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by ISM
3:40pm Wed Aug 20 '03
It appears that the entire West Bank is under
lock-down. All over farmers are being prevented from
going to their land. Yesterday's bombing in Jerusalem
is being used as an excuse, but clearly this is a case
of collective punishment.
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It appears that the entire West Bank is under
lock-down. All over farmers are being prevented from
going to their land. Yesterday's bombing in Jerusalem
is being used as an excuse, but clearly this is a case
of collective punishment. Also, it is a dangerous
step closer to the total confiscation of Palestinian
Please call as many of the numbers below and tell them
to let Palestinian farmers get to their land, and stop
collective punishment. Also call the army officers in
Jayyous (many ISM activists are present there) and
tell them to open up the North gate in Jayyous and let
to farmers go to their own land.Ý Ask them about
collective punishment.Ý I just called some of them.Ý
They were surprised (and annoyed) to hear that people
from the US are calling and tried very hard to explain
themselves.Ý It really could help.
in solidarity,
alexis (SUSTAIN-NYC)
Israel Contact Israeli Minister of Interior:
Tel: 011-972-2-670-1648 or 011-972-2-629-4701;
Fax: 011-972-2-629-4750
In the US: Contact your congressperson, the State
Department and the White House using this link.
http://www.cflweb.org/congress_merge_.htm orÝÝ
Also call the State Department and demand action.
STATE DEPARTMENT (202)647-5150
Israeli Foreign Minister, Silvan Shalom:
Fax: 011-972-2-5303704Ý
Defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz:
Fax: 011-972-3-6916940, 6976990Ý
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon: Fax: (011-972-2) 566-4838
or 651-3955 or 651-2631
Israeli Embassy in DC: (202) 364-5527
Jayyous numbers:
You cal also call the following numbers for other army
officers in Jayyous:
011-972-52247519 add your comments
So this is the ISM response
by LSM
3:55pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Collective Punishment is what took place yesterday in Jerusalm but the ISM can not understand that.
For them Jews can NOT be victims. add your comments
by John Veldhuis
4:06pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Were the little children that burned in Dresden victims of the allies, or of their own rulers?
Were the little children that burned in Tokyo victims of the allies, or of their own rulers?
Are you, the Israeli children, victims of your terrorist leader and the settler gangs, or of the terrorists fighting them? I guess both. add your comments
This is antisemitism
by LSM
4:09pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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You know I do not blame Palestinian death on the terrorists. I demonstrate against the Israeli goverment when it does what i consider is wrong.
You, on the other hand , blame the poor victims - this is what the nazis did as they sent my grand parents to the ovens their propeganda machine ckept claiming that the jews brought thier own misery on them self.
You are a neo-nazi - even if you think of yourself of progressive your last post show how backward you are. add your comments
Blame the Occupation
by Pilger
4:16pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Suicide attacks against civilians are clearly crimes - and they are used by extremists. But the extremists rely on the brutality of the occupation and the despair of the young volunteers. Some extraordinary Israelis are brave enough to recognise this.
Rami Elhanan is one Israeli father who knows about suicide bombing. On September 4th 1997, his daughter, Smadar, was killed by one. She was 14 years old. Rami's daughter was shopping with two friends, one of whom was killed, the other seriously injured in the attack.
Rami is a graphic designer and a former soldier. His father survived Auschwitz, but his grandparents, six aunts and uncles perished in the Holocaust.
John Pilger asked Rami, "How do you distinguish the feelings of anger that any father would have felt at losing your daughter in such circumstances?"
"I'm not crazy. I don't forget. I don't forgive. Someone who murders little girls, anyone who murders little girls, is a criminal and should be punished.
"But if you think from the head and not from the gut, and you look what made people do what they do - people that don't have hope, people who are desperate enough to commit suicide, you have to ask yourself have you contributed in any way for this despair? For this craziness? It hasn't come out of the blue: the boy whose mother was humiliated, in the morning, at the checkpoint, will commit suicide in the evening.
"The suicide bomber was a victim - the same as my girl was. Of that I am sure.
"You have to understand where this suicide bombers come from. Understanding is part of the way to solving the problem." (John Pilger) pilger.carlton.com/palestine/suicidebomb... add your comments
by Ben
4:22pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Sure John, the Palestinians are intelligent enough
to desist from war crimes so they can't be held
accountable for their own actions, right?
