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Norway attacks/Result of extreme right populism in EuropeBy Astrid Essed, submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 19/08/2011 - 06:03
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NORWAY ATTACKS/RESULT OF EXTREME RIGHT POPULISM IN EUROPE INTRODUCTION: Dear Editor and readers Hereby I present to you my article about the Norway massacre It is dedicated to them, who were killed, defending basic human rights, that all men are created free and equal and have the same rights It urges us to continue their struggle I quote Olav Magnus Linge [Norway's Socialist Youth] “For all dead comrades, not a minute's silence, but a life of struggle." May they rest in peace Kind greetings Astrid Essed Amsterdam The Netherlands NORWAY TERROR ATTACKS/RESULT OF EXTREME RIGHT POPULISM IN EUROPE ''These atrocities have come as a shock to the entire world and the international community is appalled by the flagrant disregard for human life shown by the perpetrator of these crimes'' AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL/PUBLIC STATEMENT SOLIDARITY WITH NORWEGIAN PEOPLE “For all dead comrades, not a minute's silence, but a life of struggle." —Olav Magnus Linge, Norway's Socialist Youth WHAT HAPPENED: At friday the 22th of july a shock went through the world by two terror attacks in Norway A bombing attack on Oslo's central government district and a shooting attack on the youth camp of the Norway Labour Party at the island of Utoya In totally 77 people were killed, mostly young ones at the youth camp between 14 and 25 years [1] BREIVIK The Utoya shooter and suspect [2] of the bombing attack were on and the same person, the extreme right wing ''christian'' fundamentalist [3] Anders Breivik, who had the guts to state after his arrest, that his deed was ''gruesome, but necessary'' [4] This act of horror was meant a ''statement'' against multicultural society and the presence of muslims in Norway The Norwegian Labour Party was the target because of her ''tolerance'' against migrants and minorities [5] According to the police he acted on his own Further investigation will show, whether he had possible collaboratprs or if there are more ''cells'' of a broader organisation, as Breivik claims [6] However: Contrary with the mainstream media, these terror attacks don;t come ''out of the blue'' and are not merely the work of a ''disturbed loner'' [7] THE BREIVIK KILLINGS STEMS FROM THE YEARLONG GROWING RACISM IN EUROPE, WHICH HAS BEEN TOLERATED AND ARTIFICIALLY CULTIVATED [8] Yearlong hatred sowing against muslims, migrants and refugees BREIVIK'S MANIFESTO ''EUROPEAN DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE'' ' Breivik's views and ideology: Breivik's views in his ''European Declaration of Independence, partly copied from the Unabomber [9]:are extreme agressive, demonstrate obsessed hatred for Islam, muslims, migrants and all political leftist.ideologies, parties and people. See four main points of his hatred sowing Manifest: 1) Mass immigration and the Islam are the main treaths for the Western society 2) Like communism and fascism, the Islam is a toralitarian ideology, which has caused millions of victims 3) The gate of this Islam ''treath'' has been opened by the multicultural ideology of the ruling class 4) Head responsibles of the spreading of the ''Islam treath'' are the ''cultural marxists'', which are represented mainly by the Social Democrat parties [10] Obsessed with violence: The terror attacks show it: Breivik chooses the way of extreme violence However, his Manifesto proves it loudly and clearly [11] In his eyes, Western countries are ''at war'' with the Islam, ''armed resistance'' or ''self defence'' is necessary and actually only a military coup should be the solution. Besides agressive racism and scapegoat theories, committing a military coup is an important extreme right view Another ''legitimated'' merhod Breivik defended in his Manifesto is the committing of terror attacks, which he himself committed [12] Apart from nonsense about the wars of European kingdoms with the Turkish Ottoman Empire, Breuvik states, that he and eight others allegedly founded a new Order of Templars, referring on the bloody Western Crisades in Palestine during the Middle Ages In the tradition of extreme right ideology he calls himself a ''Crusader'' [13] Of course he wanted a broad forwarding of his hatred ''Manifesto'' He himself spread it in extreme right circles in Europe Adnmirations and sympathies: In his Manifesto he called as ''great examples'' the Dutch former anti immigration leader P Fortuyn, anti Islam filmmaker T van Gogh, anti-Islam politician Hirsi Ali, who should win the Nobelprize fir Peace [according to Breivik] And extreme right leader of the PVV, Wilders [14] From all anti Islam figures in the Netherlands he calls Wilders the most Other sources of admiration are the British extreme right EDL organisation and the group ''Stop Islamisation of Europe'' [SOE] [15] He allegedly had contact with the EDL, when he came to Great Britain because of the visit of Wilders [16] BREIVIK AND THE EXTREME RIGHT POPULIST MOVEMENTS IN EUROPE The Manifesto is extreme right and anti Islam, as are the individuals Breivik contacted and the persons and organisations he admires. THEREFORE IT IS NONSENSE TO ASSUME THAT THE ATTACKS ARE AN ''ISOLATED ACT!'' Not only the Breivik views are a copy of the extreme right views, his acts are deeply influenced by the post 11 september rise of the demonic racist climate in Europe THE ADVANCEMENT OF XENOPHPOBIA IN EUROPE Faster than an infectious disease, political and social racism has spread over Europe, which is uttered in hatred against Islam and muslims, ''non-western'' inhabitants and refugees Mostly it is accompanied by a hatred against ''liberal'' or ''socialist'' parties, politicians and organisations Squatters are also among the scapegoats Politically populist and racist parties have obtained great electoral victories in several European countries like the Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, etc At society level racism shows itself in discussions, which launch an agressive attack on the cultural identity of national minorities As well at political as social level it is a common view, that the ''multicultural society has failed'' [17] For this clear political attack on the rights of national minorities, the Dutch racist leader Janmaat was convicted in the nineties [18] This shows, how the political climate has turned to racism Other examples are the tightened integration demands and the headscarf and Burqa hysteria [19] In France and Belgiium there is a ban on wearing Burqa's in public, on which Human Rights Watch and Amnesty have uttered fundamental criticism [20] So far the populists go But the story of racisn goes on: In Switzerland there is a prohibition of building minattes on mosques and non Swiss inhabitants are automatically deported when committing a crime, even when they are legally in Switzerland [21] In France Roma mass deportations of