for kidnapping Israelis in Sinai Peninsula.
During the reporting period, IOF fired at Palestinian workers who were collecting raw construction materials near the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel. As a result, 4 workers were wounded.
On 19 November 2010, 3 Palestinian civilians, including a woman and a toddler, were wounded, when Israeli warplanes bombarded a house in the central Gaza Strip. The house was destroyed and a neighboring one was damaged.
On 18 November 2010, a Palestinian resistance activist was wounded in the northern Gaza Strip when Israeli soldiers positioned at the border between the Gaza Strip and Israeli fired at a number of resistance activists.
On 19 November 2010, Israeli warplanes fired two missiles at a training site of al-Quds Brigades (the armed wing of Islamic Jihad) in Khan Yunis. The site was damaged.
On the same day, Israeli warplanes fired two missiles at a tunnel on the Egyptian border near Yibna refugee camp in the south of Rafah. As a result, the tunnel and a fuel store were destroyed.
During the reporting period, IOF used excessive force to disperse peaceful demonstrations organized in protest to Israeli settlement activities and the construction of the annexation wall. As a result, 9 Palestinian civilians, including two children, were wounded, and dozens of Palestinian civilians and international human rights defenders suffered from tear gas inhalation or sustained bruises. IOF also arrested 5 international human rights defenders and a Palestinian child.
The full report is available online at:
Public Document
For further information please visit our website (http://www.pchrgaza.org) or contact PCHR’s office in Gaza City, Gaza Strip by email (pchr@pchrgaza.org) or telephone (+972 (0)8 2824776 – 2825893).
*Office Hours are between 08:00 – 16:00 hours (05:00 GMT – 13:00 GMT) Sun – Thurs.
אם אתה רוצה לחוות צדק, אמת, חירות ושיווין בחייך, ספר זה הוא בדיוק הספר בשבילך. יש רק בעיה אחת! ביורוקרטים בכל מקום עושים את ההשגה של חזון זה לקשה או בלתי ניתן להשגה, אך ורק על סמך מקום הולדתך ("אזרחות") והמקום בו אתה נמצא ("תושבות").
כששומעים הישראלים על ניצב משטרתי החשוד בעבירות מין חמורות, רובם המכריע, לפחות ע"פ העיתונאים שבהם וכן מקביליהם הטוקבקים ברשת, מיד כולם ככולם נעמדים על רגליהם האחוריות ומגנים על ניצב אורי בר לב.
ציבור הימין הכעסני הרועש והמסית, לא הפסיק להשמיע את צלצוליו נגד הגב' אינס, עוד בטרם נחשפה בשמה ופניה. הם לא האמינו איך זה שמישהי מעיזה להתלונן נגד שוטר, ניצב, שלא לומר סמל לאומי. לפתע נהיו הם כולם לאחרוני הרבנים החשוכים הפוסלים מראש את התלונה של ההיא עם הרחם והשחלות.
עוד בבוקר היום בו אורלי אינס חשפה עצמה ואת פניה לציבור, פרסם העיתון 'ישראל היום' את כותרתו הטוענת לפרשה בדבר סיפורים ובגידות אסורות מחדר המיטות. כשבמרכזה יש את א', מ, וניצב משטרתי אחד באמצע. העיתון הציג זאת כאילו מען 'השלישיה השובבה', רחוק אלפי מונים מאונס ומהטרדות מיניות חמורות ביותר.
Exposing Israel's Fraudulent Third Periodic Report to the UN - by Stephen Lendman
On October 18, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights offered an "Alternative Report" response to Israel's submission, sent to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR).
Submitting to the UN, Aharon Leshno Yaar, Israel's Permanent Representative to Geneva said "Israel was proud of its long-lasting recognition of the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family," omitting to explain he means only Jews, no others, especially Muslims. State belligerence for over six decades proves it. PCHR reviewed recent facts, documenting them in its report. Previous articles discussed them it detail, but they bear repeating. By so doing, peace and self-determination for a beleaguered people may come sooner.
Israeli Violations of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
PCHR addressed each article, detailing Israel's noncompliance, presenting indisputable, convincing evidence. In its July 9, 2004 "Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory," the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that:
"In the exercise of the powers available to it on this basis, Israel is bound by (ICESCR provisions)." Throughout its history, however, Israel has grievously violated all international laws, committing crimes of war and against humanity repeatedly, the latter virtually daily in the Territories.
After its 2005 disengagement, Israel claims Gaza was no longer occupied. Therefore, it no longer had ICESCR or other treaty obligations. False on both counts, the ICJ stating that:
"the State's obligations under the Covenant apply to all territories and populations under its effective control."
Israel has controlled Gaza since 1967, today under a medieval siege, little changed after Israel's bogus June easing. The UN Security Council, General Assembly, Special Rapporteur (for Palestine), and the ICRC all said Israel has control. Therefore, it's bound by all international law provisions.
ICEESC's Article 1: Right to Self-Determination
"All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development."
Israel, however, denies Palestinians that fundamental human right, what the ICJ calls "one of the essential principles of international law."
The Court also stated:
"The principle of self-determinatin of peoples has been enshrined in the United Nations Charter and reaffirmed by the General Assembly in resolution 2625 (XXV)" under which "Every State has the duty to refrain from any forcible action which deprives peoples....of their right to self-determination."
PCHR's report "show(ed) through an article-by-article analysis of the ICESCR that Israel's longstanding belligerent occupation of (Palestine) prevents (its people) from freely determining their political status or pursuing their economic, social and cultural development."
According to international law and numerous UN resolutions, Israel's occupation is illegal, especially with regard to self-determination.
ICESCR's Article 6: Right to Work
"States recognize the right to work, which includes the right of everyone to the opportunity to gain his living by work which he freely chooses or accepts, and will take appropriate steps to safeguard this right."
Occupation and closure restrict this right. Palestine's economy depends heavily on Israel for jobs, now largely restricted or denied. Gaza's siege and West Bank/East Jerusalem free movement restrictions also greatly impede it. As a result, unemployment and poverty are high.
In 1992, 30% of Palestinians worked in Israel. In 1996, it was 7% while unemployment rose to 32.6%. In 2003, it was 41.3%. In December 1998, about 23% of Palestinians lived in poverty, defined as having incomes of $650 or less annually, starvation wages by any standard. Before the second Intifada and 2007 closure, Gaza depended more heavily than the West Bank on Israel for employment. In December 1995, 36% of Gazans were impoverished. By end of 2003, it was 64%.
West Bank/East Jerusalem Palestinians are also impeded by free movement restrictions. More on that below. Moreover, by controlling borders, Israel can decide what gets in or out, including people, goods and services.
Under siege, Gaza's economy was devastated. Unemployment rose dramatically. From 2007 - 2009, OCHA reported the loss of 120,000 jobs, amounting to 55% of the workforce. Moreover, 95% of Gaza's industry closed or suspended work. The other 5% operates at from 20 - 50% of capacity. Poverty thus rose to 65%, but under the annual $650 guideline, it's much higher.
All areas of Gaza's economy have been affected, including agriculture and fishing, both decimated under Israeli restrictions. Earlier articles explained this in detail. A recent one may be accessed through the following link:
Besides other sectors, Gaza's textile industry was destroyed. At least 40% of furniture products, 70% of clothes and textile items, and 20% of food sector items were sold outside Gaza before closure. Over 45,000 workers lost employment in these sectors alone.
Moreover, construction is at a complete standstill because basic materials are banned, including cement, iron, paint, and all others. In addition, for lack of fuel, factories producing construction related items have closed. Included are 13 floor tile facilities, 30 for concrete, 145 for marble, and 250 for bricks. Thousands more workers were affected.
Under ICESCR provisions, however, Israel is obligated to let Palestinians seek employment freely. Closure and movement restrictions impede or prevent it.
Article 10: Right to Family
"The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize that:
1. The widest possible protection and assistance should be accorded to the family, which is the natural and fundamental group unit of society, particularly for its establishment and while it is responsible for the care and education of dependent children."
