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The Potency and Impotency of ConservatismBy R. Edwin Schwitz, submitted by Anonymous on ثلاثاء, 10/01/2006 - 23:32
![]() ![]() ![]() I hope this scathing review of fundamental democratic retardation will make you turn whiter than Don King at a boxing match between God and the Devil, or makes you whiter than Kanye West’s live television censor - or better yet, Dave Chappelle’s ‘Niggar Family’. . Let Us W’ack off Our Crock at the Base – Ouch! (I just might be the most ‘delusional’ person that I know of.) “Have you ever seen a living book grow larger by the day, where anyone from anywhere can safely have a say in how to judge the grief we bear and make it go away? Have you ever tasted something so sweet that words cannot describe, and did the words you fail to find leave you bitter inside?” Well, I am furious - not unlike many. If you do not think this message is worth keeping, you can just go frock off and w’ack off your crock for the last time, suggas! I am not going to say that you owe me one, and that you should read anymore of my babble. That would sound like I have a separate agenda. I would like to help you though, if you could help me come away from my little writing den and be a helper too. I am getting very tired of chasing, and writing about, and ‘still’ capturing, and correcting, and rebuking, and encouraging all peoples and energies that derail the truth of liberty, equality (terrorists and fundamentalists are the final batch of scapegoats for oppressive disorder), justice, charity, prosperity and trust that this world is dying for. This is the vision that I abhor most; the Council for National Policy would like to see the Conservative Party of Canada take the kingdom and see Netanyahu take back Israel, for the consolidation and creation of a new world vision, by a unified Conservative front of ‘godly’ kingdoms from Africa to Australia. “Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell and Tim LaHaye will get their antichrist ‘alright’ and ‘all right’. They will see him in the media courts, and he will be gayer than a fruit fly. Perhaps Howard Stern might be interested in CRTC subversions to have him judged in the court of non-censorship, for his crimes against the inhumanity of insanity. He will play antichrist and the real antichrists will not get to play Messiah, which means they will not get to play antichrist either. “I have already prophesied that they would prophesy that antichrist is in Canada, and that he has even publicly threatened to ‘unlife’ George Bush, but I have also demonstrated throughout my growing ‘liturgy’ that antichrist inherently would arise from the colleges of the elite, crushing every poor little Jesus that sasses Caesar. I am here for Christ’s retribution – with a hard-on to w’ack off some crock. Those who will fan the flames will be lords of a flaming kingdom that has been set on fire for truth, and those who try to douse those flames will wail when their water turns to gasoline. The nations and their abominations of desolation are to face ‘judgment’ within one human hour, otherwise ‘Armageddon’ will get tired fast, and those to blame for bloodshed and prolonging the ‘judgment’ of ‘Babylon’ will only store up more condemnation. My plan has been living in an evolving ‘liturgy’, which will demonstrate how those who judge and do battle in a righteous fashion cannot possibly lose when they do it together. Again: “Have you ever seen a living book grow larger by the day, where anyone from anywhere can safely have a say in how to judge the grief we bear and make it go away? Have you ever tasted something so sweet that words cannot describe, and did the words you fail to find leave you bitter inside?” FORWARD the JUDGMENT, or Forward the Charity and Jubilee, but for God’s sake, let us get together and w’ack off the crock of the terrorist who looks for attention when he or she could just use “a crock shucking microphone wit out dah seven second tom delay [sic] gittin in der way”. I hope you are ready for a massive international laugh off. There is no end to the collective stupidities that ‘the covenant of the veil’ can stir. Best of all, there is no one person to blame for his or her inability to rise above such a murderous beast. Besides, it would be somewhat embarrassing for CNN to convey this sort of message right now. It might cause a few heart attacks – and that would not be nice, especially for Mr. Cheney. That would be terror-able. I hope this scathing review of fundamental democratic retardation will make you turn whiter than Don King at a boxing match between God and the Devil, or makes you whiter than Kanye West’s live television censor - or better yet, Dave Chappelle’s ‘Niggar Family’. I trust that I have left nothing for you to distrust. I trust also that you will find this libel little book puts a glow on your face and a twinkle in your eye when everyone begins to know why. We will not suffer mudslingers at our celebration. Otherwise go be a sour puss, but the party is about to begin! Hey, Howard Stern – you son of a crock shucker – what IS your wildest dream? ~ Richard Kobzey I wish glad tidings from and for Canada and a Layton-Martin leadership convergence. It is my vision to Nader-ize conservative parties and strip them down to more politically correct shades of green. What is your vision? ~ Forwarded by a Fellow Screen Captor [Screen-capture front page containing headline, as well as posted article.] Don’t forget the LYNX J - Meow! Was that a lion or a sphinx? Roar… http://chicago.indymedia.org/newswire/display/68413/ Related التعليقات |
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You dastardly blasphemer!