Independent Media Center, Israel

Update of situation in occupied Palestine for March 11, 2002Monday 11 Mar 2002

author: Hear Palestine

5 Palestinians Killed

Atif al-Bayari (45 years old), Qalqilya

Youssif al-Aqra' al-Barouq (25 years old), Qalqilya

Nabil al-Masar'I (25 years old), Gaza Strip

Yahya Abu Sa'id (22 years old), Gaza Strip

Ayman Mhanna (18 years old), Hebron






Monday, 11 March 2002

Summary of Events, March 11, 2002:

Israeli closures, attacks and siege of Palestinian areas continued today as

Sharon declared his willingness to negotiate under fire. A total of five

Palestinians were killed in Israeli attacks throughout the occupied

territorries. Qalqilya and Dheishe and Al Azza refugee camps came under

attack this morning by Israeli tank and air units. Two Palestinians were

killed in Qalqilya and at least 600 residents of Dheishe and Al Azza were

arrested by Israeli soldiers. Attacks continued in Hebron, where Israeli

forces fired on civilians attempting to access by-pass roads, killing one

and injuring several others. Israeli forces invaded Toubas this morning,

March 11. A bomb was found near a Bethlehem school, while total closure

continued in Tulkarem, Nablus and Salfeet.

Wide scale attacks continued in Gaza areas with demolition and destruction

of both residential and security installations; a shepherd and another

civilian were killed by Israeli soldiers. al-Maghazi, al-Breij and Deir

Balah refugee camps were invaded this morning, several buildings were

targetted and destroyed.

For more details on these events see below:


Israeli State Terrorism


5 Palestinians Killed

Atif al-Bayari (45 years old), Qalqilya

Youssif al-Aqra' al-Barouq (25 years old), Qalqilya

Nabil al-Masar'I (25 years old), Gaza Strip

Yahya Abu Sa'id (22 years old), Gaza Strip

Ayman Mhanna (18 years old), Hebron

Military Attacks

*Five Palestinians Killed and Others Wounded in Ongoing Israeli Military


*Israeli Occupation Forces Wage Attack on Toubas

*Bomb Discovered Near Bethlehem School

Demolition Activities

*Israeli Occupation Bulldozers Demolish Large Areas of Land in al-Khader

Acts of Collective Punishment

*Military Reinforcements and Tight Military Closures




*Worried Parents Fear for their Children's Lives

*Balata Refugee Camp Residents Endure Another "Nakba"



Israeli State Terrorism


Military Attacks


*Five Palestinians Killed and Others Wounded in Ongoing Israeli Military


Five Palestinians were killed and at least 10 others were wounded, some

critically, in ongoing Israeli military attacks on Palestinian towns and

refugee camps in Qalqilya, Bethlehem, Gaza and Hebron.

Occupation forces have also conducted collective arrests in Qalqilya and

Bethlehem since dawn hours today.

The Palestinian Detainee Center reported today that 2000 Palestinians have

been arrested in the past three days from various areas in Palestine.



Dozens of Israeli tanks and helicopters at invaded the city of Qalqilya

after midnight this morning, March 11, from all sides. Palestinian security

officers and civilians attempted to block the way of the invading forces.

Two Palestinians were killed and dozens wounded as a result:

Atif al-Bayari Abdel Al, 45 years old (security officer)

Youssif al-Aqra' al-Barouq, 25 years old

At least four others were wounded, including al-Barouq's brother, who is

reportedly in critical condition.

Occupation forces also cut off the electricity and water supply to the city.

Several buildings were occupied and a curfew was imposed on the inhabitants

of the city.

Tanks demolished homes, while helicopters shelled the Force 17 headquarters

in the city, destroying it completely. Three Palestinian security personnel

were wounded in the attack.

Occupation forces also raided the UNRWA hospital and closed all roads

leading to it to prevent the wounded from reaching the hospital.

Occupation forces also destroyed the PFLP office and the Preventive Security

headquarters with tank shells. Israeli forces occupied the Ministry of

Interior and converted it into a sniper's nest.

At 12:30am, March 11, Israeli occupation forces began a wide-scale campaign

of house-to-house raids and arrests, in which over 300 civilians were

arrested and placed in al-Sharqa School courtyard, west of the city.

The residents reported that ambulances and medical teams are unable to

rescue the wounded due to the intensity of military attacks that continued

throughout the early morning.

Dheishe and al-Azza Refugee Camps


Israeli occupation forces tightened their siege of the Dheishe, Ayda and

al-Azza refugee camps beginning at 3:00 am this morning, March 11.

Electricity and water continue to be blocked from the refugee camps for the

fourth day running.

Bulldozers, under the protection of tanks, demolished buildings and areas

close to entrances to the refugee camps to make way for Israeli tanks.

Israeli occupation tank units shelled and destroyed several homes, including

the home of Zakariya Faraj, who was killed by occupation forces and Yahya Da

'amsa in Dheishe refugee camp.