However, Israel restricts or denies family reunifications. In May 2002, Government Decision No. 1803 temporarily suspended residency rights through reunifications. In 2003, the Knesset enacted the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary Order No. 5763), limiting residency or Israeli citizenship rights. It denies Occupied Territory (OT) Palestinians who marry citizens or permanent residents legal authorization to live in Israel with their spouse. Israel's High Court upheld the law, dismissing a collective NGO 2006 challenge.
"Significantly, the law only applies to Palestinians," not Israeli Jews who marry foreigners who aren't Muslims. For their part, Palestinians have few options, one is to break the law and live in fear of being arrested, detained or deported.
Residency rights of East Jerusalemites have also weakened, PCHR believing it's to force them out to let Israel Judaize the entire city. Yet in 1967, East Jerusalem Palestinians got permanent residency status as opposed to citizenship. In 1974, the law was amended, letting the Interior Ministery revoke it from Palestinians with Jerusalem ID cards under certain circumstances. For example, if they lived outside the city for over seven years; if they got residency rights or citizenship elsewhere, or if they were called a danger to Israeli security, a broad classification endangering anyone for any reason or none at all.
In 1995, the Interior Ministry introduced a new "center of life" policy whereby East Jerusalemites must prove residency constantly or be forced out. It must come through rental agreements, home ownership documents, tax receipts, school registration, receipts of medical treatment, or other means. Implemented without notice, Palestinians living outside the city temporarily lost residency. As a result, since 1995, revocations have increased significantly.
The Separation Wall is another means by stealing Palestinian land, in some cases destroying entire neighborhoods or communities. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been affected. Once construction is completed, so will many more.
Family reunification in the West Bank and Gaza are also impeded, despite the Oslo Accords transferring control of a Palestinian population registry to the PA. Under its terms, Israel must be informed of all registry changes to update its records. However, since 2000, it's failed to do so. As a result, families incorrectly listed are infiltrators, subject to deportation, fines, or imprisonment. As of 2007, 120,000 family reunification requests remained pending, all vulnerable to expulsion or worse.
In April 2010, Israel passed Military Orders 1649 and 1650. An earlier article explained them in detail, accessed through the following link:
MO 1649 expanded the definition of infiltrators and increased penalties for those convicted. MO 1650 requires all West Bank residents to have Israeli issued permits. Otherwise, they're infiltrators, subject to prosecution under the new orders. Yet, they're hard to observe since Israel hasn't updated its registry. As a result, potentially thousands of West Bank residents face immediate deportation or worse, forcing them to live in fear.
Under ICESCR provisions, they're also prevented from enjoying "the natural and fundamental group unit of society." Israel's policy, in fact, denies them the rights to both family and self-determination, gross violations of international law.
Article 11: Right to an Adequate Standard of Living
"The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions."
Israeli policies violate this provision grievously. Expropriating land is one of many ways. Since 1967, over half of Palestinian land was stolen - more than 73% in the West Bank. In multiple ways, the right to adequate housing is also violated - through demolitions and dispossessions, besides land theft and conflict-related destruction.
Cast Lead alone destroyed 2,114 houses, comprising 2,864 housing units, affecting 3,314 families and 19,592 individuals. Another 3,242 houses with 5,014 units were partially destroyed or made uninhabitable. Affected were 5,470 families and 32,250 individuals. In addition, 16,000 houses were moderately damaged, affecting thousands more people.
Under siege, reconstruction is hampered or impossible. As a result, thousands must live in tents, in rented apartments or with relatives. Post-conflict, an estimated 86,000 new homes are needed, unattainable under Israel's blockade.
Home demolitions also continue relentlessly so Jews can seize Palestinian land and property. Since 1967, about 25,000 structures have been affected, denying Palestinians their right to housing and their rightful land ownership.
West Bank and East Jerusalem demolitions are, in fact, increasing, hundreds since 2009 as well as pending orders for more. Currently, Palestinians comprise 30% of East Jerusalem's population, forced to live on 7% of city land in highly concentrated neighborhoods. Even in areas where building is technically allowed, virtually no permits are issued, including to make repairs, enlarge existing properties, or facilitate a growing population. Violating the law results in demolitions and/or fines.
West Bank confiscated land is used for settlements, their infrastructure, commercial development, open spaces, or military use. In East Jerusalem, it's for settlers. In recent years, encroachment has increased dramatically, on 121 settlements and another 99 outposts. Moreover, despite a so-called moratorium, construction continued unimpeded. Now it's proceeding faster, Israel hell-bent to grow its settler population (now around 500,000 in the West Bank and East Jerusalem) at the expense of dispossessed Palestinians, losing out without redress.
Thousands of new units are approved, many slated for immediate construction. Under Israel's 2000 Master Plan for Jerusalem, settlement expansion and other land expropriation will continue toward full Judaization of the city.
Add to this violations of the right to food. In the West Bank, restricted access to range land and water have made 80% of communities in Israeli-controlled Area C (about 60% of the West Bank) food insecure, compared to 25% in the West Bank overall. In Gaza, however, it's much worse, affecting about 75% of the population. Everything is in short supply, including the most basic items like wheat, flour, rice, oil, fruits, vegetables, fish, and much more. As a result, prices have risen sharply, exacerbating an already dire situation, Israel having declared economic war on Palestine, in Gaza most of all.
Water denial is also grievous throughout the Territories even though "International cooperation requires States parties to refrain from actions that interfere, directly or indirectly, with the enjoyment of the right to water in other countries. Any activities undertaken should not deprive another country of the ability to realize the right to water for persons in its jurisdiction." In Occupied Palestine, the problem gets worse, not better, Israel flaunting its obligation.
In the West Bank, Israel uses 73% of aquifer water, all belonging to Palestinians, denied access to what's theirs. It's led to a sharp decline in living conditions. In Israeli-controlled areas, obtaining permits to repair or upgrade infrastructure face lengthy delays or denials. As a result, farmers can't water their fields, have it available for animals, or have access to it for their families. In Area C especially, water insecurity prevails.
Overall, tens of thousands of Palestinians in dozens of communities have no water network connection. Many others get inadequate supplies, and pay four to ten times the average cost for water supply service. Israel's Separation Wall exacerbates the problem, its construction having destroyed dozens of wells and hundreds of cisterns, as well as 35,000 meters of water pipes. Moreover, Israel will have full control of the richest, most important Western Aquifer, along the Green Line inside the West Bank, when construction is completed.
During Cast Lead, Israel destroyed water installations, the construction ban preventing vital repairs or rebuilding. Inadequate fuel for electricity hampers facilities needing it, including wastewater treatment ones. Unable to run regular cycles, an average of 20,000 cubic meters of raw sewage is dumped into the Mediterranean daily. In some areas, it's 70,000 - 80,000 cm at times, as well as other disposal in cities like Rafah, Beit Lahia and Khan Younis. Water contamination is thus a major problem. About 90% of Gaza's from its coastal aquifer is polluted under siege, unfit to drink or use for agriculture. "This is very clearly a criminal policy....violat(ing) ICESCR but also constitutes collective punishment."
Article 12: Right to Health
"The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health."
From conflict and under siege, they've declined markedly for Gazans, both access and quality. The war damaged 15 of 27 hospitals, 43 of 110 health care centers, and 29 of 148 ambulances. Nothing can be rebuilt or properly repaired. In addition, Israel prohibits medicines, medical equipment, and spare parts, including what's vital to save lives.
Around 110 medicines and 123 types of medical equipment are unavailable for import. In coming months, supplies of 76 other medicines will run out. As a result, acute shortages exist, Gazans denied their right to proper care. Moreover, electricity shortages cause regular blackouts, and without spare parts, Gaza Power Plant repairs aren't possible. As a result, patients face grave risks because vital services aren't available or may have to shut down at critical times.
In addition, under siege, free movement in and out is prevented, including for medical personnel and patients needing critical care Gaza facilities can't provide. Patients have, in fact, died waiting for permission to use Egyptian, Israeli, or better West Bank or East Jerusalem facilities.