That's what you, and other idiots and racists
like Blimey, are really saying.
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Will peace come if you blame ?
by LSM
4:22pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Will the occupation end if you blame the everything on the occupation ?
Will terror end if you blame everything on terror ?
How stupid it is to place blame. Look for solutions. add your comments
Being called an idiot and racist by Ben ...
by Blimey
4:34pm Wed Aug 20 '03
Your Mother?
by Ben
4:46pm Wed Aug 20 '03
Hee hee
by Blimey
4:51pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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See, I'm a man - she's the woman.
And thanks for the link to the thread, I remember it perfectly well.
I could link to some of your posts but I'd rather drink my own urine than sift through that pile of shit again.
:) add your comments
I actually called
by Love
5:07pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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I actually called the numbers and talked to the officers - turn out both of them are arab Israelis, they are muslims. They welcome the many phone calls and had no problem explaining why the work they do prevent terrorism.
This was great hasbara to give those phone to people overseas - IDF spokesperson should have done it herself. add your comments
no links no proof no brain
by Ben
5:11pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Its nice that you insult me, but fail to identify anything at all I may have written that you have issues with.
Your racism, in the link above and throught indymedia, is clear for all to see.
If you ain't got nothin' to say, I suggest you stick your bigoted head back up your ass.
Call me when you have something with a little substance. add your comments
not muslims, druze
by ted
5:17pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Rami and Mansour, the officers in charge of the area around Jayyous, are Druze, not Muslims.
There is no explanation why stopping farmers from entering their fields provides extra security to Israel. There is no explanation as to why building the wall six kilometers to the east of the green line, trapping all of jayyous' irrigated farmland on the western side, does anything to enhance Israel's security. It is yet another land and resource grab. what will these people do when they have nothing left, when israel has stolen everything from them, thier land, livelihood, and cultural heritage? the dispossession and hatred caused by the wall will produce another social explosion worse than the last intifada.
why doesnt Israel construct the fence on the green line? i would like to empathize with Israel's suffering, and I certainly don't approve of the murder of noncombatants, but as long as Israel continues to steal land, the resulting havoc it brings on itself is hardly surprising.
up to a dozen Israeli and American Jews have been warmly welcomed by the people of Jayyous this summer. I wish all Israelis could come out for a day, experience Jayyous' hospitality and the warmth of its people, and see what thier "security" wall is doing to this ancient village. add your comments
by Blimey
5:27pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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You shouldn't start the abuse if you don't like it baby.
See, I can take it and give it.
And I repeat, I'd rather drink my own urine than sift through the dirge that you post. add your comments
Hi Ted
by Love
5:34pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Thanks for the correction: Druze, not Muslim.
He explained that since they had to divert some
of their soldiers to security in places where the
fence is not yet completed they had no other
option but to close the gates - they don't have
the man power needed to verify that all those
that pass the gates have the needed permits.
When things will calm down and their full
manpower return they can re-open the gates.
In short he said: When there is terror the
palestinian civilians suffer from it too.
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To Ted
by Ben
5:40pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Ted, I can appreciate your questions about Israel's motives behind its security fence. But in many ways, I have an equal but opposite reaction to yours.
I can see the problem with the placement of the fence, and the problems it causes those people directly effected by it. But I have a real problem supporting any side that believes that violence and murder is part of a negotiationn process.
I know you said you are against killing civilians, but what are you doing about it? It sounds to me as though you are simply shrugging your shoulders and saying that the fence is causing it to happen. I think its the other way around. The violence is causing the fence to happen. There has been violence for much longer than there has been a fence.
I also want to give the Palestinians my empathy, but it is impossible for me to support people who believe killing civilians, including a large number of children - people who mean no harm to anyone - is the way to fight something like the building of a fence.
As for you Blimey, you are a racist and a fool. You insult me and don't even tell me what your problem is. Could it be another example of your amazing tolorance for people who disagree with you? Maybe you just don't like Jews that disagree with you. add your comments
Not anti-semitism, but realism
by John Veldhuis
5:40pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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I am against targeting of civilians. Everyone knows that.
Children are by definition innocent, in my opinion.
In the mad east, there a two gangs of crazies:
One: The murderous militants on the Palestinian side
Two: The settlers and their killing machine (yes, the government) on the Israeli side.
