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bad news from france

It is shame for us in fRance to state that zionsim advocates have taken control of Toulouse's local IMC :/

Please excuse my poor english as i am french and would like to apologize for not being convincive enough to prevent what is currently happening with Toulouse's local IMC.

For example, about ten day ago I posted a report on their website, about the israëli governement law suits against you, in which I duplicated and translated in french, adding the picture the call for information and about the murderer this is all about. The post has been moved first in a "debate" area, and a few day later, deleted.

This is a part of a long term shamefull undertake of this collective by strongly supported zionists advocates whom for months and even during the attacks on gaza have minimize and rejected bunches of post relating about this new step in israëli government policy.

I have to explain that at this time, they work with one sole moderator who is the main person responsable of the editorial policy. People understanding french will get a clear idea of the degree this reaches consulting both the website :


and much worse their mail list


As I personnaly had a role during this collective process, I feel particurlarly concerned by this issue and will help anyone asking for this collective to be thrown out of the indy network.

For example, they displace contributions in the "debate" area at the bottom right od their site to suggest they have not been moderated. But the major reason is that publishing there does not allow any comment to be added to posts. Today they published their means here :


It has to be clear that since I discovered their practices some weeks ago, I began to start posting agressive mails on their list, asking to work again among the collective ; then they published a "collective statement" fordiding me to ever do so ! So for about a week and with help from other people we try to spam their website to death in order to express that not all people her in toulouse tolerate such behaviors in an indymedia collective.

I post here because I followed the long story trying to disaffiliate belgium.indymedia and do not feel patient enough to go on posting all the elements on the communication list. Besides, I know how difficult it is for you to work, and it especially about you that I mostly fee ashame of the way things turne out in Toulouse.

Thank you for all help and support you may show in this very sad case





Qassams are a war crime

Qassams fired indiscriminately at civilian population centers are a war crime. Do we excuse all war crimes if the perpetrators happen to be "Palestinian" or will we one day see the darlings of the Left in the dockets at the Hague?

Re: bad news from france

Please mind that some posted and not yet moderated elements at the top (3 at the moment) are provocative posts I published myself and do not constitute on themselves proofs of the situation !

..The rest ...does !


Re: bad news from france

Hey Rona,

I think it is partly due to a plague of anti-arabic endemic racism specific to france, the fact a lot of french oligarchy's strategics are linked to northern africa's corrupt and authoritary regimes and weapon market. This makes so that any attempt to advocate arabs as respectable people like all others directly tends goepardize bunches of interests. So there is a lot of propaganda spread everywhere of which parts of traditional and radical oppositions often unfortunatly pretend not to be concerned with. Also a very strong sionist lobby actually fully supported by the actual french government seem to encourage people to believe both that advocating for the palestinain people is just a disguised resurgence of the pre-WW2 antisemitism, and that french people whose parents immigrate here from northern africa, whose roots are from the arab culture wish to import muslim fundamentalism in france...

People try to convince everybody that sionism is exactly the same thing that being jewish, and that not supporting the right for isrëal to segrate there non-jewish citizen is a resurgeance of antisemitism, and so in indymedia collectives, where people are majorilly very young, they sometime convince members of some collectives that admiting sionism advocacy has to do with non-segregation principles...

But i am not sure this is the only problem, as I tend to get paranoid sometimes with very well organised massive posts on website and controversies on mail lists where one may not really know how to distinct between real antisemits-anti-jewish and fascist people (they have an interest in disrupting indymedia portals), sionists advocates and probably infiltrated french cops.

In the context of indymedia there has yet been about three collectives ruined and closed because of spam, dissentions and/or undertakement by sionists lobbyists : imc France, imc Marseille and imc Paris...so this is nothing new :/

Sorry if my explanation is confusing. Thanks for commenting. And hang on ! We are here hoping this barbarian mentalities will change !

Re: bad news from france

take care about this guy imc israel , on the imc list with an another very antisemitic person with nicknames Hyma/Kankrelat/Gribouilledingue this guy working consciently for the sabotage of imc toulouse with a very bad campagn of harasment against the IMC collective



with the fascist troll they spammed the inc toulouse everyday with very
violentracist, antisemitic; and negationist's topics, false titles,racists insult etc etc

they have spams against inc toulouse is a zionist medi a and other post taken from extreme right wing website

this guy clampin have also a very bad reputation in some french activism aeras and a bad reputation also of being a provo working whith the cops

Re: bad news from france

And even if i am a cop (which i invite the courageous anonymous poster telling so), vould it change this :


They publish and so advocate a denial of clear responsability of an already condamned extreme-left-zionists group for having attacked a well known french pro-pal library in paris last week.

And with the same arguments : this library is pro-hamas, and supports french fascists...

And this :


of which the title says the content : "...let's protect zionism"...

And these infamous drawings about nikabs, like any common anti-arab french racists bullshit :


Let people make themselves an opinion and what to feel ashamed of.

Re: Re: bad news from france

the liars of the provo clampin is back again

one exemple of this antisemitic campaign agaisnt imc toulouse

imc toulouse named by clampin aka phil sionimedia or SMT for Sionist Media Toulouse


Israeli Flag with the indymedia logo an idea taken by clampinaka phil on an extreme right wing web site


some others liars posted by the troll clampin aka phil


Re: Re: Re: bad news from france

another exemple of antisemitic imagery spamed by clampin aka phil on imc toulouse


this spam posted by clampin aka phil is called



Re: bad news from france

"Israeli Flag with the indymedia logo an idea taken by clampinaka phil on an extreme right wing web site"

I strongly protest ! all works there are pure original works proudly made with GIMP and Inkscape, Free Software covered by FSF's GNU-GPL Licence !

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