Besides life threatening and other illnesses, chronic or acute, the UN Special Rapporteur reported that "96% of the population of Gaza suffers from depression and that such mental deterioration is itself an indication of a failure by the Occupying Power to discharge its basic duty to safeguard the health of civilians living under the occupation."
Article 13: Right to Education
"The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to education. They agree that education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity, and shall strengthen the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. They further agree that education shall enable all persons to participate in a free society."
For most other rights, realizing them depends on education. It's "the primary vehicle by which economically and socially marginalized adults and children can lift themselves out of poverty and obtain the means to participate fully in their communities."
Israel, however, impedes or denies it through various means, including movement restrictions, a classroom shortage, and relentless persecution, arresting over 6,000 children since 2000 and intimidating the entire Palestinian population.
Moreover, especially in Gaza, shortages of books and basic supplies exist. Foreign travel is also restricted or denied. In addition, military operations and displacements take their toll, including raids on hundreds of schools and eight or more universities, arresting students, teachers, professors, and/or other staff. Further, destroyed or damaged Gaza schools haven't been rebuilt or repaired.
A Final Comment
PCHR concluded saying its report isn't exhaustive, "but provides an overview of some of the grave human rights abuses suffered by Palestinians...." It urges CESCR to take "appropriate steps toward ending Israel's repeated violations of the economic, cultural and social rights in" Palestine. It also calls for ending Gaza's siege, and for international support to demand it, so far not forthcoming.
Moreover, Israel is seriously and repeatedly in breach of all the above enumerated rights, basic ones under ICESCR and other international laws. It puts a lie to saying it's "proud of its longstanding recognition of the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family."
It's one of many brazen Israeli lies. Only other offenders and uninformed people can accept them. For the truth, ask Palestinians, especially Gazans, suffocating under Israeli harshness, slow-motion genocide by any standard.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.
http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/the-progressive-news-hour/.exposing Israeli lies
The Russell Tribunal on Palestine: London Session - by Stephen Lendman
Launched in March 2009, "The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (RTP) seeks to reaffirm the primacy of international law as the (way to settle) the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." Its mandate focuses on "the enunciation of law by authoritative bodies," including International Court of Justice (ICJ) rulings and dozens of UN resolutions on Palestine with regard to binding international law.
RTP follows in the tradition of the BRussell Tribunal, named after noted philosopher, mathematician, and anti-war/anti-imperialism activist Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970). Established in 1967 to investigate Vietnam war crimes, RTP's mandate is similar, its Tribunals collecting and presenting indictable evidence against Israel, complicit states, and corporate war profiteers.
An earlier article on its Barcelona Session can be accessed through the following link:
RTP's November 20-21 London Session
Before convening, RTP listed issues to be addressed, including:
(1) corporate involvement in Occupied Palestine, including illegal settlement activities;
(2) foreign banks and other financial institutions illegally financing and profiting from occupation and settlement activities;
(3) foreign and Israeli companies supplying products and services in Occupied Palestine; in addition, Israeli ones exporting agricultural produce and other products from settlements and West Bank industrial zones; and
(4) foreign corporations selling arms and "the infrastructure of war, occupation, colonisation, and repression" in Occupied Palestine; in addition, Israeli companies that export arms, munitions, repressive hardware or knowledge globally.
As in Barcelona, distinguished jurors were assembled, their names and credentials listed below. In addition, expert witnesses were invited to give testimony.
A public statement followed its conclusion, RTP noting (in advance) the failure thus far to act on the Goldstone Report, adding that "a people's tribunal held in the full glare of publicity will serve to fill an apparent void in the international legal system." Perhaps also galvanize future action.
Proceeding like a court case, RTP "heard compelling evidence of corporate complicity in Israeli violations of international law, relating to:"
(1) supplying arms for illegal conflicts;
(2) building and maintaining Israel's Separation Wall, in violation of the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) 2004 ruling, calling it illegal, ordering completed sections dismantled, and "all legislative and regulatory acts relating thereto" repealed or rendered "ineffective forthwith;"
The ICJ also mandated reparations for the "requisition and destruction of homes, businesses, and agricultural holdings (and) to return the land, orchards, olive groves, and other immovable property seized," obligating member states to reject the illegal construction and demand Israel comply with international law.
Israel spurned the ruling, the way it treats all international law, operating roguishly out-of-control, just like its Washington paymaster partner.
(3) "Establishing, maintaining and providing services, especially financial (ones) to illegal settlements, all of which have occurred in the context of an illegal occupation of Palestinian territory."
RTP said witnesses provided clear evidence of corporate culpability, exposing them "to legal liability for very serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law."
RTP's March Barcelona Session also found EU member states complicit in Israeli lawlessness, including the illegal occupation, settlements, Separation Wall, Gaza siege, and repeated acts of aggression against Palestinian civilians and non-military targets, Cast Lead the clearest example.
RTP jurors were unequivocal saying "the international community is clearly in agreement that Israel is in flagrant disregard of its international obligations," adding that letting it continue is unacceptable. Israel's impunity, however, "set(s) it apart from the rest of the international community." Complicit corporations are just as culpable.
The London Session considered the following questions:
(1) What laws have corporations violated?
(2) What legal consequences do they face?
(3) What remedies are available, and what obligations do member states have to enforce them?
In early December, RTP's full London findings will be presented, its interim statement noting "the failure of states" to comply with their international law obligations. As a result, civil society acts instead, seeking vitally needed change. The growing boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement stands out for its importance, applying economic, political and cultural pressure on Israel to comply, or face painful consequences.
Corporations are also criminally involved. They can, and have been "the subject of citizen's movements that the RTP received evidence about, including:"
-- boycotts;
-- shareholders holding them accountable;
-- divestments by pension funds; and
-- various actions highlighting their complicity.
A previous article addressed the issue, accessed through the following link:
Civil society is doing plenty. It's time for states to do their part.
RTP invited 12 corporations and EU nations to London. All declined. Two additional sessions will keep highlighting their lawlessness. RTP's conclusions show at least some are criminally liable, including the following:
(1) G4S, a British/Danish corporation supplying West Bank checkpoints with scanning equipment and full body scanners;
(2) Elbit Systems, an Israeli company producing weapons technology, engines, and drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - UAVs) for the IDF and global militaries;
(3) Caterpillar, producing modified military D9 bulldozers, used to demolish homes and villages, build the Separation Wall, and aid in urban warfare; in all cases, property is illegally destroyed and civilian deaths and injuries result;
(4) Cement Roadstone Holdings, an Irish corporation owning 25% of Mashav Initiative and Development Ltd, an Israeli company owner of Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises Ltd; it supplies 75 - 90% of all cement Israel uses in Occupied Palestine, including for settlement construction and the Separation Wall;
(5) Dexia, a Franco/Belgian company financing West Bank settlements through its Dexia Israel Public Finance Ltd;
(6) Veolia Transport, a French corporation involved in building East Jerusalem's light railway and operating bus services to Israeli settlements; and
(7) Carmel Agrexco, an Israeli company exporting oranges, olives, avocados, and other West Bank settlement produce.
G4S, Elbit Systems and Caterpillar actually promote their equipment usage during Cast Lead, contributing to massive destruction, loss of life, and serious injuries.
The evidence heard may be used in civil damage suits. It also shows complicity in crimes of war and against humanity, as well as pillaging natural resources. The Tribunal's full conclusions will offer detailed examples of potential litigation, as well as "highlight(ing) and encourag(ing) civil society/BDS actions that can achieve corporate accountability."
Two more Tribunals are planned. The third 2011 one in South Africa will address the applicability of Israeli apartheid. After the fourth session in America, later in the year, full conclusions and a final judgment will be published.
RTP Jurors
(1) Stephane Hessel, Ambassador of France, Honorary President of the RTP, France;
(2) Northern Ireland's Mairead Corrigan Maguire, 1976 Nobel Peace Laureate, a rare worthy recipient;
(3) South Africa's John Dugard, Professor of International Law and former UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories;
(4) Lord Anthony Gifford QC, UK barrister and Jamaican attorney at law;
(5) South Africa's Ronald Kasrils, writer, activist and former government minister;
(6) Britain's Michael Mansfield, barrister and President of the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers;
(7) Spain's Jose Antonio Martin Pallin, emeritus judge, Chamber II, Supreme Court; and
(8) America's Cynthia McKinney, former congressional member and 2008 Green party presidential candidate.