Roma took place, despite the EU and international prohibition on discrimination [22] Extreme right parties in government: In some European countries like Denmark and the Netherland, an extreme right party supports a government, without actually being a part of the government [23] And still worse: In Italy, the extreme right Lega Nord is full part of the Italian government [24] However the most dangerous is not the phenomenon of racist populist parties, but the ''regular'' parties adopting points of view from the populists, in order to gain electoral victory. Recently European Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malstrom stated in her weblog, that too few European leaders make a stand against the dangerous xenofobic rhetoric of the far right parties, thus creating a climate for the Breiviks of this world [25] She is one of the few European politicians to make such a firm stand Extreme right violence has spread through whole Europe, especially since the 11 september attacks, but also before In the Netherlands post 11 september violence showed itself in a wave of verbal and fysical attacks on muslims and arson attacks on Mosques, directly after the 11 september attacks and the murder of anti Islam filmmaker T van Gogh in 2004 [26] Nowadays, attacks on Mosques show themselves nearly each month Sometimes there is directly referred to extreme right PVV leader Wilders [27] Except for the Netherlands, as in the USA as in Europe, attacks on Mosques are regular [28] EXTREME RIGHT IN NORWAY Before the fatal Norway attacks, there already was a lot of extreme right violence in Norway, especially in the ninetees Verbal and fysical attacks, treaths, street violence, arson and killings all took place In 2001, a black teenager was shot by neo nazi's [29] In 2009 the extreme right Norwegian Progress Party got 23 percent in parliamentary election Only the Labour Party is bigger [30] DUTCH RACIST POPULISM The advancement of Dutch racism has penetrated all parts of society Opinion leaders as the mainstream politicians openly state, that ''multiculturism has failed [31] For that statement, extreme right leader Janmaat has been convicted in the ninetees [32] At governmental level, the racist PVV of Wilders supports the government, without actually ruling. The State politics are racist because of this PVV influence The socalled ''left'' parties don't really fight the PVV racism and are afraid to take a firm stand Society discussions are poisened by racism, like the politics But also the Court has been affected, since Wilders is acquitted from incitement to hatred and discrimination According to the Court, discriminatory statements are allowed, as long as they fit in society discussion [33] WILDERS AND BREIVIK SAME VIEWS SAME MESSAGE OF EVIL IT'S NO IMPORTANCE, THAT WILDERS TAKES A DISTANCE OF BREIVIK [34], THEY ARE BOTH OBSESSED BY THE SAME VIEWS THE SAME MESSAGE OF EVIL Just like Wilders Breivik is obsessed by hatred about the Islam, muslim and migrants They both are repulsed by the multicultural society Breivik as well as Wilders incite a war hysteria against the Islam and muslims Both they are violent adversaries from the left parties and ideology [35] Wilders and Breivik share the four main points of Breiviks ''European Declaration of Independence'' It is no coincidence whatsoever, that Wilders has also used the term 'Declaration of Independence'' The Breivik/Wilders message is the same The same extreme right thoughts The same disregard for humanity THE SAME WORDS FROM HELL BREIVIK TRIAL