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תקופת כליאה שנייה לסרבן אג'ואד זידאן

הסרבן אג'ואד זידאן, בן 18 בן הקהילה הדרוזית מבית ג'אן, נידון ב-14/12 לעשרים ימי מחבוש על סירובו להתגייס. זוהי תקופת הכליאה השנייה שלו (לפני כן הוא נידון לעשרה ימי מחבוש ב-30/11, עונש שקוצר בפועל בכמה ימים בגלל פינוי כלא 6 בזמן השריפה בכרמל). הוא מוחזק כעת בכלא 4.


בידיעה שפורסמה בעיתון "אל איתיחאד" צוטט אג'ואן כאומר: "הבדידות של תא הכלא טובה אלף מונים מלעמוד מול בני עמי ולכוון לעברם רובה או להטיל עליהם עוצר". נוסף על כך, אג'ואד מנמק את סירובו להתגייס גם בסירוב לשאת נשק ולהיות חלק מארגון צבאי באופן כללי.


אג'ואד צפוי להשתחרר מהכלא ב-30/12, וסביר שייכלא שוב לאחר מכן. המידע המלא על כליאתו של אג'ואד (והאישור לפרסם את עדכון הכלואים) הגיעו אלינו רק לאחרונה, ובשלב הנוכחי כבר אין טעם לשלוח מכתבים לכתובתו של אג'ואד בכלא (הוא ישתחרר לפני שהמכתבים יגיעו אליו). אולם, כתמיד, ניתן לשלוח אליו מכתבי תמיכה באימייל, לכתובת: messages2prison@newprofile.org (תשובות להודעה זו באמצעות כפתור "השב לכולם" יגיעו גם הן לאותה הכתובת), והמכתבים יועברו במהלך ביקור או זמן קצר לאחר שחרורו.


מה אפשר לעשות?

ראשית, אנא הפיצו הודעה זו ואת המידע הכלול בה בתפוצה רחבה ככל האפשר, לא רק באמצעות דואר אלקטרוני, אלא גם דרך אתרי אינטרנט, רשתות חברתיות, בתקשורת הקונבנציונלית, מפה לאוזן וכיו"ב. להלן עוד כמה סוגים של פעולות מומלצות.

1. אנא שלחו מכתבי תמיכה לאג'ואד לכתובת: messages2prison@newprofile.org.


2. מכתבים לרשויות

מומלץ מאוד לשלוח מכתבי מחאה, רצוי בפקס, אל הגורמים הבאים:

מר אהוד ברק, שר הביטחון

משרד הביטחון


תל-אביב 64743.

טל': 6975540 (03) או 6975423 (03)

פקס: 6976711 (03)

דוא"ל sar@mod.gov.il או pniot@mod.gov.il


רצוי לשלוח העתקים למפקד הכלא, לכתובת:

  • מפקד כלא 4 
  • בס"כ 394 
  • ד"צ 02507 
  • צה"ל 
  • פקס: 9575276 (03)


עוד כתובת שימושית למשלוח פניות היא הפרקליט הצבאי הראשי:

אביחי מנדלבליט

הפרקליט הצבאי הראשי

מִפְקדת הפרקליטות הצבאית הראשית

ד"צ 9605


פקס: 5694526 (03)


חשוב במיוחד לשלוח מכתבי מחאה למפקד מיט"ב, כיוון שבידיו תימצא בסופו של דבר ההחלטה כמה פעמים נוספות ישבו הסרבנים\ות בכלא לפני שישוחררו סופית. אותו קצין אחראי גם להפעלתה של "וועדת המצפון":

גדי אגמון

מפקד מיט"ב


ד"צ 02718


פקס: 7376052 (03)


להלן מכתב לדוגמה, שניתן להשתמש בו, או בטקסט שונה, במשלוח המכתבים. מומלץ בהחלט להכניס בנוסח שינויים לפי ראות עיניכם:

  • א.ג.נ.,
  • נודע לי כי אג'ואד זידאן מבית ג'אן, סרבן מצפון לשירות צבאי, נשפט בשנית על סירובו להתגייס, ומוחזק בכלא 4 שבצריפין.
  • כליאתם של סרבני מצפון דוגמת אג'ואד זידאן מהווה הפרה ברורה של החוק הבינלאומי ושל זכויות אדם בסיסיות. הדבר ברור במיוחד לאור העובדה שאג'ואד זידאן כבר נשפט על אותו מעשה עצמו - סירובו להתגייס - בעבר.
  • על-כן אני פונה אליך בדרישה לשחרר את אג'ואד זידאן לאלתר, ולהימנע מכליאתו בעתיד. כמו כן, אני פונה אליך בדרישה שתפעל למניעת הישנותם של מקרים דומים. על המערכת שבראשה אתה עומד לנהוג להבא כבוד בסיסי בסרבניות וסרבני מצפון, ובכל באי עולם.
  • בברכה,



3. מכתבים לכלי תקשורת

כתיבה של מכתבים ומאמרי דעה בעיתונות והבעת דעה בעניין בתכניות מאזינים ברדיו יכולים לסייע למאמצינו להביא את עניינם של הכלואים לידיעת הציבור בארץ ולהפעיל לחץ, בעקיפין, אך ביעילות רבה, על רשויות הצבא להפסיק את כליאתם.