Both are to blame for another round of murder.
Both are to blame for trying to burn the roadmap.
The only party still trying to make something out of the roadmap, is the PA, is Abu Mazen.
If writing this is anti-semitism...
Nah, it is realism. add your comments
LSM, you're too stupid
by John Veldhuis
5:46pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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How can you read what I wrote and then claim I put the blame on children? How can a child be guilty of being born in the wrong place? Are you family of Ben or something? You seem to suffer from the same reading disability. add your comments
It is a miracle !!! haleluya
by Daniella
5:48pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Btween John V 4:06 PM to his 5:40 PM post he has been transformed from an antisemite to a realist.
Who sais the writing on indymedia does not work ? add your comments
by John Veldhuis
5:48pm Wed Aug 20 '03
Yes , I suffer the same desise
by LSM
5:52pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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I was celebrating too soon.
You are right John. Ben and I are from the kind and suffer from the cureless desise - we are part of the jewish nation. (I am not religious I am a member of the nation)
You yourself accused the victims - this is antisemitism. add your comments
Hey Ben, remember this?
by Blimey
6:29pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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"That's what you, and other idiots and racists
like Blimey, are really saying"
Cos you wrote it, in your very post on this thread.
And me, I was happy too pick it up and run with it, cos its far more satisfying than trying to engage you in intelligent discourse.
Now, remind where the anti-semitic stuff came from:
"As for you Blimey, you are a racist and a fool. You insult me and don't even tell me what your problem is. Could it be another example of your amazing tolorance for people who disagree with you? Maybe you just don't like Jews that disagree with you." add your comments
RREmind you and your mother, blimey
by Ben
6:40pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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I already provided the proof for your racism. Look above and find it yourself.
I suppose you think there is a difference between racism against Jews and anti-Semitism. That's why I call you a fool. add your comments
Big Ben and his strawmen
by Blimey
6:50pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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I distinguish between Jews and Israelis, and I even distinguish beyween Israelis.
Anyways, as I already pointed out, you're incapable of intelligent discourse, so I'm not surprised you don't get the distinction.
Perhaps all that brain washing and myopic thinking is having a negative effect.
Poor Ben
:( add your comments
Big Ben and his strawmen
by Blimey
7:04pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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I distinguish between Jews and Israelis, and I even distinguish beyween Israelis.
Anyways, as I already pointed out, you're incapable of intelligent discourse, so I'm not surprised you don't get the distinction.
Perhaps all that brain washing and myopic thinking is having a negative effect.
Poor Ben
:( add your comments
To Love
by Ted
7:42pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Captain Rami is a liar. NO ONE in Jayyous has a
"permit" to go through the gates. I'm glad he
admitted however, that part of the intention of
the gates is to inflict collective punishment on
the people of Jayyous.
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Are we to talk to those two Jews haters?
by AMR
7:58pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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I was reading quietly all that these two things were writing about us.
Yes, I meant the two things called themselves Blimey and John V.
Both, without any shadow of doubt, are designated racists, twisted minded, Jews haters, Anti-Semitics, Anti-Israel, pro-terrorists.
Worse, they are in complete denial of this fact, and this is a fact, I was reading carefully every note of those two cockroaches and was amazed.
My library is full of books that I was reading them in an effort to understand what brought the Europeans to do what they were doing to my family in the concentration camps.
I do understand now the level of Jews-hatred that brought to the murder of 6 millions of us just recently. I witnessed that in the notes of the beasts, Blimey and John V.
That kind of hatred is so hot that is capable of igniting again the terrible ovens our ancestors were burned in.
I am amazed of the level of preoccupation and prejudice these two cockroaches are holding.
They are coming from Europe and if somebody is allowed on generalization Europe is the place we are allowed to. After all Europe is the biggest place on earth that is concluding murder, racism, genocide, discrimination etc. etc
The Europeans earned the title EUROPIGS rightfully. Most of the Humanity’s suffer in the past 2000 years came from Europe and by Europeans. I feel righteous to generalize on Europe.
Both cockroaches are sitting somewhere in Europe surrounded by the murderous Europigs and trying to teach us humanity matters.
Blimey and John V. it should take another 2000 for somebody like you, asking for God forgiveness to be righteous enough to talk with Jews and Israelis in the same eye level. Until then… Shut the F.. up.
