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Nablus TourBy Anonymous, submitted on שלישי, 10/08/2010 - 17:40
A Tour in English of the Rural Area of Nablus Time 20 August · 08:30 - 23:00
Created by: More info The tour will pass through the settlement of Elqana, through Ariel and the adjacent industrial area via Highway 5 ("the Trans-Samaria" Highway) and in the illegal settlements. The tour will end with a gathering with the Palestinian residents of the area and members of "Combatants for Peace", both Israeli and Palestinian. The tour will leave at 8:30 AM on Friday, the 20th of August, from the Central Train Station in Tel Aviv. Esti...mated time of return: 15:00. The tour will not pass through security sensitive areas, does not require any coordination, and is intended for the general public. Because of the Ramadan, the meeting with the Palestinians will be held without food. We will have a break around noon, in order to buy food and drinks. The price of the tour is 30 NIS per person. In order to ensure your place on the bus, please sign up at the following link: https://spreadsheet s.google.com/viewform? formkey=dEFncXc2RGRTTmp0RE9QcD gtdy1vSFE6MQ For further details, please contact us at: nablustour@combatan tsforpeace.org תגובות |
ראשון 22 אוגוסט 2010
שבת 21 אוגוסט 2010
שישי 20 אוגוסט 2010
חמישי 19 אוגוסט 2010
שלישי 17 אוגוסט 2010
ראשון 15 אוגוסט 2010
שישי 13 אוגוסט 2010
חמישי 12 אוגוסט 2010
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