Distribute/Translate US Veterans Call to Conscience to Troops
by Posted by VVAWAI
12:33am Sat Feb 8 '03
If the people of the world are ever to be free, there must come a time when being a citizen of the world takes precedence over being the soldier of a nation. Now is that time. When orders come to ship out, your response will profoundly impact the lives of millions of people in the Middle East and here at home.
Distribute/Translate US Veterans Call to Conscience to Troops (full story)
Extreme hard facts !
by CIA public relations
9:24pm Fri Feb 7 '03
../local/webcast/uploads/extreme_facts-thumb.jpg missing!
Extreme hard facts ! (picture and story)
A brief introduction to the Schröder system.
The Worst Thing in Europe (full story)
Destruction of Mosque in Southern Israel- the war on terrorism goes on
by Shabtai Gold
8:23pm Fri Feb 7 '03
The Israeli Ministry of Interior destroyed a mosque in the Negev this week- part of the war on terror?
Destruction of Mosque in Southern Israel- the war on terrorism goes on (full story and one comment)
Where are the ministers of Labor
by 100
6:52pm Fri Feb 7 '03
Where are the ministers of Labor (full story)
Caught in Mideast conflict...
6:48pm Fri Feb 7 '03
The high priest of the biblical Samaritan sect on this holy mount is a member of the Palestinian legislature. Yet most Samaritans are also Israeli citizens who voted in Israel's election. The tiny, dwindling Samaritan community, caught between warring Israelis and Palestinians, got another reminder Thursday of how stuck in the middle it is: Samaritans were confined to their hamlet on Mount Gerizim by Israeli troops after a nearby gunbattle left two Israeli soldiers and two Palestinians dead. Samaritans trace their past to an ancient tribe.
Caught in Mideast conflict... (full story)
Israeli army's 'hot winter' bears down on Hebron
by Justin Huggler in Hebron
6:32pm Fri Feb 7 '03
Driving through Hebron is a nerve-wracking affair. At every junction the drivers pause uncertainly, and ask passers-by if the road ahead is clear. From time to time gunfire is heard. The news of where is safe spreads in a dangerous, uncertain series of Chinese whispers.
At times you turn a corner to see a tank, or a foot patrol of soldiers ahead. Often the first sign is when the street scene suddenly breaks up: children who were playing football suddenly start running. For Hebron is a city where a full-scale military operation is taking place in the midst of people's lives.
Israeli army's 'hot winter' bears down on Hebron (full story and 2 comments)
2003 ראורבפל 15 - ב ,הנגפהה ןוגריאל עגונב ,תויניינע תוצע
by בש - ראב .רוביצ - ליעפו ררושמ - ימלשורי לאומש
5:39pm Fri Feb 7 '03
phone: 08-6410041 yeshmuel@netvision.net.il
,תודגנתהה םויל רשקב ,תויטקרפ תועצה
קאריעב תננכותמה הפקתמל
2003 ראורבפל 15 - ב ,הנגפהה ןוגריאל עגונב ,תויניינע תוצע

קאריע דגנכ המחלמל תונכההו םיגרבנזורה טפשמ
by תיטסילאיצוסה םילעופה תירב
4:58pm Fri Feb 7 '03
תא רתויו רתוי הריכזמ ב"הראב הריוואה
תונש תישאר לש הרקה המחלמה לש הריוואה
קאריע דגנכ המחלמל תונכההו םיגרבנזורה טפשמ
 (full story and 3 comments)
More Hard facts !
by CIA public relations
4:05pm Fri Feb 7 '03
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More Hard facts ! (picture and story)
Myths of the 'War on Terrorism'
by Pip Wilson, Jeannine Wilson
3:57pm Fri Feb 7 '03
Huge number of facts to use against the war. http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/myths.html for full article. Free for distribution by email, WWW or any other means (non-profit). Ideal for next time youre in a debate about the war. More than 80 footnotes and hundreds of links in this comprehensive article, listing and deconstructing myths being fed us by CNN and Bush.
Myths of the 'War on Terrorism' (full story)
הגיאדמ הגיסנ דצב ש"דחל גשיה :י"קמ
by תילארשיה תיטסינומוקה הגלפמה
3:49pm Fri Feb 7 '03
הגלפמה לש יזכרמה דעווה תעדוה ןלהל
םוכיסל (י"קמ) תילארשיה תיטסינומוקה
תובקעב מ"העווה בשומב םייקתהש ןוידה
.-16ה תסנכל תוריחבה תואצות
הגיאדמ הגיסנ דצב ש"דחל גשיה :י"קמ
 (full story and 6 comments)
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
../local/webcast/uploads/bushblair-thumb.gif missing!
No BushBlair's war for oil! (by Latuff) (picture)
Hard facts !
by CIA public relations
2:45pm Fri Feb 7 '03
../local/webcast/uploads/great_job.jpgcwlzu7-thumb.jpg missing!
Hard facts ! (picture and story)
Hard facts !
by CIA public relations
2:45pm Fri Feb 7 '03
Hard facts ! (full story)
לש העפוהה 21
by ןימסי
2:44pm Fri Feb 7 '03
לש העפוהה 21
 (full story and 2 comments)
טבושמה ןבה תפקתמ - 2 ץרפמה תמחלמ
by Refused
2:15pm Fri Feb 7 '03
היגולירט היהית אלש תווקל ךירצ
../local/webcast/uploads/gulfwarsposter-thumb.jpg missing!