נמשיך לעדכן על התפתחויות נוספות.


  • סרגיי סנדלר – פרופיל חדש.


2nd Prison Term for Conscientious Objector Ajuad Zidan

CO Ajuad Zidan, 18, from the town of Beit Jann, a Palestinian member of the Druze religious community, was sentenced to 20 days of imprisonment on 14 Dec for his refusal to enlist in the Israeli military. This is his second term in prison (he was earlier sentenced to 10 days in prison on 30 Nov., although he was released a few days early following the evacuation of Military Prison no. 6 during the fire on Mt. Carmel earlier this month). He is currently held in Military Prison no. 4.

Merry Christmas from Bil'in's Weekly Demonstrations


To mark the International Week of Solidarity with the Palestinian people and
the Christmas holiday the people of Bil'in remember their martyrs, prisoners
and wounded and vow to continue their struggle against the occupation with
the aim of establishing an independent state with Jerusalem as capital.

At today's demonstration, a number of Bil'in's citizens as well as a local
journalist were wounded, in addition to the dozens of people who suffered
choking from inhaling poison gas.

Don't Say We Didn't Know 243

Settlers and the IDF continue to attack Palestinians in the South Hebron Hills region.


On Monday, 13th December, 2010, seventeen settlers from the settlement Sussya attacked the Nawaj'a family from the Palestinian village Sussya. The act was probably retaliation after a herd of goats had been stolen from the settlement.  The settlers beat a Palestinian man with a pick-axe and injured his back.  A neighbour was also injured. The attack took 45 minutes, and the police only came a long time after the attack had finished.  No one was arrested, although some of the attackers’ identities are known.  This is the third time settlers have attacked the Nawaj'a family.


On Monday, the IDF demolished 13 cisterns in Umm Daraj in the Judean Desert .  A week earlier, the IDF demolished an irrigation pool in the Tekoa region.


On Monday, 13th December, 2010, State representatives arrived, accompanied by police, and demolished seven homes of Palestinian Israeli citizens, at Helen Keller Street in Lod.  Fifty people were made homeless.


 Questions & queries: amosg@shefayim.org.il

Breaking the Silence

Breaking the Silence book

All 432 pages of Breaking the Silence's new landmark book of IDF soldier testimonies 2000-2010 now browseable, downloadable and embeddable in English here.

Before diving into the testimonies, make sure you read the first 2 pages of the introduction for a simple and honest analysis of how the IDF degenerated into a tool of dispossession:

The testimonies leave no room for doubt: while it is true that the Israeli security apparatus has had to deal with concrete threats in the past decade, including terrorist attacks on Israeli citizens, Israeli operations are not solely defensive. Rather, they systematically lead to the de facto annexation of large sections of the West Bank to Israel through the dispossession of Palestinian residents. The widespread notion in Israeli society that the control of the Territories is intended exclusively to protect the security of Israeli citizens is incompatible with the information conveyed by hundreds of IDF soldiers.

פתרון צודק של חמולת אבו- עיד בלוד



Dozens of people were injured from asphyxia in Bil'in weekly demonstration



Bil'in- Ramallah: Today dozens of people were injured from asphyxia as a
result of inhaling the tear gas due to the clashes that took place in the
village of Bil'in. Along with the peace activist and foreigners who camed to
give solidariety to Bil'in people especialy after the decision of the
Israeli Defence Force to suppress the weekly march against the wall and the

The march is called by the Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil'in, and
did partecipate and join this march many people form Bil'in village and many
peace activists,Israelis all of them here to bring and show their
solidariety to Bil'in people and case.

All the partecipant in the march raised the Palestinian flags and pictures
of the prisoner activist Abdullah Abo Rahme, one of the coordinator of the
Popular Committee Against the Wall and settlements. They shouted slogans
condemning the policies of settlements occupation, they also shouted against
the policies of repession against the Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli
jails, and other condemning the daily attacks on the Palestinians houses in
Jerusalem. The claimed also the stop to the policy of deportation and
exclusion, as recently happened to the Palestinian deputy Abu Tir who was
moved from Jerusalem. Also the slogans demand the stop of the continuos
arrests and to releas of all the detainees and prisoners and in particular
the prisoners from the popular resistance and last but not least to lift the
siege on the Gaza Strip.

