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S. African Apartheid Was Defeated, Why Not Israel's?

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Courage in the Crosshairs: Ron Paul and the Republic

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Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, offers fresh insight on the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan. He poses an all-important question for Americans: if presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul also in the crosshairs?

Human Rights Organizations Condemn Gaza Seige

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In other words, it's time for the world to stop sitting idly and watching the Zionists enact their 'final solution' to the 'Palestinian question'.

Like the Jews of the 30's, the Palestinians have to be wondering why the 'civilized' world would allow this to happen.

If you do nothing to stop the monsters in the Knesset, the world will turn against Israel. The Lobby and media concentration/control can only stall this.

Former Italian PM: 911 a CIA, Mossad Operation

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Censoring the Reality of the 'Gaza Crisis'

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This was all planned, as a way to carry out a plot against Gaza's people, while hoping to avoid the international condemnation that is now beginning.

Iranian Jews Condemn Emigrant Stunt

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Another LIE by our resident Plant and the Zionist Extremists is soundly refuted.

How long will you let these Extremists LIE to you before you do something?

Madmen Still Plotting War on Iran

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Be very nervous ...

More proof that Madmen are running the USA and Israel.

This is yet another desperate attempt to create the illusion of a threat where none exists.

Of course their conclusion is true, since Iran doesn't have nukes!

As Predicted: Israeli Tanks, Bulldozers Enter Gaza

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In Germany, according to historian Richard Evans, in 1931-1932, if enough Germans of conscience had begun to say No -- history would have had an entirely diferent outcome.

If we go any further down this road the tears will be those of conservatives as well as progressives. They will be (Israeli) tears.

The time for weeping has to stop; the time for confronting must begin.

Adapted from "American Tears"

Israel Defends Lebanon War Crimes

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This should be a matter for a War Crimes Tribunal, not the perpetrators. Their findings are contrary to investigations carried out by the UN and human rights organizations.

Backward, Christian soldiers, marching as to peace

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The outrage of the Zionist Extremists and their ideological partners only proved that they are the ones obstructing peace efforts, and perpetuating the only threat to Israelis. It was funny to watch, in light of the fact that neither Bush nor Olmert are serious about this - but merely looking for some good PR as they plot further Aggression.

Israel's "Right to Exist"

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There is an enormous difference between "recognizing Israel's existence" and "recognizing Israel's right to exist".

"Wake It! Shake It!...

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..Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion. Try to find any record of this quote anywhere! That was the best movie and book there was, yet a lot of young people have never heard of it. Read the PS to learn how it can motivate.

New Blood Libel

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Olmert Rejects Truce Offer

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If this escalates, just remember which party perpetuated the fighting, instead of pursuing peace.

Negotiating with Death

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A Peace-killing Linkage, De-linkage

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Linking the “aliyah” to what the Jewish literature has been describing as Eretz Israel or Yisrael HaShleima (Greater Israel) to the Israeli colonial settlement of the Palestinian land, which the Hebrew state occupied in 1967, while at the same time negating the Palestinian Right of Return, is torpedoing whatever prospect is left for a peaceful solution for the Arab – Israeli conflict.

Iranian Jews escape to Israel in covert journey, fearing hardline regime

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Bulldoze an anarcho-nazi for Herzl!

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Bulldoze an anarcho-nazi for Herzl!

Bulldoze an anarcho-nazi for Herzl!

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Bulldoze an anarcho-nazi for Herzl!

Bulldoze an anarcho-nazi for Herzl!

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Bulldoze an anarcho-nazi for Herzl!

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