 טבושמה ןבה תפקתמ - 2 ץרפמה תמחלמ
 (picture and one comment)
US Jews feel rising heat of Israel debate
by Jane Lampman
12:05pm Fri Feb 7 '03
Open criticism of Israel is strongly discouraged, but some say discussion is vital
US Jews feel rising heat of Israel debate (full story and one comment)
At a Leftist Summit, Cheers For a Separate Mideast Peace
by Forward
11:54am Fri Feb 7 '03
Billed as a massive international gathering of more than 100,000 critics of corporate globalization, the World Social Forum that began here January 23 was also expected to be a magnet for fierce critics of Israel. But, in an unexpected twist, the highlight of the conference turned out to be a joint peace statement by Israelis and Palestinians that drew tumultuous applause from 20,000 leftists at a sports stadium in this port city in southern Brazil.
At a Leftist Summit, Cheers For a Separate Mideast Peace (full story)
Start praying for Iraqi people
11:41am Fri Feb 7 '03
George W. Bush has conferred an aura of inevitability to a war on Iraq. An American president does not tell his 150,000 troops waiting in the desert that "crucial hours lie ahead" and not give them something to do -soon. He does not have his secretary of state declare that "multilateralism cannot become an excuse for inaction" and not order action. The only questions are how and when and at what price for whom.
Start praying for Iraqi people (full story)
Powell Sees Mideast Reshaped After Iraq War
by Reuters
11:34am Fri Feb 7 '03
Secretary of State Colin Powell said on Thursday overthrowing the Iraqi government could reshape the Middle East in ways that enhance U.S. interests, and that the confrontation with Iraq should start to come to a head in a matter of days.
Powell told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that attacking Iraq could cause "some difficulties" for the United States in other areas in the Middle East during the conflict and in the months immediately after a war.
Powell Sees Mideast Reshaped After Iraq War (full story)
Escalation at Nablus Checkpoint
by ISM
11:24am Fri Feb 7 '03
When ISM activists Maria, Margaret (Maria's mother) and Linus (all from Sweden) and Danish reporter Tommy
approached the Azmut checkpoint east of Nablus they saw 4 Israeli soldiers holding between 40 and 50 Palestinian men, women and children captive at the checkpoint. It was 1
pm. The captives were from the villages of Azmut, Salem and Deir Hatib and were trying to travel to Nablus for provisions or education. The activists would later learn that some had been held at the checkpoint since 6 am.
Escalation at Nablus Checkpoint (full story)
The case of the NATO: pacifists or realists?
by The Guardian
11:08am Fri Feb 7 '03
Powell fails to convince Nato waverers
America's hawkish appeal to the UN security council has more effect at home than among its erstwhile European allies
The case of the NATO: pacifists or realists? (full story)
State crimes increase immigration
by Ake Tyvi
9:44am Fri Feb 7 '03
address: Rasink. 10D, FIN-01360 VANTAA mraketyvi@hotmail.com
Short summary of the possible reasons causing immigration and poverty: abuse cases of State officials, law abuse, systematic procedures followed and aims for such actions.
Note: Given facts do not apply to any other State's government officials.
State crimes increase immigration (full story)
ראורבפב 15ב הנגפהל סויגלו ןוגראל ונלוכ
by תיטסילאיצוסה םילעופה תירב
9:43am Fri Feb 7 '03
הז לבא ןמז טעמ הז ,םימי הנומש דוע ורתונ
םא הלודג תיצרא הנגפה ןגראל קיפסמ ןמז
.םיצור ןכא
ראורבפב 15ב הנגפהל סויגלו ןוגראל ונלוכ
 (full story and 11 comments)
.הלש םיללכ םיווקב הנוכנ הדמע
by תיטסילאיצוסה םילעופה תירב
7:47am Fri Feb 7 '03
,ולוכ םלועב לאמשה תודמע רחא םיבקועה ונא
המכסה לכ ונל ןיא םתא םינוגרא לש םג
ותמקהל ירשפא קלח םהב םיאור ךא ,תינוגרא
קר םלוכי ,יעיברה לנויצנרטניאה לש שדחמ
חקלנש אבה טספינמה לש ותאירק לע ץילמהל
"םזיסקרמה תנגהל"מ
.הלש םיללכ םיווקב הנוכנ הדמע
 (full story and 3 comments)
ש"דח רבשמו תיטיסלאירפמיאה המחלמה ,תדמתמה הכפהמה
by תיטסילאיצוסה םילעופה תירב
7:25am Fri Feb 7 '03
תילכת תדגונמ תישממה תירוטסיהה העונתה
יתש לש תיטיסמרופרה המרגורפל דוגינ
י"קמ/ש"דח לש רבשמה ןאכמו תונידמ
ש"דח רבשמו תיטיסלאירפמיאה המחלמה ,תדמתמה הכפהמה
 (full story)
-The Only 'Action' That Can Work-
by David Arthur Johnston
6:12am Fri Feb 7 '03
-The Only 'Action' That Can Work- (full story)
by ww3report.com
3:45am Fri Feb 7 '03
WW3 Report on the scene in occupied Palestine
Manifetso on the Imperialist war against Irag
by In Defense of Marxism
2:51am Fri Feb 7 '03
Manifetso on the Imperialist war against Irag (full story)