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who is up to it now and for whyBy whodunit, submitted by Anonymous on اثنين, 12/07/2004 - 20:54
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whodunit Palestinian criminals carry out their strikes at the most inopportune time with regards to their cause and the most opportune time for the Zionist elite. Like clockwork, whenever the conduct of the Israeli military is scrutinized by the world at large, a violent attack occurs that depicts the native Palestinians as crazed maniacs bent on savagery and destruction. Relative to these creatures- Israel`s actions in the middle east seem justified, When the international court at The Hague was first ready to debate the legality of the fence, The next day the headline read: “While the world debates the fence, Israel buries its dead”: The government at once dispatched a cameraman to videotape the scene of The videotape could be glimpsed on the governments website by all who Evidently the government was party to the fact that a picture spoke louder than words do. In 1986, a movie sanctioned by the government of Israel called the “sword of gideon” offered insight Their modus operandi was demonstrably predictable as\they repeatedly wire التعليقات |
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Re: who is up to it now and for why
even by these low standards of evidence (in fact so low that they should not be considered evidence)
the one claim is wrong.
a more convinient time for the bombing from the point of view of those who want to make political capital from it would have been in the week before the hague verdict.