Committed for peace, equity and justice, RTP provides heroic support for Palestine. More information can be found on its web site, accessed through the following link:
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.
http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/the-progressive-news-hour/.working for peace, equity and justice
The world's largest solidarity mural is nearing completion in Olympia, WA, the home of ISM activist Rachel Corrie. The 4000 square foot mural depicts a giant olive tree festooned with over 150 "talking" leaves, each one representing a solidarity organization or activist project including images by Palestinian artists including Vera Tamari, Ziad Deeb and Sliman Mansour, activist groups like Bi'lin Popular Committee, Anarchists Against the Wall, Zochrot and others from the US and elsewhere including incarcerated Native American, Leonard Peltier. At the base of the olive tree the separation wall is flying apart under the force of a giant Hokusai styled ocean wave. Olympia is the capitol of the state of Washington and is located an hour south of Seattle.
Second and third phases of the project are planned to include a mural in Rafah and web-based ghost maps of the social justice histories of Olympia and Rafah - two cities joined by the death and life of solidarity activist Rachel Corrie.
The project honors Rachel's vision of international solidarity and is cosponsored by the Gaza Community Mental Health Program, the International Trauma Treatment Program, MECA/Middle East Children's Alliance, The Rachel Corrie Foundation and the Break The Silence Mural Project.
As the civil trial in the case of the death of Rachel Corrie continues in Haifa - in which Rachel Corrie's family hopes to hold the Israeli government accountable for Rachel's death in Rafah, Gaza, an audio component is being added for each of the giant olive tree's leaves. You can listen to the leaves on-line or in person via cell-phone. For more information go to www.olympiarafahmural.org.
Tour to 'Eilabun // Saturday, 30.10.2010 // For the first time, Zochrot participated in 'Eilabun's annual commemoration of the murder of 29 villagers and members of the al- Mawasi tribe. Israeli soldiers murdered them on Saturday, 30.10.1948
to the full report
For the first time, Zochrot participated in 'Eilabun’s annual commemoration of the murder of 29 villagers and members of the al- Mawasi tribe. Israeli soldiers murdered them on Saturday, 30.10.1948. The 'Eilabun villagers suffered through the massacre, the expulsion to Lebanon, the looting of the village and their eventual return, and these very traumatic events continue to affect them today.
The anger and pain were evident during the memorial procession and other events organized by the villagers. On the other hand, almost no one in Israel knows what happened here, or has heard about it. The ''Eilabun massacre is one of the worst incidents that occurred during the Palestinian Nakba, itself almost absent from Israeli consciousness. Zochrot wants to make information about the Palestinian Nakba, including the story of 'Eilabun, accessible to Israelis.
We brought Israelis to the commemoration. This was the first time in their lives they’d heard the story told by survivors. We also placed wreaths at the two village monuments, published and distributed to participants a booklet, “Remembering the Nakba in 'Eilabun,” in Arabic and Hebrew, and included the information on our internet site. Twenty-five Israelis joined some 200 residents of 'Eilabun in the sorrowful, emotional ceremony. At the first memorial, in the al- Mawasi cemetery, a woman standing by the monument asked the speaker to read aloud the inscribed names of those who had been murdered
جولة في عيلبون // 30.10.2010 // شاركت جمعية "زوخروت" بإحياء ذكرى مجزرة عيلبون. يوم السبت 30.10.1948 قام جنود إسرائيليون باحتلال القرية، تجميع السكان في الساحة المركزية، طرد غالبيتهم إلى لبنان، قتل اثني عشر شاباً منهم بدم بارد، قتل اثنين آخريين بإطلاق نار عشوائي على المواطنين.
סיור בעילבון // שבת 30.10.2010 // זוכרות הצטרפה, בפעם הראשונה, לאירוע שמתקיים מידי שנה בעילבון לזכר רציחתם של 29 תושבים של עילבון ושבט אלמואסי. חיילים ישראלים רצחו אותם בשבת 30.10.1948.
לדיווח המלא
זוכרות הצטרפה, בפעם הראשונה, לאירוע שמתקיים מידי שנה בעילבון לזכר רציחתם של 29 תושבים של עילבון ושבט אלמואסי. חיילים ישראלים רצחו אותם בשבת 30.10.1948. הטבח בעילבון, גירוש ללבנון, ביזת הרכוש וחזרת התושבים לכפר, נחוו אז ועדיין נחווים כאירוע טראומתי קשה בתודעת התושבים. תחושת הכעס והכאב הייתה נוכחת באויר התהלוכה וטקסי הזכרון שקיים הוועד העממי בעילבון. לעומת זאת, כמעט כל הציבור הישראלי לא ידע ולא שמע על אירועי הכפר הזה. טבח עילבון הוא אחד המקרים הקשים שאירעו במהלך הנכבה הפלסטינית העלומה מתודעתם של הישראלים.
זוכרות רוצה להנגיש את המידע אודות הנכבה הפלסטינית, כמו הסיפור של עילבון, לציבור הישראלי. זוכרות הביאה לטקס בעילבון ישראלים ששמעו בפעם הראשונה בחייהם את הסיפור מפי ניצולים, הניחה זרים ליד שתי האנדרטאות בכפר, הוציאה לאור וחילקה למשתתפים באירוע חוברת "זוכרות את הנכבה בעילבון" בערבית ועברית, והעלתה את המידע לאתר האינטרנט שלה. 25 ישראלים חברו לכ- 200 תושבים מעילבון בטקס כואב ומרגש. ליד האנדרטה הראשונה בבית הקברות של שבט אלמואסי, עמדה אשה שביקשה ממנחה הטקס לקרוא באוזניה את שמותיהם של הנרצחים הרשומים על לוח השיש בבית הקברות. 15 שמות היו שם. עם הישמע כל שם היא הוציאה קולות של בכי ומלמלה כמה מלים. שניים מהם היו אחים שלה. את כל השאר היא הכירה, הרי כולם בני שבט אחד. ליד האנדרטה השנייה בבית הקברות המרכזי הנוצרי של עילבון התקיים טקס נוסף ותפילות לזכרם של 14 נרצחים נוספים.
In 2007, the Supreme Court ruled - while ignoring the advisory ruling of theInternational Court of Justice in The Hague - that the path of the separation fence, on the land of the Palestinian village Bil'in, was disproportionate, and had to be moved westward. Only in February 2010 did the IDF start construction according to the new route, and now a wall has been built instead of a fence. Previously, some 2,300 dunums (dunum = 1000 sq.m) were on the other side of the fence, now, about 1,500 will be on the other side of the Wall.
Due to the popular struggle of Bil'in’s residents against the fence and robbery of their land, the IDF has been invading the village during the evening and night. Sometimes they come to arrest someone, sometimes just to spread fear. During some invasions stun and teargas grenades are thrown, and rubber bullets shot, and these cause nightmares to the children of Bil'in. Last week seven such invasions occurred.
Questions & queries: amosg@shefayim.org.il
ב-2007 פסק בג"צ – תוך התעלמות מחוות הדעת המייעצת של בית הדין בהאג – כי תוואי הגדר על אדמות בילעין אינו מידתי, וכי יש להעבירו מערבה. רק בפברואר 2010 החל צה"ל לבנות לפי התוואי החדש, אלא שעכשיו בונים חומה במקום גדר. אם קודם היו כ-2300 דונם מאדמות בילעין מעבר לגדר, עכשיו יהיו כ-1500 דונם מעבר לחומה.
על רקע המאבק העממי של תושבי בילעין נגד הגדר וגזל אדמותיהם, נוהג צה"ל לפלוש לכפר בשעות הערב והלילה. לפעמים באים לעצור מישהו, ולפעמים באים להטיל מורא. בחלק מהפלישות זורקים רימוני הלם ורימוני גז, ויורים כדורי גומי, תוך גרימת סיוטי לילה לילדי בילעין. רק בשבוע האחרון היו שבע פלישות כאלה.