The demonstrators marched in the village street singing the national songs
and slogans, calling for unity and rejecting all kind of disunite and
differences. They underlined and confirmed the need for a resounding
Palestinian resistance against the occupation and the release of all the
prisoners and the freedom for Palestine.
The march headed toward the wall, where the military force of the israeli
occupation army were waiting for them behind cubes and block of cements and
all along the wall, and when the protesters tried to cross the wall to reach
the lands owned by the people of the town the army started to fire sound
bombs and rubber bullet and tear gas in all the directions, result of the 

 fire many people where injured from asphyxia.

US State Department Silent on Bil’in’s Abdallah Abu Rahmah

 US State Department spokesman continues to avoid giving a clear US position on the case of imprisoned non-violent leader Abdallah Abu Rahmah. Asked three times on different occasions by Associated Press reporters, spokesman PJ Crowley failed to show clear US support of Abdallah Abu Rahmah.


Don't Say We Didn't Know 242

 The IDF is continuously trying to evict the Palestinian residents of the village Khirbet Tana, east of Beit Furiq in the Nablus sub-district.

On Tuesday, 7th December, 2010, the IDF demolished homes in the village for the third time (Don't say... #195).  On this occasion, 10 homes, 17 animal sheds and a school were demolished.  One hundred and one (101) people were made homeless.  In addition, 15 water tanks were destroyed.


Questions & queries: amosg@shefayim.org.il




PCHR Gaza Weekly Report 5-9 December 2010


Palestinian Centre for Human Rights




Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)



·              Two Palestinians were killed by IOF in the Gaza Strip.


·              Two Palestinian children were killed by the explosion of an object left by IOF in the Gaza Strip.


·              Two activists of the Palestinian resistance were wounded by flechette shells fired by IOF in the Gaza Strip.


·              IOF continued to fire at Palestinian workers, farmers and fishermen in border areas in the Gaza Strip.

-  12 Palestinian workers and one farmer were wounded.


·              A Palestinian civilian was wounded by Israeli gunfire in al-'Eissawiya village near Jerusalem.


·              IOF continued to use force against peaceful protests in the West Bank.

-       Two Palestinian civilians were wounded.

-       IOF arrested 3 international human rights defenders. 


·              IOF conducted 25 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank.   

-       IOF arrested 15 Palestinian civilians, including two children.


·              Israeli warplanes attacked a number of civilian targets in the Gaza Strip. 

·      A house and a water well were damaged in al-Mughraqa village in the central Gaza Strip.

·      A paramilitary site was destroyed and two schools were heavily damaged in Gaza City.


·              Israel has continued to impose a total siege on the OPT and has isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world.

-      Israeli soldiers at military checkpoints in the West Bank arrested 6 Palestinian civilians, including former Palestinian Minister of Prisoners' Affairs.


·              Israel has continued to take measures aimed at creating a Jewish demographic majority in Jerusalem .

-          IOF demolished two houses in Jerusalem.


·              IOF have continued settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

-       IOF destroyed 6 water wells south of Hebron.

-       Israeli settlers poured waste water onto a school in 'Azzoun-'Atma village.





Israeli violations of international law and humanitarian law in the OPT continued during the reporting period (09 – 15 December 2010):




During the reporting period, IOF killed two Palestinians, while two children were killed by the explosion of a projectile left by IOF in the Gaza Strip.  Additionally, 15 Palestinians, including 3 children, were wounded by IOF in the Gaza Strip, and another two ones were wounded in the West Bank.


On 11 December 2010, IOF killed two Palestinians near the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel to the east of al-Boreij refugee camp.  Palestinian medical crews were not allow to evacuate the bodies for two days.


On 10 December 2010, two Palestinian children were killed in al-Shuja'iya neighborhood in Gaza City by the explosion of a projectile left by IOF.


On 13 December 2010, two activists of the Palestinian resistance were wounded by shrapnel from flechette shells fired by IOF in the northern Gaza Strip. 


During the reporting period, IOF fired at Palestinian workers who were collecting scraps of construction materials.  As a result, 12 workers, including two children, were wounded by Israeli gunfire.   


On 10 December 2010, a Palestinian farmer was wounded by Israeli gunfire in the southern Gaza Strip. 


During the reporting period, Israeli warplanes attacked a number of targets in the Gaza Strip.  As a result, a paramilitary site was destroyed and two schools were heavily damaged in Gaza City, and a house and a water well were damaged in al-Mughraqa village in the central Gaza Strip.



During the reporting period, IOF used excessive force to disperse peaceful demonstrations organized in protest to Israeli settlement activities and the construction of the annexation wall.  As a result, two Palestinian civilians were wounded, and dozens of Palestinian civilians and international human rights defenders suffered from tear gas inhalation or sustained bruises.   IOF also arrested 3 international human rights defenders.


The full report is available online at:




Public Document


For more information please call PCHR office in Gaza , Gaza Strip, on +972 8 2824776 - 2825893

 PCHR, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip. E-mail: pchr@pchrgaza.org, Webpage http://www.pchrgaza.org

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