Around 3:00 am, this morning, March 11, Israeli occupation military forces

imposed a curfew on Dheishe refugee camp and began a campaign of collective

arrests of people aged 14 to 60. Over 600 people have been arrested since

this morning, many of them children. The arrested were placed in the

courtyards of the UNRWA schools and were forced to take their clothes off

while being severely beaten and humiliated.

Witnesses reported that Israeli troops are conducting large-scale acts of

terrorism with little regard for the safety of camp residents, including

children and the elderly. Food and medicine continue to be scarce after the

fourth day of Israeli blockades.

The residents called on the international community and human rights

organization to intervene immediately to put an end to Israeli brutality.

Medical sources reported that occupation forces prevented ambulances from

reaching the wounded as well as prevented the residents access to medical

centers and hospitals.

Dheishe refugee camp was shelled last night from air and land.

Gaza Strip


Nabil al-Masar'i, 25 years old, was shot repeatedly and killed by Israeli

forces near 'Netsarim', an illegal Israeli settlement established on land

confiscated from Palestinians south of Gaza City.

Yahya Abu Sa'id, 22 years old, a shepherd was shot dead by occupation forces

while herding his flock east of al-Maghazi refugee camp.

Twelve Israeli tanks invaded al-Maghazi and al-Breij refugee camps early

this morning, March 11,  under intense cover fire.

At 7:30 am, Israeli occupation tanks invaded the security headquarters east

of al-Maghazi refugee camp, while bulldozers demolished large areas of olive

groves near al-Breij refugee camp. Police and security centers were

demolished in the area as well as several homes.

At the same time, the Israeli occupation army continues wide-scale attacks

on Beit Hanoun, Khan Younis, al-Soudaniya, Jabalya and Rafah.

A police station in al-Soudaniya area was struck with two air-launched

missiles which destroyed it completely.

Over eight tanks and armoured vehicles supported by helicopters advanced

through Tel al-Sultan roadblock to al-Nasser reaching Jabalya refugee camp

by noon this morning, March 11. Destruction and search activities have been

carried. A curfew was imposed on the residents and a number of homes were


Military jets also shelled electrical generators, a police station and

Preventive Security headquarters in Jabalya refugee camp, destroying the

buildings completely.

Occupation armored units advanced to the north east of al-Shaja'iya under


Occupation tanks also advanced towards Beit Hanoun, north Gaza, Khaza'a and

Abasan towards west Khan Younis under continuous shelling and attack.

Deir al-Balah was also invaded from its southwestern side. A three-story

home was occupied and converted into a military base. A number of homes were

bulldozed in the area.



Ayman Mhanna, 18 years old, was killed and three others were wounded when an

occupation tank attacked civilian cars shelled and fired on civilian cars

attempting to by pass the militart closure at Karma Village junction, south

of Hebron.

Israeli forces delayed ambulances attempting to rescue the wounded. One of

the wounded, Khaled al-Jabarin, 44 years old, from al-Thahiriya is

reportedly in critical condition.

Many witnesses said that they felt lucky to be alive as the Israeli

occupation forces shot to kill with no regard for casualties. If not for

quick action on the part of drivers, a massacre would have resulted from

today's attack.

The tight military closure continued to be imposed on Hebron area.

Occupation forces fired at the residential areas of Ras al-Jora, Beir

al-Hajar and al-Karama suburb. The military attacks that caused severe

material damage went on throughout the night. No causalities were reported.



*Occupation Forces Wage Attack on Toubas*

Israeli tank units attacked Toubas this morning, firing at homes, while

preventing ambulances from entering the area to rescue the wounded.

Tayaseer Village in Toubas, Jenin, was raided by six tanks and armoured

vehicles under intense and random fire. Two children, 12 years of age, were

wounded in the attack.



*Bomb Discovered Near Bethlehem School*

A bomb was discovered by teachers this morning in front of the gate of al-Ta

'amira School in Za'tara town, southeast Bethlehem. Had it not been for the

alertness of teachers and students, a catastrophe would have taken place at

a time when students were heading to their school in the morning.

The village is under Israeli security control (Area 'B').




Demolition Activities


*Occupation Bulldozers Demolish Vast Areas of Land in al-Khader*

Israeli occupation bulldozers began carrying out the second phase of

demolition activities in al-Khader Village, Bethlehem, this morning, March


Large areas of agricultural lands were demolished.

Israeli occupation soldiers took position on rooftops overlooking

residential areas.

Occupation bulldozers opened a "military access road"on Wadi Rahal

leading to the Israeli military base established in the area. Israeli forces

expropriated 20 dunums (1dunum=1000m2) of Palestinian land to build the


Residents report that the forces are enlarging a current road used by

villagers, demolishing agricultural land to increase its width to a half

kilometer for military use.




Acts of Collective Punishment


*Military Reinforcements and Tight Military Closures*


Israeli occupation forces closed all roads leading to the northern and

central parts of the Jordan Valley this morning.

Tanks continue to be based at the entrance of Tayaseer Village, which was

raided this morning, on Touba-Tayaseer road.

Witnesses reported that movement in the area is practically impossible.

A demonstration by medical organizations was held in Nablus today in protest

against Israeli military attacks on ambulance and emergency medical crews.