שאלות וברורים: amosg@shefayim.org.il
Unrecognized Palestinians: Illegally Demolishing Their Homes and Villages - by Stephen Lendman
In October, the Adalah Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, together with nine other human rights organizations, addressed a position paper on "The unconstitutionality of the state's policy of demolishing Arab Bedouin unrecognized villages in the Negev" to three Israeli officials:
-- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
-- Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein, and
-- Minister of Justice Yaakov Neeman.
Citing the illegality of home demolitions, in this case of Arab Israeli citizens, they urged halting them immediately and finding a durable solution for unrecognized village residents. In Salim Abu- Medeghem v. The Israel Land Administration (April 14, 2007), Israel's High Court proposed replacing demolitions with solutions based on dialogue, Justice Arbel ruling:
"....the difficult reality the Bedouin population faces in the State of Israel requires a systemic, complete and comprehensive solution, and the sooner the better...The time has come to formulate and implement a truly comprehensive solution to this problem."
An earlier article addressed this issue, accessed through the following link:
It explained that Israeli Arabs live mainly in all-Arab towns and villages in three heartlands - the Galilee in the north; what's called the "Little Triangle" in the center along the Israeli side of the Green Line; and the Negev in the south.
Up to 150,000 Bedouin Arabs, Israeli citizens, live in so-called "unrecognized villages," mainly in the Galilee and Negev. They're unrecognized because their residents are considered internal refugees, forced from their homes during Israel's War of Independence and prevented from returning. Thereafter, they've been relentlessly mistreated, including by repressive zoning restrictions, prohibiting construction, agriculture, and other legal rights.
They're also been denied essential services, including water, electricity, roads, transport, sanitation, education, healthcare, postal and telephone service, refuse removal and more because under Israel's Planning and Construction Law they're illegal. More recently, stepped up efforts to demolish their homes and villages are dispossessing them, making way for Jewish development, much like what's ongoing throughout the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Adalah and the other human rights organizations want it stopped. Negev Bedouins number around 80,000. After earlier concentrating them in the desert's eastern portion, a policy of reducing their living space began in the 1990s. Today, Israel wants to remove as many as possible, disregarding their basic rights.
Since 1948, Israeli master plans completely ignored the unrecognized villages, denying their residents rights afforded Jews. The ongoing injustice continues relentlessly, today pursuing a policy of destroying entire villages, forcible displacements then following.
Examples include Al-Araqib. On July 27, 2010, at 4:30AM, the whole village was razed, its 45 homes demolished, illegal force used against men, women and children. Without warning, police stormed the village, wearing face masks and no IDs. Income Tax Authority representatives came with them, lawlessly seizing assets, purportedly to cover unverified debts.
The episode was appalling, leaving residents traumatized, their homes razed in front of their eyes, their possessions seized, and no alternative housing provided. After rebuilding four times, authorities again destroyed them.
Umm al-Hieran - Atir is home to about 1,100 Bedouins, evacuation and expulsion orders pending against them on grounds of trespassing. As a result, many village homes got demolition orders. Residents have lived there since 1956 after members of the Abu al-Qi'an tribe were expelled from Wadi Zuballa (today part of the Kibbutz Shoval). However, according to various master plans, part of their village is earmarked for a Jewish town to be called Hiran.
Al-Sura is another example, situated on Al-Nasasra tribe land, predating Israel's creation. All village houses got demolition orders, their land to be stolen for industrial development excluding them.
In August 2010, demolitions occurred in Jarabe, Abda, Abu al-Sulab, Al-Shihabi (Abu Tulul) and Baqurnub. There and in other villages, the practice has been longstanding. However, 2010 saw a dramatic rise, by early October destroying over 200 homes, properties and other possessions confiscated. Moreover, hundreds of olive trees were uprooted and agricultural crops destroyed.
More information can be found at the Negev Coexistence Forum's web site, accessed through the following link:
Israel's Lawless Disregard for Its Arab Minority
Home demolitions violate their legal rights to dignity, housing, health and life, mistreatment Israel Jews don't face. Loss of their homes also violates a Supreme Court ruling that the right to housing is part of their minimal subsistence. It's therefore part of their legal right to dignity.
In Preminger v. Mor (1997), Justice Strasberg-Cohen held that:
"human dignity is a fundamental constitutional value in our society. No one would dispute that it is necessary to safeguard a person's dignity even if he has failed or fallen into debt, and that he should not be left without a roof over his head."
In Ajouri v. Commander of IDF Forces in the West Bank (2002), the Court held that "A person's home is not only a roof over his head, but also a means for the physical and social location of the person, of his private life and social relations."
Moreover, since Bedouin life is especially harsh, authorities have an added responsibility to ensure shelter. In Commitment to Peace and Social Justice NGO v. The Minister of Finance (2005), the Court ruled that dignity included the right to minimal living conditions to ensure protection for human life. As such, the state is duty bound to care for those with meager means. Retired Chief Justice Barak ruled:
"The basic laws protect the right to dignity, including the aspect of material subsistence required for the exercise of (this right). From this viewpoint, (that entails) the right to conduct his normal life as a human being without his distress defeating him and bringing him to a state of intolerable impoverishment."
International laws also affirm these rights, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. ICESCR's Article 11 defines elements to adequate housing to include:
-- affordability, so that obtaining it doesn't jeopardize other essential needs;
-- a prohibition against discriminatory laws;
-- the right to privacy;
-- protection from arbitrary eviction;
-- accessibility to infrastructure and services, including health, education, and employment;
-- the right to choose residency locations; and
-- to live in culturally adaptable housing.
Other international laws specify rights for women and children, and for authorities to assure them. Evicting Bedouin Arabs and demolishing the homes and villages, based on their nationality and religion, clearly violates their rights under Israeli and international law. Worse still, it's being done solely for Jewish development, showing contempt for Arab citizens, violating basic human rights and freedoms.
Jewish Hiran will replace Umm al-Hieran. Al-Araqib will be demolished for Givot Barr. In addition, individual Jewish settlements are being approved, some in violation of planning policy. For example, in July 2010, a Negev Development Authority Law amendment passed, recognizing Negev Jewish settlers, master plans for them to follow. As a result, Bedouin rights will be trashed, fundamental laws violated, even though as Dr. Sandy Kedar explains:
Negev Bedouins are a recognized indigenous minority, their historical existence and presence predating Israel's existence. Their land and property rights are indisputable. Israel's Basic Law affirms them, requiring authorities to protect them as well as other basic rights.
Israel's Or Commission, established in October 2000, recommended that Bedouin villages be recognized and developed, saying:
"The land conflict has existed since the first days of the state....The Arab public strongly supports and identifies with the Bedouin's stance." Though Israeli citizens, their "villages are not recognized (and) have not been provided with infrastructure and services....The vast majority of residents of the unrecognized villages were required to move to a number of central towns that were planned for them....Several public associations have formed to" protect them." They deserve equitable conflict resolution.
In 2007, Israel's Housing and Construction minister appointed the Goldberg Committee to resolve this issue. On November 11, 2008, the Committee recommended that all Negev Bedouin villages be recognized. In addition, Bedouin citizens should be granted land ownership rights.
On January 18, 2009, authorities then approved Decision No. 4411, deciding that it "regards the outline proposed by the committee as a basis for resolving the settlement of the Bedouin in the Negev." Then, in June 2010, the "Investigator's Recommendations Regarding the Objections to District Master Plan 23-1404 - A Partial District Master Plan for the Beersheva Metropolitan Area" was published. It also recommended recognition.
In July 2010, the UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) issued its "Concluding Observations" on Israel's third periodic report, expressing concern about home demolitions and forced evictions. HRC called on Israel to respect Bedouin rights to their land and agricultural livelihoods on it.
The UN CERD Committee, responsible for monitoring the state's implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination expressed concern in June 2007 over Israeli violations, saying Bedouin village and land rights must be recognized.
