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Anti-Defamation League Assails Palestinian UN MembershipBy Stephen Lendman, submitted by Anonymous on שבת, 08/10/2011 - 09:43
![]() ![]() ![]() Anti-Defamation League Assails Palestinian UN Membership - by Stephen Lendman
For nearly a century, ADL falsely called itself "the nation's premier civil rights/human relations agency (fighting) anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry...."
In fact, all along it fronted for Jewish supremacy. After Israel's 1948 creation, it backed Israeli rights over Arabs, including by occupation and belligerently enforced apartheid.
One of the 52 Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CPMAJO), ADL disseminates pro-Israeli propaganda.
It also conducts smear campaigns against its critics, under the guise of fighting anti-semitism and supporting human rights equitably. Overall, its long history is shamelessly loathsome.
Earlier it did political spying for the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). Later it did it against the National Lawyers Guild, ACLU, NAACP, the Rainbow Coalition, Greenpeace, the Nation of Islam, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, the Bay Area anti-Apartheid Network, Asian Law Caucus, CISPES, and 20 Bay area labor unions.
Currently it's assailing Palestinian UN membership. Its web site calls "Palestinian unilateralism an obstacle to peace."
It called Abbas' UN address "strident." It said "his calls for peace rang hollow amidst the extreme accusations against Israel, including charges of colonialism (and) ethnic cleansing."
In other words, asking UN member states to grant Palestinians long denied rights is "strident." Wanting peace is "hollow" rhetoric, and rightfully charging Israel of colonialism and ethnic cleaning amounts to "extreme accusations."
In contrast, he praised Netanyahu for "focus(ing) on Israel's desire for peace (and) called on the Palestinians to come back to negotiations."
In fact, like earlier Israeli leaders, Netanyahu deplores peace. They didn't negotiate. Neither does he. Israel demands, take it or else.
ADL offered its sanitized version of "(f)acts on the Palestinian campaign to unilaterally declare statehood," saying:
1. Israel supports "an independent Palestinian state created through bilateral negotiations."
In fact, Israel, at best supports a cantonized Palestine after all valued land Israel wants is stolen. Moreover, Palestinians got statehood in 1988. At issue now is full UN membership. A simple two-thirds majority is needed. Israel has one vote, not veto power or right to dictate terms.
2. Palestinians going it alone violates Israeli/Palestian agreements, "and effectively marks the end of the peace process."
False. As explained, Palestine IS a state. Now it wants full status rights like the other 193. Peace is an entirely separate issue. Palestinians have wanted it for decades. Israel categorically refuses.
3. UN membership "will contravene 'land-for-peace.' "
In 1948, Israel stole 78% of historic Palestine, then the rest in 1967. Palestinians want 22% back free from occupation. An overwhelming number of states support them. Israel and Washington remain obstacles to peace and reconciliation throughout the region.
4. Core issues will remain unresolved, "including borders, refugees and Jerusalem."
Borders must be negotiated. Israel is the only nation without fixed ones. Diaspora Palestinians automatically will be able to return to free Palestine. Jerusalem is an international city under UN trusteeship. Agreement must be reached for Israel and Palestine to share it as their capital. It's not Israel's alone, nor should it ever be.
5. Palestinians acting unilaterally won't assure "a viable and sovereign state."
False. However, it's no protection from Israeli attacks or assurance its occupation will end easily or quickly.
ADL added that Israel expressed "willingness to make concessions for peace." In fact, Israel concedes nothing and deplores peace.
ADL calls Palestinians acting unilaterally "a provocative and hostile action." In other words, after 63 years of futility, pursuing long denied rights is confrontational.
As a result, "Israel has no choice but to oppose UDI by the Palestinians." In fact, except for its General Assembly vote, Israel has no more say than other GA members.
All have equal voting rights unlike the Security Council where one nation can subvert the will of all others. Washington takes full advantage, especially on issues affecting Israel.
ADL urged the international community to reject Palestinian wishes. It also encouraged PA officials to repudiate reconciling with Hamas and deal only with Israel. ADL, in fact, encourages failure to keep Palestinians permanently occupied with no rights.
ADL Message to Abbas
In an open letter to Abbas, ADL director Abraham Foxman railed against PA officials demonizing Israel, saying:
"You say you will not come to negotiate until Mr. Netanyahu says in advance that Israel will concede all the territories and stop all settlements."
In fact, Abbas and other PA officials made one demand - stop settlement construction on stolen Palestinian land. Otherwise no talks. Netanyahu flatly refuses.
"Trust is a two-way street. Let's stop this demonizing. Let's move forward. If you sit down to talk, you may learn that you have far greater reason to trust (Netanyahu) than you thought."
Since the 1970s, "trusting" Israeli leaders got Palestinians nothing except to enforce their own occupation. Netanyahu is Israel's worst ever prime minister. He never gave an inch and won't now.
Yet Foxman urged Abbas to "come(e) back to the table, by negotiating in food faith and by reaching an agreement that finally ends the conflict and provides for a Palestinian state and a Jewish state living side-by-side in peace and security."
Palestinians never wanted less. Israel adamantly refuses. Dealing with racist warmonger Netanyahu assures failure and betrayal. Palestinians aren't trying to isolate and delegitimize Israel.
Under leaders like Netanyahu and extremist Knesset members, Israel is doing it to itself. It's moved so far out of the mainstream, in fact, it may end up self-destructing.
Why else would growing numbers of fed up Israelis be voting with their feet and leaving. Foxman didn't comment nor about Israel's hardline intransigence, refusing ever to negotiate in good faith.
A Final Comment
On October 4, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) granted "Partner for Democracy" status to the Palestine National Council (PNC), the PLO's legislative body.
It's only the second time such status was awarded. PNC Speaker Salim Al-Za'noon called the decision "historic," saying it could contribute to regional peace.
On October 5, UNESCO's executive committee agreed to vote on admitting Palestine as a member. UNESCO's end of October general conference will consider it. France called the move "premature."
Hillary Clinton arrogantly wants UNESCO to reconsider it, saying:
"I would urge the governing body of UNESCO to think again before proceeding with that vote because the decision about status must be made in the United Nations and not in auxiliary groups...."
Israel also opposes it. According to Haaretz, a Foreign Ministry response called it "rejection of the path of negotiations, as well as of the Quartet plan to continue with the political process....A decision like this will not advance the Palestinians in their aspirations to statehood."
As explained above, Palestinians got statehood in 1988. Now they want full UN membership. Washington and Israel are going all out to subvert it.
In the end, they'll likely succeed unless Abbas petitions the General Assembly under the 1950 Uniting for Peace Resolution, giving the GA power to override Security Council rejection.
It's up to him and other PA officials - either go for what's easily achievable in days, or bow to Washington and Israeli interests. Smart money says the latter.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected].
Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.
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שלישי 13 דצמבר 2011
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