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םישקשקמ בוש
by רוד
11:35am Wed Aug 20 '03
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םישקשוקמ םישוקשק םישקשקמ בוש
רבד לכב לארשי תא םימישאמ בוש
.דבלב םיקידצ םיאניטסלפה בוש
עשפמ םיפחב םיעגופ בוש
ויהי אל םהו אבצב ויה אל םהירוהש םידליב םיעגופ בוש
ותמשנב דבלב םידוהי תאנשש לוונמ תכיתח בוש
.םימימת םידלי לע ץצופתמ
םירחאו הידמידניא יקידצ בוש
.תויופצה האנשה תובוגת תא םיאיצומ
הזה סובוטואב עסנ אל רטס'ג ןומייסש לבח בושו
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The Germans
by Shlomo
11:41am Wed Aug 20 '03
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A blueprint for international instability, By
Shlomo Avineri July 17, 2003
The atmosphere could not have been more tranquil:
a former royal castle in the rolling hills of the
Taunus region near Frankfurt, hosting an annual
meeting, sponsored by a German foundation, of
statesmen and politicians dealing with Middle
Eastern problems. Europeans and Americans,
Israelis and Iranians, Egyptians and Turks,
Palestinians and Tunisians rubbed shoulders.
The Middle East road map, was naturally at the
center of attention, and were most knowingly
addressed on the opening night by a senior German
government minister, himself deeply involved in
Middle Eastern affairs, with great sensitivity to
Israeli as well as Palestinian concerns.
The evening proceeded along the expected
trajectory, until a Lebanese academic raised the
issue of the right of Palestinian refugees to
return to Israel. The senior German minister
listened attentively, and then said: "This is an
issue with which we in Germany are familiar; may
I ask my German colleagues in the audience to
raise their hand if they, or their families, were
refugees from Eastern Europe?"
There was a moment of silence - the issue is
embarrassing in Germany, fraught with political
and moral landmines. Slowly, hands were raised:
by my count, more than half the Germans present
(government officials, journalists, businessmen)
raised a hand: they, or their families, had been
Vertriebene, expelled from their ancestral homes
in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Yugoslavia
after World War II.
It is estimated that up to 10 million were
expelled; with their descendants today they make
up almost double that number - almost one in four
Germans. Amid the hush the German senior minister
continued: He himself was born in Eastern Europe
and his family was expelled in the wake of the
anti-German atmosphere after 1945. "But," he
added, "neither I nor any of my colleagues claim
the right to go back. "It is precisely because
of that that I can now visit my ancestral
hometown and talk to the people who live in the
house in which I was born - because they do not
feel threatened, because they know I don't want
to displace them or take their house."
The minister went on to explain that peace in
Europe is today embedded in this realization. Had
Eastern European countries thought that millions
of ethnic Germans would like to return, "the Iron
Curtain would have never come down." It was a
highly emotional response, one that Arab
representatives chose later on to ignore. But it
was just one more expression of the context in
which the issue of the 1948 Palestinian refugees
has to be addressed.
As the German senior minister reminded the
audience, there are numerous parallels in recent
history to the Palestinian refugee problem.
Anyone who now argues that the 1948 Palestinian
refugees have a claim, in principle, to return to
Israel, has to confront the question: Why not the
millions of German post-1945 expellees from
Eastern Europe? The German minister supplied the
answer. Moreover: Had a German government
insisted in talks about reunification in 1990
that all German expellees from Poland and
Czechoslovakia have, in principle, a right to
return to these countries, it would have been
clear that what West Germany had in mind was not
reunification, but undoing the consequences of
Nazi Germany's defeat in 1945.
This is exactly the meaning of the Palestinian
demand for the right of return. The Palestinians'
insistence on it at Camp David and Taba in 2000
made clear to most Israelis that what they have
in mind is not undoing the consequences of 1967 -
but undoing the consequences of their defeat in
1948. At that time, it should be recalled,
Palestinian Arabs and four Arab members of the UN
went to war - not only against Israel, but
against international legitimacy and the UN plan
for a two-state solution. There is no other
example of member countries going to war against
UN decisions; this is what the Arab countries -
and the Palestinians - did. Obviously they prefer
to forget it. Clearly there is a serious
humanitarian issue involved. That the
Palestinians' plight has been compounded by Arab
use of the refugees as political pawns for half a
century is a measure of the cynicism and
immorality of Arab politics.