In 2005, the UN CEDAW Committee, responsible for monitoring states' implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women expressed outrage over how Bedouin women were being treated.
In 2002, the UN CAT Committee, responsible for monitoring the state's implementation of the International Convention Against Torture (CAT), determined that Israel's home demolition and displacement policy constituted, in some cases, cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment, violating the statute.
Adalah attorney Sawsan Zaher asked the above addressed officials to halt their aggressive policies, replacing them with constructive dialogue for acceptable solutions. International and Israeli law demand it. As in the past on all Jewish/Muslim issues, they were unresponsive. As a result, Israeli lawlessness continues relentlessly, the rule of law a non-starter, Bedouin Arab citizens victimized like other Israeli Arabs and Occupied Palestinians, justice for them still denied.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.
http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/the-progressive-news-hour/.actions against Israeli citizens
Ethnically Cleansing East Jerusalem - by Stephen Lendman
Jerusalem is the epicenter of a decades long struggle. For Jews, it's politically important as their capital, a national and religious center, as well as symbolic of Judaism's revival and prominence. For Christians, it's where Jesus lived and died, and for Muslims, it's their third holiest site (the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa Mosque) after Mecca's Sacred Mosque and the Mosque of the Prophet in Madina.
In June 1967, Israel occupied the city. On July 30, 1980, the Knesset introduced the Jerusalem Law, officially annexing it as Israel's unified capital. However, on March 1, 1980, UN Security Council Resolution 465 declared that:
"all measures taken by Israel to change the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, or any part thereof, have no legal validity and that Israel's policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in those territories constitute a flagrant (Fourth Geneva) violation....and also constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East."
On July 4, 2004, the International Court of Justice (ICC) ruled that "Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territory, including East Jerusalem, are illegal and an obstacle to peace and to economic and social development (and) have been established in breach of international law."
However, nothing thereafter changed. Settlements expanded exponentially, including on stolen East Jerusalem land. Israel plans to Judaize it by replacing Arabs with Jews, law or no law, because unenforced ones are meaningless.
On November 7, Haaretz writer Nir Hasson headlined, "Full Haaretz expose/How the state helped right-wing groups settle East Jerusalem," saying:
Israel "used a controversial law to transfer East Jerusalem assets to the rightist organizations Elad and Ateret Cohanim without a tender, and at very low prices."
To date, Elad settled 500 Jews in 15 Silwan sites. Ateret Cohanim brought 60 Jewish families and hundreds of yeshiva students to the Old City's Muslim Quarter, an area they're determined to control.
In support, Israel transferred hundreds of assets to them, as well as millions of shekels for security, including surveillance cameras and fences that separate settlers from Palestinians. Authorities also licensed Elad to manage the historic City of David tourist site.
In 1992, the Knesset passed a law requiring all state agencies to hold public tenders on which any citizen may bid, with certain defined exemptions, including expanding agricultural areas and promoting tourism. However, Elad and Ateret Cohahim were "exempted from tender" for all 11 assets they got, authorities abusing the 1950 Absentee Property Law to do it.
It pertains to persons "who, at any time during the period between (November 29, 1947) and (May 19, 1948) ceased to exist," and no longer owned Israeli property legally. However, at least for some of the 11 seized assets, owners live in the West Bank, "which is not under the jurisdiction of Israeli law."
Attorney Shlomo Lecker, involved in one of the cases, said: "These are not people who moved to an enemy country. Instead, these are cases in which we've decided to annex property without annexing the people who left it. Thus, two attorneys general recommended that this law not be applied to East Jerusalem."
Haaretz's full expose can be accessed through the following link:
Ethnically Cleaning Silwan
Silwan is an Arab village adjacent to Jerusalem's Old City, extending along the Kidron Valley alongside the eastern slopes of Jabal al-Mukaber, another Arab community. Home to about 45,000 people, it's one of 28 Palestinian villages incorporated into East Jerusalem. For years, settler encroachment fueled controversy and conflict. So does the area's historical importance, archeology used for displacement to legitimize Jewish claims.
Excavations have already claimed large tracts of Silwan land. The militant right-wing settler group Elad, funded largely by US donors, controls them. Its web site tells its own version of history. It also conducts tours to convince visitors of its Jewish origin.
For their part, Palestinians are contesting, explaining their important history. Different versions fuel conflict, Haaretz writers Nir Hasson and Jonathan Lis, on October 12 headlining, "Life in Silwan: Unbearable for Jews and Palestinians alike," saying:
"The pattern of Jewish settlement (there) is unlike anywhere else, with some 70 Jewish families (around 500 people) in 15 locations, islands among tens of thousands of Palestinians. The resulting friction requires the presence of dozens of security guards and surveillance cameras."
Palestinians complain about their presence and heavy-handed police tactics. The Association of Civil Rights in Israel said settlers carry weapons, Jewish/Arab relations thus tense over shootings, deaths and arrests. Moreover, Palestinian homes are being demolished for planned parks, open spaces, restaurants, boutique hotels, and Jewish-only housing.
Al-Bustan is a Silwan neighborhood, across from the Jerusalem's Old City. Home to about 1,500 residents, they're threatened with displacement, the Municipality of Jerusalem claiming no permits were issued to build in areas designated for open space and a archeological park.
On February 22, 2009, they were ordered out in 72 hours to make way for expanding Israel's City of David archeological site, a Jewish heritage project involving removing Palestinians whose history goes back centuries. Residents contested their right to stay, the Al Bustan Popular Committee (BPC) working with lawyers in Israeli courts. Nonetheless, demolition orders are issued and in other city neighborhoods, part of Israel's systematic Judaization process.
In October, police posted notices on five Al-Bustan homes, calling them illegal and subject to demolition. In addition, BPC's leader, Fakhri Abu Diab, said "a large force of Israeli border guards ransacked the area, using homes as vantage points to fire tear gas canisters, stun grenades, and rubber bullets in all directions" after protests broke out.
Many Silwan homes have been demolished, many more threatened. Moreover, residents are regularly attacked, prompting protests and clashes. B'Tselem explained that East Jerusalem Palestinians face discriminatory housing and construction policies, forcing them to build without permits (on their own land), thereby subjecting them to demolitions. Protests, violence and arrests follow, children affected like adults.
On October 25, Palestine Monitor writer Charlotte Silver headlined, "Children The New Target In Silwan Ethnic Cleansing Campaign," saying:
Daily, "Jerusalem police and security forces have filled the streets of Silwan....patrolling (them) on foot and in cars. This past week alone," 23 residents were arrested, including at least six children, aged eight to 12. The charges are always the same - stone throwing, whether or not true. Yet they're arrested, detained, beaten, terrorized and tortured like adults. In some cases, serious injuries result, requiring hospitalization.
Defence for Children International/Palestine (DCI) Section Report
In October, DCI issued a Detention Bulletin headlined, "Mass arrests in Silwan, East Jerusalem," saying:
Information on the arrest of 17 Silwan children was collected, "although lawyers and fieldworkers for DCI-Palestine estimate that the overall number of children arrested....in October is considerably higher."
In recent weeks, confrontations between Palestinians and settlers, their private security guards, and police escalated. Further tensions erupted over plans to displace Al-Bustan residents for a recreation park. Children are always affected. Hundreds are arrested annually, some as young as or younger than 12. Nearly always it's for stone throwing, yet they're detained in violation of Fourth Geneva's Article 76, requiring minors be given special treatment, besides other provisions to safeguard protected persons.
In October, 256 children were arrested, aged 12 - 15. Prosecutions and detentions usually follow. Bara' R., aged 13, is typical. On October 13, he was arrested in Silwan for throwing stones.
"At around 5:00PM, (he) was standing in front of his sister's house with some friends when they were attacked by 10 men in plain clothes, who were apparently Israeli security forces. (He) then reports being dragged into a nearby mosque by the men. (They) started firing weapons and tear gas at people outside the mosque. Baha's hand were tied behind his back and his shirt was pulled up over his eyes to prevent him from seeing."
