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Iranian Jews Expose Emigrant LieBy LIES Are All Fascists Have, submitted by Anonymous on ثلاثاء, 01/01/2008 - 11:31
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The Plant has to Censor this one, because there's no explaining to Israelis and the world why they were deliberately LIED to, in the name of starting another disastrous war. Another LIE by our resident Plant and the Zionist Extremists is soundly refuted. (How many is that, now?) How long will you let these Extremists LIE to you before you do something? Iranian Jews Condemn Emigrant Stunt (CNN) -- -- The well-publicized (staged) landing of 40 Iranian Jews in Israel on Tuesday spurred glee among some Israelis and the immigrants themselves (and our Plant) and drew public scorn from a surprising quarter in Iran -- two officials from its centuries-old Jewish community. Iranian Jews arrive at Ben Gurion airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, on Tuesday. One of them described the emigration as a "misinformation" campaign and defended their lives under the government of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The arrival in Israel was publicized as the largest single group to arrive in Israel from Iran since Iran's Islamic Revolution, and the immigrants traveled via an undisclosed third country. Other Iranian Jews have immigrated to Israel over the years. Anti-Semitism has been a worldwide phenomenon for centuries and the state of Israel became a homeland for Jews to escape anti-Semitic persecution. (Or at least, this was the excuse to frighten Jews, who opposed Zionism, to embrace this racist ideology. The purpose of the state was to empower Zionism, pure and simple.) The group that sponsored the immigration is the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, based in Chicago. It says it wants to help Jews flee such persecution. The group receives money from evangelical Christians. (However, since 'such persecution' rarely occurs these days, it appears that they invented some, towards the Zionist goal of attacking Iran.) Its founder, Rabbi Yehiel Eckstein, believes Iranian Jews face dangers, citing the words of Ahmadinejad, who has urged Israel's destruction but not by military means. (He hasn't urged 'Israel's destruction', but at least this journalist attempts to right the wrongs committed by a media repeating this lie ad nauseum.) There has been great criticism of Ahmadinejad by Jews across the globe for his remarks about Israel, for the government's stance toward Israel, and for the regime's sponsorship of a recent Holocaust denial seminar. Eckstein said immigrants received $10,000 each because they left behind possessions to go to Israel. (Iran's Jewish community referred to this as bribery, as their organizations condemned the action.) Noting the evangelical support from his group, Eckstein, in fact, believes it's no "coincidence" that the people came to Israel on Christmas Day, which Eckstein describes as "kind of a Christmas present to these folks from Christians in America who seek to tell Israel and the Jewish people that they're not alone." (You bet it was not a 'coincidence', since this was a carefully-staged publicity stunt. Those are not "Cristians", they are Christian Fundamentalists. There is a huge difference, just as there is between Zionism and Judaism.) The immigration comes at a time of great tension between Iran, whose president stoutly rejects the Jewish state's existence, and Israel, which asserts that Iran is funding terrorism, has ambitions to develop nuclear weapons, and is intent on destroying the Jewish state. (Ahmadinejad rejects the existence of Israel as an Apartheid state on stolen land, and its continued occupation and expansion. As do most people concerned with the conflict. Israel is plotting a war against Iran, and their plot precedes any of the baseless allegations they're now trying to use to start one.) But the account of the mass immigration was vehemently disputed among Jewish officials in Tehran who defend Jewish life there. The man representing Iranian Jews in Iran's parliament on Wednesday disputed the notion of an organized immigration of Iranian Jews to Israel, saying he would have known about such a development. ("The man representing Iranian Jews in Iran's parliament", "The man representing Iranian Jews in Iran's parliament", "The man representing Iranian Jews in Iran's parliament" ...) Iranian MP Morris Motamed told CNN that he and Ciamak Morehsadegh, the director of the Tehran Jewish Community, had issued a statement condemning the spread of false news about an evangelical organization facilitating the immigration of 40 Iranian Jews to Israel. Iranian Jews can travel anywhere they want, anytime they want, but like other Iranians they are not allowed to go to Israel, Motamed said. Even with that, some Iranian Jews may decide to travel to and from Israel via a third country to visit their families or to visit for religious reasons. However, Motamed called the news a "misinformation" campaign aimed at creating an atmosphere of distrust between the Muslim and Jewish communities in Iran. He said it is meant to make Iranian Jews feel unsafe and vulnerable in their own country. (But most of all, it's designed to create this illusion in the West, as Israel tries desperately to gain support for another disastrous, illegal war in the region.) He said that before the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Iranian Jews numbered more than 100,000, but like other minorities their numbers diminished because of immigration. He said almost 95 percent of Iranian Jews went to the United States and as a result there is now quite a sizable Iranian Jewish community there. The remaining 5 percent, he said, went to Europe and Israel. There are as many as an estimated 20,000 to 25,000 Jews remaining in Iran, the largest Jewish community in the Middle East outside Israel, according to CNN's Shirzad Bozorghmehr. The U.S. State Department's 2007 report on religious freedom says the Iranian government's "rhetoric and actions created a threatening atmosphere for nearly all non-Shi'a religious groups, most notably for Baha'i's," who are based in the Israeli city of Haifa. It also cites "Sufi Muslims, evangelical Christians, and members of the Jewish community." Jews by Iranian constitutional law have the right to practice their religion and "with some exception," there has been scant government restriction and interference with religious practices, the report said. However, "members of these recognized minority religious groups have reported government imprisonment, harassment, intimidation, and discrimination based on their religious beliefs." Jewish education has been tougher to carry out, there has been a rise in anti-Semitic rhetoric, and assaults on two synagogues, the report said. Their contact with or support for the state of Israel has been squelched "out of fear of reprisal." "Recent anti-American and anti-Israeli demonstrations included the denunciation of Jews, as opposed to the past practice of denouncing only 'Israel' and "Zionism," adding to the threatening atmosphere for the community," the report said. (But the report was written by allies of Israel, if not Israelis themselves.) In the Islamic Republic's Jewish community, there is a different view from voices emerging. Morehsadegh described the Jewish community in Tehran as alive and well, with 20 synagogues, more than eight butcher shops, two restaurants, and four youth groups. "There is no doubt that the Holocaust happened," he said. "But we disagree with the superpowers who have misused this incident to their own benefit." CNN's Shirzad Bozorgmehr contributed to this report http://www.edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/12/26/iran.israel.jews/?iref... Israel's Jewish Problem in Tehran التعليقات |
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