Nonetheless, the humanitarian issue remains - and
the German senior minister referred to it
explicitly, both with regard to the Palestinians
and to the German expellees. But for him the
political consequences were clear: A return of
refugees - in the German as well as the
Palestinian case - is a call for instability, if
not war.
The author is professor of political science at
the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
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Very interesting
by yoram
12:19pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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It seems like the only people in the world that
accept the analogy between palestinians Right of
return and the geramn one are israelies and
germans... germans, which are mostly known as the
agressors in World-War-2 can get some simpathy as
people who where expelled and do not demand there
homes back. no matter that they where expeled to
there homeland, a rich country that could take
care of them, and it was the smallest crime of
world-war-2, and the only one against germans.
Israelis like this analogy because it puts the
palestinians in the place of the nazies, turning
the hall conflict in palestine upside-down and
let's israelis feel victims again. instad of
refugees problem treated as what it is: the main
issue of a conflict created by zionist
colonialism and ethnic cleansing, it is displayed
as side-effect of war started by palestinian
agressors, something to forgive and forget...
well, it is not going to happen, palestinians
know and remember, decent people all-over the
world know and remember and ethnic cleansing will
not be perpetuate be the country that made it.
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On this debate
by Yossi Schwartz
1:04pm Wed Aug 20 '03
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Last night a criminal horrible suicide bomb
exploded on bus no.2 in the heart of an
ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Jerusalem and took
the lives of 20 innocent Israelis and injured
over 100. This act of insane violence should be
condemn by the entire working class movement
around the world . Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad
responsibility for the attack. Hamas in Hebron
released a videotape showing a
man who named himself as Raed Abdel-Hamid Masq
and said he would carry out the suicide bombing
to avenge Israel's killing of one of the
assassination of one of group's members. Masq was
a Hamas militant in Hebron, a teacher with a
family who also served as an imam at one of the
city's mosques. Hamas said the terrorist act was
in response to the deaths of three of its
activists during an IDF raid in Nablus.
Islamic Jihad had vowed revenge for the August
killing of its senior official Mohammed Sidr in
Thus what we face is state terror followed by
individual terror and the insane circle of blood
continues on and on and the victims are innocent
As the Marxist warned the “road map”
and the cease fire would not bring the
Palestinians and the Israelis masses nothing but
suffering and it can not but collapse like all
other similar imperialist plans aiming at
stabilization of the oppression. The aim of the
cease fire was not to create conditions for peace
among the Palestinians and the Israelis’
workers and poor, but to force a civil war
between the PLO and the fundamentalist
The Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas that
was chosen for this job by the US and Israel
simply can not deliver his promise to smash to
Islamic armed opposition because as he explained
many times, Israel does not provide him with the
tools to oppress his own people.
From the very beginning the government of Israel
led by Sharon the butcher of Kibia and Sabrea and
Shatila, did not want this cease fire, nor the
“road map”, but was forced to accept
them under the pressure of Bush. From the very
beginning he tried to derail the cease fire by
acts of state terror, by a policy of
assassinations aimed at provoking the Islamic
terrorists organizations to carry out terrorist
actions against innocent Israeli civilians.
Sharon aim is not only to terrorize the
Palestinian populations under the occupation by
collective punishments but to destroy the
“Palestinian Authority”.
In a desperate attempt to save himself by
appealing to Bush and promising that he will
crack down on the Islamic organizations ,
Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas
condemned the suicide bombing and decided early
Wednesday to cut off connections with Hamas and
Islamic Jihad. An unnamed Senior security
official said that:. "It holds them responsible
for harming the higher national interest of the
Palestinian people. Soon the Palestinian
Authority will take security measures against
Hamas and Islamic Jihad members."