To the Israelis and Jewish responders to these two anti-Semitic cockroaches, do not bother.
I do not know about you but I do know about me…
I am a proud Jew
I am a proud Israeli.
I am proud of the right to serve with the IDF
I am proud of fighting the survival wars of Israel 1967, 1973, 1982
I am appreciating much the IDF activity of defending the people of Israel these days
It is not a shame to fight for your survival, for me it is a source for a pride, w should not be apologetic for fighting our survival.
Ignore the side noises of the racists, anti-Semitics, Jews haters Blimey and John V..
We will proceed and fight for our survival. We will make peace one day with the Palestinians; we will live side by side with the Palestinians. We will make all that without the evil “Support” of those genocide and murderers: the Europigs.
We will do all that despite of those peace destroyers like these two Cockroaches and their racist gangs.
We will extend our hand for the true balanced, peace promoters in Europe after they have got ride of evil and racist elements like these two.
Usually I am for talking, dialog and understanding. But here we should wake for the reality. Those two are hopeless and actually not that important to spend a valuable time on.
We the Israelis are having much more important things then to deal with these two cockroaches, let’s the exterminators take care of them.
Is it wrong to hate and deny any advice and opinion of your nation’s murderers? NO, I DO NOT THINK SO !! add your comments
To Ben
by Ted
8:01pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Firstly, human rights is not a reward for good
behavior. I said, when Israel steals Palestinian
and kills Palestinians, then it
cannot expect my sympathy when Palestinians
react the way they do. As to what
I am doing about the Palestinians killing
civilians, I am assisting the Palestinian people
in using
non-violent resistance to end the occupation. But
if non-violent resistance does not work for them,
should be no surprise that some will resort to
violence. The Palestinian resistance has been far
less brutal
than that of the native Americans who resisted
the usurpation of thier lands with maximal harm
to the white invaders,
yet everyone can seem to understand why they did
I didn't mean to imply that yesterday's bombing
was a direct response to the fence. But it is
part and parcel of resistance
to occupation that has gone on for 36 years. If
you don't like the resistance, end the
occupation. Give the Palestinians
a state on the 22% of historic Palestine that is
the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and support for
violent resistance will dissapate.
I have heard this over and over again while in
Palestine. The Palestinian people would accept
To refuse to do so, to build walls leaving just
42% of the West Bank to the Palestinians, will
just cause another social
explosion that will bring more suffering to both
peoples. And it wil confirm what I have come to
understand, that Israel is motivated by simple
greed and more interested in stealing more
Palestinian land than its own security.
Build your Apartheid wall, but build it on your
own land. That is what Colin Powell suggested.
You leave the wall here and continue
building it, and no amount of asking the
Palestinians to behave nicely will make a
add your comments
To Ben
by Ted
8:03pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Firstly, human rights is not a reward for good behavior. I said, when Israel steals Palestinian land,
and kills Palestinians, then it
cannot expect my sympathy when Palestinians react the way they do. As to what
I am doing about the Palestinians killing civilians, I am assisting the Palestinian people in using
non-violent resistance to end the occupation. But if non-violent resistance does not work for them, it
should be no surprise that some will resort to violence. The Palestinian resistance has been far less brutal
than that of the native Americans who resisted the usurpation of thier lands with maximal harm to the white invaders,
yet everyone can seem to understand why they did it.
I didn't mean to imply that yesterday's bombing was a direct response to the fence. But it is part and parcel of resistance
to occupation that has gone on for 36 years. If you don't like the resistance, end the occupation. Give the Palestinians
a state on the 22% of historic Palestine that is the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and support for violent resistance will dissapate.
I have heard this over and over again while in Palestine. The Palestinian people would accept this.
To refuse to do so, to build walls leaving just 42% of the West Bank to the Palestinians, will just cause another social
explosion that will bring more suffering to both peoples. And it wil confirm what I have come to understand, that Israel is motivated by simple greed and more interested in stealing more Palestinian land than its own security.
Build your Apartheid wall, but build it on your own land. That is what Colin Powell suggested. You leave the wall here and continue
building it, and no amount of asking the Palestinians to behave nicely will make a difference. add your comments
Ted is worth talking to...
by AMR
8:32pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Here is somebody to talk with. Hallelujah.