Israeli occupation forces continue to besiege Shweikeh Suburb, north of

Tulkarem, with tanks for the second consecutive day. In addition, occupation

forces attacked civilians at various junctions in the city to prevent


Homes around Shweikeh were raided and several residents were arrested.


Occupation forces arrested civilians attempting to move on roads today,

March 11. A tight military closure continues to be imposed on Salfeet,

preventing even humanitarian assistance from being provided to the village



Ten tanks were seen heading towards the southern entrance of Ramallah this

evening, March 11, as military reinforcements at the entrances of al-Bireh

and Ramallah.





*Worried Parents Fear for their Children's Lives*

al-Barid residens, like most parents are worried about their children. But

unlike other parents in other parts of the world, who may worry when their

children come home late from school, the parents of al-Barid must worry

about their children never returning from school.  Two incidents have

recently sewn panic in the hearts of the community. Yesterday, Israeli

forces shot dead an 11 year old boy they claimed was carrying a bag of

explosives. The Israelis did not allow ambulances near the area. In a

separate incident in the same area, Israeli occupation forces recently shot

and killed another Palestinian youth at close range, after stripping and

handcuffing him. Israeli soldiers claimed that the youth was wearing a belt

of explosives, though photographs taken by a French photojournalist on the

scene show no such belt.

The road to school is paved with risk--military roadblocks make it necessary

for children to walk by armed Israeli soldiers on their way to school.

Community parents, whose children attend schools in East Jerusalem, Beit

Hanina and Shu'fat, held a meeting today to discuss ways of ensuring their

children's safety, following yesterday's shooting.

One area resident, Imad Idris, said that the danger has forced him to walk

his son to school everyday, nearly an hour's journey on foot,  in order to

make sure he arrives safely. The extra precaution is making him late for

work, but he insisted that there was no other option-- the life of his child

is the most important consideration.

Khawla Maheisin, a mother of two, said that her two children are scared of

walking to school now. They are afraid that soldiers at the roadblocks will

shoot them for carrying bookbags. The journey to school is already long and

arduous--in order to maintain permanent residency status in Jerusalem,

Maheisin, like many other Palestinians, must send her children to school

within the Israeli municipality borders. The Israeli government demands

constant proof of residency from Palestinian Jerusalemites or they will lose

their right not just to live in Jerusalem, but to ever enter the city limits




*Balata Refugee Camp Residents Refugees Again

Um Hassan Mustapha from Balata refugee camp sat under a tent recalling

similar scenes of Israeli devasation from over 50 years ago. Time has passed

since this elderly woman was a young girl fleeing Israeli soldiers with her

family, but the vulnerability caused by her continuing refugee status has

remained. Holding her grandchildren, she told of how Israeli occupation

soldiers destroyed her home in Balata refugee camp this week.

Balata, one of the largest UNRWA camps in the West Bank, had become Um

Hassan's home when, at seven, her family was forced from their village near

al-Sheikh Mounis, Jaffa. She was barefoot, she remembers. Her family was

unable to pack much in the way of clothes; they left their homes with what

they wore on their backs 53 years ago  and have never been able to return.

When Israeli soldiers invaded Balata refugee camp this week, Um  Hassan

became a refugee for the second time in her life.

On the first day of the invasion their home in Balata refugee camp was

shelled by tank units and destroyed. Israeli occupation soldiers ransacked

what was left of her belongings.

Her family has set up a tent next to those of several other families from

the camp who were also dispossessed by Israeli soldiers. Um Hassan told the

story of residents in Balata refugee camp leaving their homes with their

hands over their heads, barefoot, with Israeli guns trained on their backs.

Protecting her children and grandchildren became her main focus.

"We have lost everything," she said weeping and holding her 6 month

grandchild tightly to her chest, "for the second time".

Close by, in another tent, 70-year old Jum'a Hassan sat on a mattress that

he borrowed from one of the neighbours after his home was demolished. "We

have nothing left except this tent, which it seems we are destined to live

in again as refugees, this time from a refugee camp."



Solidarity and Appeals


*Real Danger Threaten Lives of Deir Ibzigh Villages Due to Imposed Closure*

The residents of Deir Ibzigh, west of Ramallah, sent our an urgent appeal

for help today from behind a strangling closure and an undeclared curfew

amidst Israeli military attacks for the 24th day running.

The residents stressed that they are in urgent need for milk, nutrition and

medicine and that their life is in danger due to scarcity of basic

necessities and occupation measures.

Over 1700 people live in the village, where life has become a nightmare.

Occupation forces cut off the water from the village and prevent even those

in need for medical attention from reaching hospitals.

*Representatives of the International Popular Campaign for the protection of

the Palestinian people submitted an appeal to the International Red Cross in

Jerusalem expressing grave concern at the massacres in which innocent

Palestinian civilians in refugee camps and throughout the Palestinian

occupied territories are being subjected to.

*A Popular meeting (including a number of Cypriot parties) expressing

solidarity with the Palestinian people in Nicosia, Cyprus, condemned Israeli

massacres against the Palestinian people.

Indonesia strongly condemns the continuous massacre committed by Israel

against the Palestinian people.

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