"A short time later, (he) was put in an Israeli military vehicle and kicked and slapped." He was then transferred to Al Mascobiyya interrogation center in Jerusalem for questioning. Baha confessed "because I was so terrified because they beat me when they arrested me and because I was alone in the interrogation room."
He was luckier than others. At 11:00PM, he was released and fined 5,000 shekels, about $1,400, a huge sum for poor Palestinians, perhaps too much to pay, meaning their property or possessions may be taken instead.
DCI/Palestine covered several other arrests. In all cases, children were accused of stone throwing. Their hands were painfully shackled behind their backs. They were dragged, beaten, forced to confess and sign documents in Hebrew, denied food, water and toilet privileges for long periods, and overall terrorized during interrogations. Some were fined and released, others detained.
On October 15, police and Silwan residents clashed. About 15 Palestinians were injured, including one child. Most were struck by rubber-coated bullets, able to cause injuries and at times kill.
"According to local sources, the confrontations took place after Israeli forces fired tear gas canisters at worshippers" during prayer time. Residents threw rocks in response. "In a related incident, Israeli border police officers physically assaulted and injured a man at a flying checkpoint erected at one of Silwan's entrances." He was taking his son to the hospital, suffering from pepper gas inhalation.
On October 23, DCI/Palestine sent a 14 page report to the EU Subcommittee on Human Rights on how Palestinian children are treated in detention. It highlighted "the continued use of ill-treatment and torture during the arrest and interrogation" process.
Other information included:
-- international law violations;
-- evidence that over 42% of children are held with adults;
-- over half receive inadequate food, water and shelter;
-- most are denied family visits during the first three months of detention;
-- telephone privileges are prohibited; and
-- most are subjected to torture and other forms of abuse.
A Final Comment
Israel's long range Jerusalem plan is total Judaization, making the city its exclusive capital, denying the Palestinians rightful claim to its eastern portion for its own. As a result, ethnic cleansing systematically continues, villages like Silwan targeted by home demolitions, dispossessions, and assaults against residents defending their land and property.
In some ways they do it creatively. In 2008 for example, when 88 houses were ordered demolished for a City of David archeological park, residents erected a large tent for prayer, meetings, children's activities, and community events. In October, Jimmy Carter met with village leaders in it. Last year, the Wadi Hilwah Information Center was established to counter settler propaganda with its own historical narrative.
Determined, sustained, organized resistance is the best antidote to repression and injustice, what Palestinians have heroically done for decades, including the men, women, and children of Silwan.
In her August 18, 2010 Palestine Monitor article, Elena Hogan's title described it metaphorically headlining, "When David Becomes Goliath." In fact, long struggles at times end that way. Why not in Silwan, in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, occupation-free self-determination an achievable goal.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.
http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/the-progressive-news-hour/.Judaizing East Jerusalem
Stonewalling Goldstone - by Stephen Lendman
On September 15, 2009, the UN Human Rights Council's (HRC) Goldstone Commission issued its findings on Cast Lead, Israel's war of aggression against Gaza, inflicting enormous loss of life, thousands of injuries, massive human suffering, and vast destruction, despite no provocation or threat to Israeli security.
The Commission concluded that "there is evidence indicating serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law committed by Israel during the Gaza conflict, and that Israel committed actions amounting to war crimes, and possibly crimes against humanity."
Notably the Commission said:
"While the Israeli Government has sought to portray its operations as essentially a response to rocket attacks in the exercise of its right of self defence, the Mission considers the plan to have been directed, at least in part, at a different target: the people of Gaza as a whole." Defensive rocket attacks in response to repeated Israeli provocations were, in fact, a pretext for naked aggression.
On September 27, 2009, Haaretz writer Nathan Guttman headlined, "Israel, US working to limit damage of Goldstone report," saying:
"Because of joint efforts, it's all but certain the report will not reach any binding international forums." With US help, Israel was obstructionist all along, refusing to cooperate in the investigation, including by preventing Goldstone from entering Israel. Its "drive to counter the report began moments" after its release, blasting it as biased and pressing Washington to block Security Council action.
The last refuge of an exposed scoundrel is lying, an Israeli speciality. In this case. Jonathan Peled, spokesman of Israel's Washington Embassy, said report conclusions carry a hidden danger for "every country fighting terror. We need to make sure this report does not endanger the US and other countries."
More as well from Israel's Finance Minister, Yuval Steinitz, denouncing Goldstone (a distinguished Jewish jurist) as anti-Semitic, despite his longtime support of Israel. He also serves on the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's board of governors.
The US State Department also responded, spokesman Ian Kelly citing "overly sweeping conclusions of fact and law with respect to Israel," while failing to challenge its findings.
Shortly before the HRC voted to endorse Goldstone's report, the PA bowed to US and Israeli pressure to defer voting until March 2010. At the time, calls for Abbas' resignation were heard, to no avail.
Netanyahu said referring the report to the International Criminal Court (ICC) would stop the peace process, another willful deception. Moreover, Washington told Jewish leaders that America would use its Security Council veto to block the report's "difficulties," assuring absolution for Israel's war crimes like previous ones for decades.
On October 19, 2009, the 47-member HRC approved a resolution endorsing Israeli war crimes charges, voting 25 in favor, six against, 11 abstentions, and five no-shows. Predictably, no votes were cast by America, four EU member states (Italy, the Netherlands, Hungary and Slovakia), and Ukraine. Heavy Washington pressure got support from countries dependent on US political, economic or military aid to buy Israel as much cover as possible.
Accountability Again Obstructed
On September 21, 2010 in Geneva, an HRC statement said:
"It was clear to the Committee that the IDF had not distinguished between civilians and civilian objects and military targets. Both the loss of life and the damage to property were disproportionate to the harm suffered by Israel or any threatened harm. Israel's actions could not be justified as self-defense....The IDF was responsible for the crime of killing, wounding and terrorizing civilians (as well as) wonton(ly) destr(oying) property and that such destruction could not be justified on grounds of military necessity."
The HRC called IDF crimes so grave, "it was compelled to consider whether (genocide) had been committed." Its conclusion was that Israel "committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and, possibly genocide in the course of Operation Cast Lead."
On September 29, 2010, in spite of overwhelming, incontrovertible evidence, Mahmoud Abbas again bowed to US/Israeli pressure, instructing his permanent Geneva Human Rights Council envoy, Ibrahim Khraishi, to request more time for further investigations. As a result, a passed resolution got six more months, the strategy being delay, obstruct, and keep the report buried in Geneva, out of sight and mind.
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) denounced Khraishi, saying he's:
"holding justice hostage to politics, and extending de facto impunity to the Israeli military and political leadership." By getting the HRC to agree to more delay, he sent "a dangerous message" that what happened in Gaza....is acceptable. With such impunity, there is no guarantee for Palestinians that these crimes will not be repeated."
In fact, they're assured by granting blanket immunity for daily crimes of war and against humanity throughout Palestine. With no accountability, they've continued unchecked.
A previous article explained the PA recommendation for whitewash, accessed through the following link:
It asked who do they serve anyway, absolving crimes against Palestinian civilians, causing massive human suffering and vast destruction, leveling wide areas of Gaza unrelated to military necessity.
Mahmoud Abbas capitulated, betraying his people again. It's the same role he's played at least since Oslo when as chief Palestinian negotiator he agreed to surrender Palestinian land, their legitimate rights, and end opposition resistance. Then as president, became a coup d'etat leader, collaborating for aid and special favors.
His earlier betrayal got PA economy minister, Bassem Khoury, to resign in protest. PA minister for Jerusalem affairs, Hatem Abdel-Qader, also left, saying his government failed to resist home demolitions, explaining:
"I prefer not to be part of such a government and continue enjoying personal and financial gains, and quit instead."
Moreover, 16 human rights organizations condemned the PA's latest action, a joint statement demanding accountability after decades of impunity, one passage saying:
"The belief that accountability and the rule of law can be brushed aside in the pursuit of peace is misguided. (Sustainable) peace can only be built on human rights, on justice, and the rule of law....As human rights organizations, we strongly condemn the Palestinian leadership's decision to defer the proposal of the international community. Such pressure is in conflict with States international obligations, and is an insult to the Palestinian people."
