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Palestinians demand access to Jerusalem Holy Sites

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June 21, 2004

Palestinians demand access to Jerusalem Holy Sites

Friday July 23, Palestinians from the West Bank, supported by international
and Israeli peace activists, will travel to the military check points surrounding
the holy city of Jerusalem. They will demand freedom of access to the holy

Buses will leave from Jenin, Tulkarem, and Nablus to convene at Zatara
checkpoint at 10am before beginning the march. The march to Jerusalem will
begin at Al-Ram checkpoint at 11am.

For twelve years East Jerusalem has been cut off from the rest of the occupied
Palestinian territories. In the past three years people of Muslim and Christian
faiths have been denied the right to worship in Jerusalem.

This Friday faithful Moslems and Christians will march
peacefully towards Jerusalem to join the Friday prayer
in Al-Aqsa mosque and a special prayer in the Holy

ISM Media Office: 02-277-4602

For further information, contact:
Randa (Jenin): 059-744-037 or 067-715-968
Abed el Karim (Tulkarem): 059-836-783
Saif (Nablus): 054-439-2184
Hisham (Jerusalem): 067-429-651 or 052-244-983
Mohammed Mansour (Al-Ram): 055-420-464
Abu Ahmad (North West Ramallah Area): 067-924-952


Re: Palestinians demand access to Jerusalem Holy Sites

I think it only fair that the Arabs be given the same access to their holy sites that the Jews were given when Jerusalem was under Arab control.

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