The US that is responsible in so many ways for
the situation in its typical hypocritical way
also condemned the attack, and urged the
Palestinians to dismantle the terrorist
organizations. "We condemn this act of terrorism
in the strongest possible terms," White House
spokesman Sean McCormack said. "Our thoughts and
prayers are with the families of the victims and
the victims." The other imperialist followed the
same statement. The European Union's top foreign
policy representative, Javier Solana, condemned
the bombing and urged all sides to "to exert
maximum influence on armed groups to stop all
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan who
legitimize the US occupation and robbery of Iraq
, an organization that do nothing against the
repression of the Palestinians by Israel for so
many years, condemned the suicide bombing,
calling it a totally reprehensible terrorist
attack, and extended his condolences to the
families of the
Victims. Annan urged Abbas to "take decisive
action" to arrest the instigators of the attack
and prevent future violence. He also called on
Israel to "act with restraint in the face of
this provocation, and not to contribute to
renewed cycle of violence and revenge.
While condemning the terrorist acts we should not
forget for a moment that the swamp on which
individual terror has grown is the oppression of
the Palestinians for so many years. Israel itself
in so many ways is the creation of the
imperialists who used the suffering of the Jews
in order to use them to control the Middle East.
The imperialists did not want to save the Jews
from the Nazis' horrible crime against the Jews,
they could open the gates and allowed the Jews to
escape mass deaths. They wanted to create a
military outfit by creating Israel. They divided
the country in 1947, like they did in India and
in Cyprus in order to force national hatred. They
allowed Israel to annexed Jerusalem, build Jewish
settlements put total curfews starve the
Palestinians and destroy their homes. They
created together with Israel the conditions on
which Palestinians terror is growing.
The Islamic organizations have been growing not
only because of rulers of Israel that heavily
supported them in the 1970’s but because
of the betrayals of the PLO that in the
1960’s bragged about the liberation of
Palestinians by military means that turned out to
be mostly acts of terror, but because the same
gentlemen have been acting openly since 1983 as
agents of the US and Israel.
The Marxists have always said that there is no
solution to the problems the capitalists created
in the frame work of decaying capitalist world
system. The democratic tasks like the national
questions are falling on the shoulders of the
working class. Only the united Jewish Arab
working class revolutionary struggle leading to a
socialist society can get us out of the hell of
the capitalist system. The solution that will end
the state terror as well as the insane individual
terror is a federated socialist state within the
frame work of a socialist federation of the
Middle East.
Only such a solution will solve the questions of
the right of the self determination for the
Palestinians including the rights of the refugees
to return to their home land. while not necessary
to their old houses .Unlike paid intellectual for
hire like S. Avenri who tries to justify the
crimes against the Palestinians on the ground
that others did the same we ask what kind of a
defense it is to a criminal charge of rape
:”But your honor others raped this women as
Only in such a state the Israelis will live not
as an oppressor nation dying of terror and
counter terror but as brothers and sisters of the
Palestinians where both will have equal rights.
Only such a system will provide good living to
all, in a nationalized and planned economy under
democratic control of the workers themselves.
It must be part of the socialist federation of
the Middle East as only the united power of all
the masses led by the workers will be able to
oppose the counterrevolutionary forces of
imperialism and its capitalist allies in the
It must be part of the world socialist
revolution ,otherwise it will be degenerated as
happened to the October Revolution in Russia .
Mean time we can learn some thing else from the
experience of the working class led by the
Bolsheviks prior to the revolution. Against the
pogroms that the Russian government organized
against the Jews, the Bolsheviks organized
workers militias that defended the Jews. This was
in total opposition to Hertzel who after the
pogrom of Keshniev made deals with the
Tsar’s Minister of interior who organized
the pogrom, to release money for the Zionist
project in Palestine and promised to help the
Russian government to influence the Jews not to
struggle against the Tsar.
Was there a Marxist party in Israel of Arab and
Jewish workers such militias would be organized
defending the Jewish neighborhoods and the
Palestinians neighborhoods from State’s
terror and Individual terror.
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