I like Ted’s approach (Though I am not in agreement about all).
Ted is trying to see both side complex problem and is thinking about solutions. This kind of guy is approachable and worth listening to.
Ted, the wall is essential, it is not apartheid wall it is a defense wall. Look what happen in the Gaza Strip once the ‘Defense Fence’ was erected… no direct terror attacks on Israel from this area.
The existing Defense Wall rout is trying to conclude problematic area and therefore it should be moved to the “Green Line” (with some minor corrections) I agree.
Did you called the USA-Mexican border fence an Apartheid Wall? Considering that no Mexican was bombing the USA. Just a curiosity.
An advice now…
Whenever you are declaring something try to examine it to the light of the “Hypocrisy Test”. Not that I am claiming you are. add your comments
To Ted
by daniella
8:48pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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"end the occupation. Give the Palestinians
a state on the 22% of historic Palestine that is the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and support for violent resistance will dissapate. "
I agree with you. This is the way, the only way. add your comments
AMR - What a load of crap
by Blimey
2:12am Thu Aug 21 '03
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I've got no time for the way that the State of israel has treated palestinians, continues to treat Palestinians and intends to continue treating Palestinians.
That is clear from my posts.
I've very little time for Israelis who ignore the transgressions of their state and expect the Palestinians to act differently, who distort the reality and pretend that the Palestinians are the problem, and that Israelis are forced to murder in cold blood in much greater numbers because of the terror. Those who expect the Palestinians to forgo all resistance and violence whilst Israel continues to kill, maim, steal and destroy everything that is rightfully theirs. Who pretend that the building of a wall enclosing 42% of 22% of historical Palestine is justified, even when this flies in the face of international law and human decency.
That too is clear from my posts.
The rest od your post is the unsubstantiated ramblings of a monothought tosser.
You sound just like a white South African in the heydays of Apartheid.
Now, you'd be pressed to find any who supported Apartheid.
There's hope for you yet. add your comments
Some honest brokers are required here...
by AMR
8:00am Thu Aug 21 '03
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Well Blimey, if I was racist one siding Palestinian supporter and Jewish hater I would talk just like you.
Fortunately I can not hate self, I only can hate enemies.
Your problem, the Jewish haters is that you are not able to see the conflict as it is, a multi dimensional of complexity one.
Lacking of education in the real situation is your void. If being an open minded you would see that violence is prompting violence, a Palestinian terror attacks against uninvolved Jewish civilians and a retaliation of the IDF as a result against the terror executioners.
To the one siding observer it is looking as if a big IDF army is sitting on the back of the Palestinians. That is not the case, or more precisely, there is a reason for everything the Israelis are doing and killing Palestinians for nothing is not one of them.
To you it is look like a n endless circle of violence, and is some respect it is. Only that the egg and the chicken are mixed together that it calls for the dishonest brokers like you guys to take the opportunity and slam the Israelis.
It is Very much convenient indeed.
Do not forget, we are Jews and our moral standards are higher, much higher from anything you may see around you and understand.
The IDF is doing his job and that is protecting the lives of the Israelis against indiscriminative terror attacks
I am not your history teacher so I will not bother much of educating you properly, many books and assays (written by honest brokers) are all around, read them.
Nevertheless, I am sure you heard the phrase: “The Palestinians never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity”, that is very much true.
The Palestinians leaders were making endless mistakes; they have had many opportunities to end the conflict, at least 10 years ago to say the least.
They did not. They have chosen the violent way while Israel was ready to pull itself from this trouble area, gladly. But they did not.
Just to name Oslo, Madrid, Sharm a Shech, Vay Plantation, Camp David agreements. In all those agreement Israel offered open hand and a willing to negotiate EVERY thing without any preoccupations, whatsoever.
Yet the Palestinians refused and elected to achieve in the battle field what they have perceived as a failure at the negotiation table.
Why do you think Israel should pay for the Palestinians leadership’s mistakes? They are not our brothers, they are not our family, they are our enemies that wishing and declaring that again and again and again to throw us all to the see (well, killing us all, straight and simple)
Israel was outside of the West Bank prior to the initiation of this Intifada by the Palestinians. Israel forced to occupy again the West Bank in order to stop the indiscriminative Terror bombing.
