Independent Media Center, Israel

learn your factsSunday 24 Mar 2002

author: please

The Palestinian people are a made up people sent from other arab states which make up the arab nation meant to destroy Jews and Israel. If the arabs did not kill so many jews their would be more in the the Arab Nations and if Jews were allowed to practice their religion in the Arab Nations thier would be more jews living in the Arab Nations. I think Israel should give the so called fabricated state of Palestine back to the Lebanese and let the Palestinians try to get their land back from them. Get your headline pieces which do not present the facts off of indymedia. Learn your history before you publish anti- israel pieces. Stop supporting Terrorists. You can not compare the south african situation to the israel situation. The palestians are terrorist and they are the ones killing teenage jews in their suicide bombings ect. Stop using Jews and Israel. Stop taking out your anger about your own horrible situation on Israel and Jews, who have been oppressed and used through-out history.

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