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code name d-day yea day code name d-day yea day

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ther is no d-day plans anywere ----------------------------yeild to the god war ships the bugs attila---------code name a plan yea day summit your own

theeere ar no d-day plans anywere time is ripe to summit one of your own------------------------------------------


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Worldwide Call To Mark 40 Years Of Occupation Of Palestine

"The 15th May, 1948, arrived...On that day the mufti of Jerusalem appealed to the Arabs of Palestine to leave the country, because the Arab armies were about to enter and fight in their stead."-Cairo`s Akhbar el Yom, 10/12/63.

In listing the reasons for the Arab failure in 1948, Khaled al-Azm (Syrian Prime Minister) notes that "the fifth factor was the call by the Arab governments to the inhabitants of Palestine to evacuate it and leave for the bordering Arab countries. Since 1948, it is we who have demanded the return of the refugees, while it is we who made them leave. We brought disaster upon a million Arab refugees by inviting them and bringing pressure on them to leave.-Khaled el-Azm, after the 1948 War in his 1972 memoirs.

"Abu Mazen(Abbas) charges that the Arab states are the cause of the Palestinian refugee problem" Wall street journal.June 5 2003.

In the areas conquered by the Arab armies in 1948 there were no Jewish refugees they were killed after surrendering.

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