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Violence in the farmlands of Safa

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I am getting a report now from Jesse of Ta’ayush who is in Safa. For information on Safa see this post. Ta’ayush was on the ground with Palestinians farmers when 15 to 20 young settlers arrived from the settlement of Bat Ayin. He tells me that the settlers starting throwing rocks at the Ta’ayush activists and the Palestinians. There were at least three IDF soldiers watching this happen from the hilltop road. The settlers got closer and broke the camera of one activist and began to flip the car of Ezra Nawi breaking his windshield. Approximately thirty border police arrived on the scene and declared the zone closed. The settlers were not required to leave the area and five Ta’ayush activists were arrested as they were helping Ezra to flip his car back over. He tells me that more Palestinians are arriving to help Ezra with his car.


Photo by: Anne Paq/Activestills.org

Ynet is covering the situation like this:
Leftists and Palestinians clashed with settlers near the Bat Ayin settlement on Saturday. Police detained two Palestinians suspected of throwing stones and three Palestinians and two leftists for entering a closed military zone.
The leftists claimed that the settlers damaged one of their vehicles. (Efrat Weiss)

It is a bald faced lie and I thought I would let everyone that reads this blog know about it.

Haaretz is now covering the story here.

I am told that we have video that will be used on Channel two this evening.

Members of Ta’ayush that were not arrested are now at the kiyrat arba police station filling a complaint about the stolen camera and the flipped car. They are reporting to me that settlers children are throwing eggs and other projectiles at them while they are inside the police station.

Photo by: Anne Paq/Activestills.org

I have got a copy of some video with footage of the arrests made by the IDF. You be the judge if they were to violent with the peace activists. Right now we do not have footage of the settler attacks because they destroyed our cameras.

Three Israelis have been released from jail because they have agreed not to return to the south West Bank for 15 days. There are still two Israelis in jail waiting for a hearing that will most likely take place this evening. Contact you members of Knesset and protest this injustice. There are also two Palestinian children aged 14 in jail. Most likely, it will be days before they have a hearing.

Photo by: Anne Paq/Activestills.org




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