If somebody will get into your house and kill your wife (Just if) you will pick up your gun and shot him. Is that action is righteous? In most countries of the world you will be acquitted on the ground of self defense.
That is exactly the situation between us and the Palestinians.
So why do you think that Israel is not allowed on self defense? May be because we are Jews, Ha?
The Security fence is just that: a Security Fence and its contribution to the peace will be enormous.
Sure, we have to bring the fence to the vicinity of the Green Line and I am advocating for that as well.
Nevertheless, just see the Palestinian opposition to A (The) fence. Don’t you have your own wisdom to understand why?
Having the Security Fence in place will remove the most advantageous point of the Palestinians against Israel, Yes, Yes, the terror, the violence (just see what the Security Fence in the Gaza Strip did to suppress the Terror).
No doubt that this Security Fence will contribute enormously to the peace in the Middle East, distinguish the violence and open the door for a true negotiation.
If then and lets assume the Fence is going along the Green line, then why you and alike against it? You have claimed of supporting none violent Middle East so why should you not?
Simple, we are Jews and as such do not deserve fairness. Ha?
I bet you in almost anything you wish to that only several weeks (the level of trust that so severely diminished must rise again first, obviously) after a total stop to the violence from the Palestinian side the West Bank will be Palestinian again, No IDF army there any more, plain and simple. Then the road will be open for the real negotiation on the peace agreement terms.
You may say why not to the otherwise? Right?
Well, then again, Oslo and the terror acts that follow, Sharm a Shech agtreement and the terror acts that followed and so on and on.
Oh, yes, I almost forgot (NOT REALLY), since the existing Hudna the Palestinians committed more then 200 terror attacks (you read it well, 200) against uninvolved Israeli citizens, without any provocation and against a clear agreement that all signed it off.
During this time about 10 Israeli citizens were murdered.
Now, as we said before, we are Jews, therefore are not allowed for self defense, right?
Hell, No.
The IDF went out to hunt the terrorists In Nablus and Hebron as a preventive maintenance, again, as a self defense. We definitely are not apologetic for doing that.
The facts are in front of you, you know them, yet you deliberately ignored them, so what are you?
Are you a Racist, Jews hater, just a plane stupid, a brainless individual? What are you?
You have called my note a crap, take this crap and swallow it by yourself.
I think that you have much to think about, mainly, what kind of person you are. Do you capable of being an honest broker in this conflict?
Are you willing to promote peace and not hatred and violence as you are doing now by being dishonest, one-siding-broker here? add your comments
by John Veldhuis
10:59am Thu Aug 21 '03
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I don't give a fuck about ones religion.
I don't give a fuck about nationality.
I don't hate Jews. I don't hate Israeli's.
I hate terrorists.
Islamic Jihad are terrorists
Al Aksa are terrorists.
Settlers are terrorists.
Everyone protecting them are terrorists.
Israeli army are terrorists.
Israeli Border Police are terrorists.
Israeli Government are terrorists.
As I said before, with this government Isreal needs a new flag: A black star of David in a white circle on a red background. add your comments
dutch boy you are a putz
by goldberg
12:08am Fri Aug 22 '03
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,,under these conditions,collective punishment is good,fact is we do not punish them enough. we should use 2000lb bombs on the terrorists....and for every terrorist action take away so much land,and then when they whine,they will have a reason.,,,as for the dutch boy......when have you visited israel last?....i will be happy to buy you a ticket,and show you around. you might not be so critical, although a putz you will be forever. add your comments
a response to AMR
by Marco
1:22pm Fri Aug 22 '03
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So we, europeans are all europigs? Maybe you don't remember that people who went in the nazi camps were almost all europeans: european jews, european gipsies, european homosexuals, european partisans and european people randomly chosen in retaliation for the attacks carried out by the partisans against the german troops. You call anti-semitic anyone who disagrees with the actual Israeli political line. How should I call you, that say "europigs" to an entire continent? add your comments
How to address AMR, Goldberg etc.
by John Veldhuis
3:48pm Fri Aug 22 '03
by a (jewish) wonderer
6:33pm Fri Aug 22 '03
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i cannot believe that someone may actually take seriously the babbling of the so-called AMR. It's clear for all to see his incoherent drivel that the guy suffers from some kind of AMR (acute mental retardation)... add your comments