CALL FOR DEATH PENALTY Since the Norway attacks, among many people there is a call for the death penalty, perhaps since the maximum punishment for Breivik, when found guilty, is 21 years [36] Maybe this is uttered in the moment of the emotion However I consider the death penalty as a cruel and inhumane punishment, which should be abolished worldwide Besides there is always the risk, that an innocent person is executed [37] Anyway: Everybody has the right on life, regardless the committed crime That includes Breivik. EPILOGUE: Breivik killings don't come ''out of the blue'' The desastrous populism in Europe and especially the hatespeech populistic parties and their leaders have created a climate, which brought Breivik to his massacre [38] They can denounce Breivik, their co responsibility still exist Hatespeech against ''the others'' in society is dangerous Words can be lethal without firing the gun THEREFORE ALL POPULIST PARTIES AND ORGANISATIONS, SO ALSO WILDERS AND HIS PVV ARE AS WELL POLITICALLY AS MORALLY CO RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NORWAY MASSACRE! It is high time, that not only European leaders stand up against populism Parliamentary left must shake off its cowardice and again take the leading role to fight against racism To prevent new massacres LIBERTE, EQUALITE, FRATERNITE! Kind greetings Astrid Essed Amsterdam The Netherlands [1] THE GUARDIAN OSLO HIT BY BOMB EXPLOSION AND YOUTH SHOT AT CAMP 22 JULY 2011 THE BOSTON GLOBE UN SECURITY COUNCIL CONDEMNS NORWAY ATTACK 23 JULY 2011 ABC NEWS WORLD LEADERS CONDEMN NORWEGIAN ATTACKS 23 JULY 2011 BBC NORWAY ATTACKS: THE VICTIMS BBC REMEMBERING NORWAY'S ''LOST GENERATION'' 29 JULY 2011 THE GUARDIAN UTOYA SHOOTINGS: OUR SON TEXTED US: I LOVE YOU, I DON'T THINK I'LL SEE YOU AGAIN 31 JULY 2011 BBC TIMELINE HOW NORWAY'S TERROR ATTACKS UNFOLDED 27 JULY 2011 THE GUARDIAN NORWAY ATTACKS: MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR VICTIMS HELD 29 JULY 2011 WINNIPEG FREE PRESS NORWAY HOLDS MEMORIAL SERVICES TO MOURN 77 VICTIMS OF BOMBING AND YOUTH CAMP SHOOTING 29 JULY 2011 THE SOCIALIST WORKER NORWAY: SOLIDARITY IN RESPONSE TO ATTACK ON US ALL 30 JULY 2011 BBC REMEMBERING NORWAY'S ''LOST GENERATION'' 29 JULY 2011 [2] In contrary with the mainstream media I call Breivik ''suspect'' This is a deliberate choice to emphasize, that according to the principles of fair trial, everyone is innocent untill proven guuilt by a fair and independent trial That implies, of course, Anders Breivik BREIVIK/WIKIPEDIA [3] I said ''christian'' [between lines] and not simple christian to emphasize, that the Utoya massacre is fundamentally CONTRARY WITH REAL CHRISTIAN BELIEF OF PEACE, HUMANITY AND SOLIDARITY [4] ''Mr Breivik said before the court hearing he would explain his actions to the court. Earlier, he described the attacks as "gruesome but necessary". SOURCE BBC NORWAY ATTACKS: ANDERS BEHRING BREIVIK APPEARS IN COURT 25 JULY 2011 [5] INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES BREIVIK SOUGHT TO PUNISH LABOUR PARTY FOR ALLOWING MUSLIM IMMIGRATION INTO NORWAY 25 JULY 2011 [6] BBC NORWAY: ANDERS BEHRING BREIVIK CLAIMS ''TWO MORE CELLS'' 25 JULY 2011 [7] THE SOCIALIST WORKER NORWAY MASSACRE AND THE AXIS OF ISLAMOPHOBIA 2 AUGUST 2011 [8] THE SOCIALIST WORKER NORWEGIANS SPEAK OUT: RULERS' ISLAMOPHOBIA PAVED WAY FOR TERROR ATTACKS 2 AUGUST 2011 [9] UNABOMBER/WIKIPEDIA [10] BREIVIK/IDEOLOGY BREIVIK/WIKIPEDIA BREIVIK MANIFESTO ''2083, A EUROPEAN DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE'' THE