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London Car Bomb

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London car bombs would not have killed anyone, government using terrorist tactics by hyping fear to morph society

Prison Planet - Countering the frothing rabid hysteria that is being whipped up by a fervent media in response to three failed car "bomb" attacks in the last few days in the UK, ex-CIA agent Larry Johnson joined Keith Olbermann to underscore the truth behind the madness - that the so-called bombs were primitive at best and would not have killed anybody.
Keith Olbermann talks with ex-CIA operative Larry Johnson about the London bomb scare. ....(more) .... Watch the video below.
The Media Lens Message Board, UK: http://www.medialens.org/board/
Re: Hysteria Of "Car Bombings"... Posted by informationist on July 1, 2007, 3:45 pm, in reply to "Hysteria Of "Car Bombings"..."
User logged in as: informationistV2

Britain will not yield despite a sustained threat from people associated with al-Qaeda, Gordon Brown has said after three terror attacks in the UK.

Yield to what or to whom?, what are the demands?

Posted by SueC on July 1, 2007, 5:03 pm, in reply

dr, that is really quite a remarkable post. The would-be bombers who left the car in London and staged an attack at Glasgow airport, currently appear to lack the technical expertise to cause a major atrocity but they do not lack either the will or desire to do so. Is this really a matter for complacency or such world-weary sang froid?
And, you know, if the suspected perpetrators were not Islamists but white British fascists, would you be so anxious to give them a free pass?


Re: London Car Bomb

Latest Offerings from the Religion of Peace

7/12/07 ( Narathiwat, Thailand ) - Muslims shoot an elderly Buddhist couple to death as they are riding to a market.
7/12/07 ( Miranshah, Pakistan ) - A Religion of Peace suicide bomber strolls into an office and kills three workers.
7/12/07 ( Swat, Pakistan ) - Five Pakistanis are killed in a suicide attack on a police vehicle.
7/12/07 ( Mogadishu, Somalia ) - Three Somali civilians, including two construction workers are killed in separate attacks by Islamic grenade throwers.
7/12/07 ( Khost, Afghanistan ) - Six Afghans are slaughtered when religious extremists attack their patrol.
7/11/07 ( Narathiwat, Thailand ) - A Buddhist civilian is murdered in a drive-by shooting attack by Muslim radicals.

RIP the Walking Dead?

Are More False Flag Attacks Imminent?

Re: London Car Bomb

Two UK terror suspects freed without chargeFrom correspondents in London
July 16, 2007 05:07am
Article from: Agence France-PresseFont size: -
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TWO suspects in the failed car bombings in Britain have been released without charge, British police said overnight, as Australia defended its tough new anti-terrorism laws that held a suspect there.

The pair, whose identities have not been disclosed but are thought to be trainee doctors aged 25 and 28, were arrested on July 2.

They were among eight people held after two cars packed with petrol, gas canisters and nails were found in central London on June 29 and a flaming Jeep Cherokee slammed into Glasgow Airport's main terminal building a day later.

Three people - two in Britain and one in Australia - have been charged over the failed attacks, one man remains in custody and another is under police guard in hospital. The eighth person, a woman, has been released.

Meanwhile, the debate about balancing civil liberties with the need to fight extremism continued in both Britain and Australia.

In Britain, police have up to 28 days to detain and question security suspects, subject to regular judicial review, after former prime minister Tony Blair's proposal of a 90-day maximum was rejected by parliament.

But the president of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), Ken Jones, told The Observer newspaper overnight: "We are now arguing for judicially supervised detention for as long as it takes."

He said police were "up against the buffers" on the 28-day limit and a new system was required with the proper judicial checks and balances.

Human rights groups here condemned ACPO for pushing "internment".

Meanwhile, Australia's Foreign Minister Alexander Downer was forced to defend new anti-terror laws that allowed Indian doctor Mohammed Haneef to be held for nearly two weeks before being charged over the attacks.

"I'm a great believer in individual freedom," Mr Downer told the ABC.

"It's a touchstone of my life and so depriving people of freedom is always a worry, but on the other hand you have to have tough laws if you are going to stop terrorism."

Australia's Attorney-General Philip Ruddock said: "I think the laws have been balanced and appropriate, and in large measure appropriate for the risks that we face."

The two failed attacks prompted Britain to raise its security alert level to "critical" - the highest - as the country feared an imminent attack.

It has since been downgraded to "severe", the second highest but which still means an attack is thought "highly likely", according to the domestic intelligence service MI5's website.

Haneef, 27, and his cousin Sabeel Ahmed, 26, were charged with terrorism offences yesterday and are due to appear in court in Brisbane and London respectively tomorrow.

Haneef is accused of providing "reckless" support to a terrorist organisation - a charge which carries a maximum 15-year penalty - while Ahmed, also an Indian doctor, is accused of withholding information on terrorism.

Iraqi doctor Bilal Abdulla, 27, was the first to be charged. He was remanded in custody last Saturday, accused of conspiracy to cause explosions.

He is alleged to have been a passenger in the Jeep that Ahmed's older brother Kafeel, 27, is said to have been driving in the Glasgow attack. Kafeel remains critically ill in hospital.

Marwan Daana, a 27-year-old laboratory assistant, was released without charge on Friday. Her husband, Jordanian doctor Mohammed Asha, 26, is still in custody. Police were yesterday given until July 21 to question him.


Re: London Car Bomb

This is the man JT holds up as a beacon of reason on the IMC:

Posted by JT #6857 on Tuesday, July 10th at 9:37 PM

What would you expect?...The guy was a sell-out. I heard he was practically an Israeli. It stands to reason you'd have to count the silverware if you had him over for dinner.


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