Signatories included the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, Physicians for Human Rights/Israel, Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, Addamer, Defense for Children International/Palestine Section, Adalah, Al Haq, Arab Association for Human Rights, among others.
A Final Comment
Goldstone's report isn't dead, but it's on life support. Nonetheless, HRC's Committee of Experts remains active, headed by John Dugard, former UN Special Human Rights Rapporteur for Occupied Palestine. However, whether or not it will matter is worrisome, given forces for delay, obstruct and whitewash in control. Wresting it from them may prove insurmountable, but serious efforts must be made to try. Otherwise, predictable consequences will follow, assuring violence, unaccountability and injustice.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.
http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/the-progressive-news-hour/.trying to suppress the findings
When I was a student at the University of Connecticut (here in America) I became the target of group harassment. The harassment was based on racial profiling because of my race, and my participation in an act of student protest from 1990. The harassment at UConn (the University of Connecticut) happened between 2003 and 2006 while I was matriculated as a student in landscape architecture. As in many cases of harassment, no matter what the reason, most of the people participating were ignorant as to all the facts of why it was being done, and some just were enthusiastic about participating in the behavior itself.
מה נאמר ומה נגיד, עכשיו הם הגיעו אלינו. עכשיו הם כבר כאן, והחליטו לחסל גם אותנו. ברור שהוצאת החוזה על ראשנו אינה אלא בגדר רצון קיקיוני בלבד, אך ההיסטוריה כבר לימדה אותנו שרצון יכול גם להפוך לתוצאה סופית, ורעיון הזוי עשוי להפוך לגחמה לאומית.
נבהיר את הנושא. השבוע הותקף כותב שורות אלו, בדבר חלקו בשיח הציבורי השמאל רדיקלי. ההתקפה בוצעה איך לא ע"י מספר גורמי תקשורת ביניהם חדשות ערוץ 2 ואתר האינטרנט "ערוץ 7". האחרונים החליטו כי יש לכוון את כלל הכלים נגד פובליציסטים בעלי השקפות פוליטיות שונות מרוב הקונצנזוס הציבורי. כן, בעלי השקפות שמאלניות.
ועל מה בוכייה ציון? על שרבוב תמונתו של אדולף היטלר, שפורסם באחד מאתרי השמאל, לצד המאמר שלי בנושא "פריצת ליברמן". בתמונה הופיע כאמור הצורר הנאצי אדולף היטלר, כשבתוכה הכיתוב מקמפיין הבחירות של ליברמן – "ליברמן – הולכים על בטוח". למותר לציין שלכותב שורות אלו לא הייתה יד ורגל בהכנסת תמונה זו לצד מאמרי המבקר בצורה ביקורתית את התנהלותו של שר החוץ הישראלי, וכן הסכנה הטמונה בעתיד לבוא באם ליברמן יהיה ראש ממשלת ישראל.
גורמי התקשורת הנ"ל באו פליאה וכעס על העובדה שהעזו להשוות דמוקרט ופעיל זכויות כמו ליברמן, לדמות כמו הצורר הנאצי אדולף היטלר, אשר ידוע כאדם המתנגד לזכויות מיעוט, וזכור ככזה אשר נלחם נגד זכויות היהודים באמצעות חקיקה פשיסטית, כשבסופה הנורא החקיקה אף הפכה לכדי השמדת היהודים ונפילת גרמניה כולה. כמובן שאין לליברמן שום קשר לכל זאת, הוא מעולם לא קרא לחוקק חוקי גזע ונאמנות, הוא גם מעולם לא התבטא נגד בני מיעוטים, ומעולם אבל מעולם לא קרא לגרשם מהארץ.
לכן כשפרסמנו באתר הארגון שלנו, סלון דבורה, את התייחסותנו לשימוש בתמונה הנ"ל בהקשר ליברמן ע"י אותו אתר שמאלי שאירח את מאמרי, טענו כי היה אפשר להימנע מכך ולעשות שימוש בתמונתה של מייסדת אתר ערוץ 7, הרבנית שולמית מלמד או לחלופין להשוות את ליברמן ליעקב כ"ץ מהאיחוד הלאומי, אשר ניחנים בפשיזם לאומני לא פחות מהיטלר והמפלגה הנאצית. הרי כמו שנאמר: עניי עמך קדמו. היה אפשר לעשות שימוש כחול לבן ולא להרחיק לכת עד אמא ברלין.
אם נעזוב לרגע את הציניות ונתרכז בעיקר, הרי שאם באמת ליברמן הוא היטלר, ורוצים אנו להפיל את הרייך הציוני, הרי שיש חובה לתמוך בליברמן לראשות הממשלה. ליברמן ואנשי מפלגתו פועלים כמעט 24 שעות ביממה לחקיקה נגד בני מיעוטים. ליברמן מקדם הצעות חוק בדבר הצהרות נאמנות כשברור לכל נגד מי ומה הם מופנים. ליברמן מאמין באג'נדה הדוגלת בטרנספר של בני אדם במסווה של התואר הנכסף 'חילופי אוכלוסין'.
הרייך הגרמני בתחילת דרכו פעל בשיטת דיכוי היהודים, עודד אותם לעזוב את גרמניה ע"י קטלוגם כאוכלוסיית זוטר, סימן אותם וטען כי הם בוגדים באומה הגרמנית. היטלר האשים את היהודים ביצירת חוזה ורסאי, בהכנסת כוחות זרים לשטחי גרמניה ונסיגת הכוחות הגרמנים מחבלי ארצו.
ההמשך הנורא של רצון היטלר, נחקק בהיסטוריה היהודית כתקופה השחורה ביותר בהיסטוריה המודרנית והעתיקה. ימי זכרון ארוכים ומייגעים שלא נופלים ולא נמחקים שנה אחר שנה. חורבן גרמניה זכור בעולם כאירוע טרגי ממנו ספק אם האומה הגרמנית התאוששה עד היום, ולראיה היא משלמת על כך עד ימינו. אלף שנה של רייך נאצי הבטיח היטלר, אלף שנה הנאציזם ירדוף את גרמניה, את היהודים, את העולם כולו.
גדעון האוזנר. התובע במשפט אייכמן הרעיד את האנושות כולה במילותיו "במקום זה, בו אני עומד לפניכם, שופטי ישראל, ללמד קטגוריה על אדולף אייכמן - אין אני עומד יחידי; עִמדי ניצבים כאן בשעה זו שישה מיליון קטגורים. אך הם לא יוכלו לקום על רגליהם; לשלוח אצבע מרשיעה כלפי תא הזכוכית ולזעוק כלפי היושב שם: אני מאשים. מפני שעפרם נערם בין גבעות אושווויץ ושדות טרבלינקה, נשטף בנהרות פולין וקבריהם פזורים על פני אירופה לאורכה ולרוחבה. דמם זועק, אך קולם לא יישמע. אהיה על כן אני להם לפה ואגיד בשמם את כתב האישום הנורא.."
התשאלו מהו ההבדל וכיצד יש לנהוג בימינו אנו, כאשר אנו כאן בין החיים. כאשר אני ואת ואתה ואתם כן יכולים להשמיע את קולותינו. אנו איננו שישה מיליון קטגורים נספים. אנו בני אנוש חיים היכולים לקום ולעמוד, לפעול ולהתנגד. לאו דווקא נגד ליברמן. אלא נגד כל מי שבא לכלותינו ע"י אג'נדות ורעיונות פשיסטים והזויים. נגד כל מי המחוקק חקיקה אפלייתית, הן על בסיס גזע והן על בסיס פוליטי.
כי זוהי שעת המבחן, לא ביום הבחירות הבאות. לא כשהמחוקק הפשיסט יהיה עם 30 מנדטים. אלא היום, כאן ועכשיו. קום והתנגד לפשיזם.
* הכותב הינו יו"ר ארגון סלון דבורה
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