WASHINGTON TIMES EXCLUSIVE: THE OSLO TERRORIST IN HIS OWN WORDS: BOMBER PREDICTED ''EUROPE WILL BURN ONCE AGAIN'' 23 JULY 2011 THE TELEGRAPH NORWAY SHOOTING: KEY QUOTES FROM ANDERS BEHRING BREIVIK'S ONLINE MANIFESTO BBC BREIVIK MANIFESTO DETAILS CHILLING ATTACK PREPARATION 24 JULY 2011 AL JAZEERA NORWAY'S ATTACKS REVEAL WORLD OF HATRED 24 JULY 2011 THE GUARDIAN NORWAY ATTACKS: HOW FAR RIGHT VIEWS CREATED ANDERS BEHRING BREIVIK 30 JULY 2011 [11] See [10] [12] See [10] [13] See [10] [14] BREIVIK, ADMIRER OF WILDERS ''Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom party, who has been tried and acquitted on hate speech charges for his calculated provocations, is a favourite of Breivik, notching up 30 references in the manifesto. Wilders said he was appalled by Breivik, fearing that such actions could damage his campaign. "This is a slap in the face for the worldwide anti-Islam movement," he said.'' SOURCE THE GUARDIAN NORWAY ATTACKS: HOW FAR RIGHT VIEWS CREATED ANDERS BEHRING BREIVIK 30 JULY 2011 RESEARCHERS: WILDERS IS EXTREME RIGHT [15] THE GUARDIAN ANDERS BEHRING BREIVIK HAD LINKS TO FAR-RIGHT EDL, SAYS ANTI-RACISM GROUP 26 JULY 2011 THE GUARDIAN ENGLISH DEFENCE LEAGUE ''In his manifesto, Breivik repeatedly refers to the EDL, stating at one point: "I used to have more than 600 EDL members as Facebook friends and have spoken with tens of EDL members and leaders." SOURCE THE GUARDIAN BREIVIK SENT ''MANIFESTO'' TO 250 UK CONTACTS HOURS BEFORE NORWAY KILLINGS 26 JULY 2011 THE SOCIALIST WORKER NEVER AGAIN/EDL ADMIRER KILLS 76 30 JULY 2011 THE SOCIALIST WORKER EDL SUPPORTER/BREIVIK'S A HERO IN WAR ON ISLAM 30 JULY 2011 THE SOCIALIST WORKER LET'S CHASE THE RACIST EDL OUT OF EAST LONDON 9 AUGUST 2011 [16] THE TELEGRAPH NORWAY KILLER ANDERS BEHRING BREIVIK HAD EXTENSIVE LINKS TO ENGLISH DEFENCE LEAGUE 25 JULY 2011 [17] MAIL ONLINE NOCOLAS SARKOZY JOINS DAVID CAMERON AND ANGELA MERKEL VIEW THAT MULTICULTURALISM HAS FAILED 11 FEBRUARY 2011 EUROPENEWS MULTICULTURALISM HAS FAILED: VERHAGEN 16 FEBRUARY 2011 [18] ''His best known slogans were "Holland is not a country of immigration," "full=full" and "we will abolish the multicultural society, as soon as we get the chance and power"; he was convicted for the latter two statements.'' WIKIPEDIA HANS JANMAAT [19] ON TIGHTENED INTEGRATION DEMANDS: HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH THE NETHERLANDS DISCRIMINATION IN THE NAME OF INTEGRATION 13 MAY 2008 HEADSCARF HYSTERIA HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH GERMANY DISCRIMINATION IN THE NAME OF NEUTRALITY 26 FEBRUARY 2009 BURQA HYSTERIA HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH BEYOND THE BURQA 2 JULY 2009 Scroll down to below the link please SAME ARTICLE IN HUFFINGTON POST [20] AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN IN FRANCE BANNED FROM WEARING THE VEIL IN PUBLIC 11 APRIL 2011 HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH BEYOND THE BURQA 2 JULY 2009 Scroll down to below the link please AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL BELGIUM VOTES TO BAN FULL-FACE VEILS 30 APRIL 2010 HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH BELGIUM: MUSLIM VEIL BAN VIOLATES RIGHTS 11 APRIL 2010 Scroll to below [21] THE NEW YORK TIMES SWISS BAN BUILDING OF MINARETS ON MOSQUES 29 NOVEMBER 2009 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL SWITZERLAND: THE DEPORTATION INITIATIVE CANNIOT OVERRIDE INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS OBLIGATIONS 20 NOVEMBER 2010 [22] HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH FRANCE: A KEY INTERVENTION IN ROMA EXPULSIONS FRANCE SHOULD REVIEW POLICY TO ENSURE NO COLLECTIVE EXPULSIONS 14 SEPTEMBER 2010 Scroll down to below AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL FRANCE MUST WITHDRAW ORDER TARGETING ROMA FOR EVICTION 13 SEPTEMBER 2010 [23] WIKIPEDIA DANISH PEOPLE'S PARTY WIKIPEDIA THE NETHERLANDS DUTCH PARTY FOR FREEDOM [24] THE GUARDIAN FAR RIGHT POLITICS IN EUROPE [25] WEBLOG CECILIA MALMSTROM IMPORTANT TO STAND UP FOR THE OPEN SOCIETY [26] ANNE FRANK HOUSE RACISM AND EXTREME RIGHT MONITOR/FIFTH REPORT SOURCE 2002: TRACES OF 9/11 5TH MONITOR REPORT ANNE FRANK HOUSE THE TURKISH WEEKLY MOSQUES AND ISLAMIC SCHOOLS FIREBOMBED IN THE NETHERLANDS 28 NOVEMBER 2004 [27] [28] THE AMERICAN MUSLIM ISLAMOPHOBIA: PREJUDICE, RACIST OR VIOLENT INCIDENTS AT MOSQUES [29] ''in the past two decades, two non-white Norwegian boys have died as a result of racist attacks.'' SOURCE: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES NORWAY KILLINGS: A HISTORY OF FAR RIGHT VIOLENCE 25 JULY 2011 BBC NEO NAZI'S GUILTY OF OSLO RACE MURDER 17 JANUARY 2002 BBC NORWAY COMING TO TERMS WITH RACISM 7 FEBRUARY 2001 [30] '' “It has become mainstream to say that Muslims cause the problems in society. “This has given rise to fascist and Islamophobic ideas—the right wing Progress Party got 23 percent in parliamentary elections in 2009.” SOURCE THE SOCIALIST WORKER NORWEGIANS SPEAK OUT: RULERS ISLAMOPHOBIA PAVED WAY FOR TERROR ATTACKS 2 AUGUST 2011 [31] EUROPENEWS MULTICULTURALISM HAS FAILED: VERHAGEN 16 FEBRUARY 2011 [32] ''His best known slogans were "Holland is not a country of immigration," "full=full" and "we will abolish the multicultural society, as soon as we get the chance and power"; he was convicted for the latter two statements.'' WIKIPEDIA HANS JANMAAT [33] REUTERS DUTCH POPULIST GEERT WILDERS ACQUITTED OF HATE SPEECH 23 JUNE 2011 VERDICT OF THE AMSTERDAM DISTRICT COURT IN THE WILDERS TRIAL 23 JUNE 2011 English translation of the press release and the verdict of the Amsterdam district court in the Wilders trial, 23 juni 2011. [34] PRESSEUROP WILDERS DISTANCES HIMSELF FROM BREIVIK 27 JULY 2011 [35] BBC NETHERLANDS ISLAM FREEDOM PROFILE OF GEERT WILDERS 23 JUNE 2011 THE POLITICAL VIEWS OF MR WILDERS NRC CALL WILDERS WHAT HE IS: A RACIST 10 JUNE 2009 WIKIPEDIA GEERT WILDERS WIKIPEDIA PARTY FOR FREEDOM WEBLOG GEERT WILDERS [36] DAILY NEWS HURRIYET NORWEGIANS SAY '' NO WAY'' AS KILLER FACES 21 YEARS AT MOST 25 JULY 2011 THE GUARDIAN NORWAY ATTACKS: POLL SHOWS MAJORITY FAVOURS TOUGHER SENTENCES 1 AUGUST 2011 [37] IF GREAT BRITAIN HADN'T ABOLISHED DEATH PENALTY, THE GUILDFORD FOUR AND MAGUIRE SEVEN SHOULD HAVE BEEN INNOCENTLY EXECUTED [38] CONNECTION WITH EUROPEAN RACISM: THE GUARDIAN EUROPE'S ANTI IMMIGRATION MOVEMENTS Other leading European far-right figures and groups that have been linked to the man responsible for Norway terror attacks 30 JULY 2011 THE GUARDIAN FAR RIGHT POLITICS IN EUROPE TODAY ONLINE NORWAY AND THE RIGHT WING'S RISE 25 JULY 2011 THE SOCIALIST WORKER NORWAY MASSACRE AND THE AXIS OF ISLAMOPHOBIA 6 AUGUST 2011 THE SOCIALIST WORKER NORWEGIANS SPEAK OUT: RULERS ISLAMOPHOBIA PAVED WAY FOR TERROR ATTACKS 2 AUGUST 2011 THE GUARDIAN NORWAY ATTACKS: HOW FAR RIGHT VIEWS CREATED ANDERS BEHRING BREIVIK 30 JULY 2011 AL JAZEERA NORWAY'S ATTACKS REVEAL WORLD OF HATRED 24 JULY 2011 THE GUARDIAN NORWAY ATTACKS: WE CAN NO LONGER IGNORE THE FAR RIGHT TREATH 24 JULY 2011 Comments |
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