Independent Media Center, Israel

Dissection Of Old & Shameful Corporate Lies.Wednesday 06 Mar 2002

author: Zvi Sterman

Sick feeling.So much written before...

1. The first Palestinian...camps...product...1948...1967...Sharon...

Sabra and Shatilla...Lebanon...killing people...tank shells

Let us look back a hundred - two hundred years ago. Let us

research as anthropologists, psychiatrists and criminologists our rabbinical Jewish hate toward a n y b o d y who was not "a Yid", our stinky, racist per se, athmosphere of a Jewish Ashkenazi shtetl, the religion which had been falsified by our centuries naivly honoured rabbis, honoured by our ignorant people. Everybody nearby, who was not Jewish, was cheaper than an American Indian in the time of American murders.

Everybody who was not Jewish was looked arrogantly upon and

could expect to be called on his or her back "goy" or "shikse".

And the tolerance of local populations, facts are facts,

has been often evaporazing... Not everybody is an university sociologist or politologist...Simple people who

usually would divide with a stranger the last piece of their hard to earn bread had been involved in the most horrible pogroms.

Who was guilty?..Ben-Gurion?..Sharon?..Peres?..Arafat?..

Our mental grandparents brought, together with our mental parents, this particular psychiatric disease to Palestine. More clever of them, trying to escape the REAL Egyptian slavery of racist ( not tribal but racist ) Ashkenazi

Judaism ( Judaism Version 2.0, i.e. badly transfered Thora with not needed Talmud full of bugs ) have been leaving,

escaping their bugged religion and mental parents, where they only could...

This is the origin of great % of "ex-Jews" in all

world revolutions. They have not been excessively kind

during those revolts and revolutions because old "ruling

claases" remembered them their hateful mental racist parents.

2. Death...Destruction...Debasement...Humiliation...towards

millions of Palestinians...history is repeating itself...

During "Marxist-Leninist" colonisation of Ukraine, Latvia,

Estonia, Lithuania ( remember, Vilna Ghetto liquidation by l o c a l population + Gestapo ?.. ) not many local families have been engaged into saving the lives of Jewish neighbours... And why would they open their hearts and their doors?..Millions of them have been deported an year -

two before by the first socialist State in the world to the death camps in Siberia - with the help of sons and daughters of mental Jewish part of population.

The o t h e r had been considered, be he a "reach peasant" or an "idiologically less militant" socialist, to be cheap. The o t h e r had lost in their eyes his human characteristics, the o t h e r has taken the place of "goy" and "shikse" in their infected brains. And, in the same time, remembered them their mental parents...

Trying to get out from East Europe and Tsarist Russia and

landing in virgin Palestine they have directly

found a N e w O t h e r, the Palestinian people.

They have begun...It is the truth.

Not everybody of us may be proud of mental capacities of

our pure Jewish parents. And nobody may forbid you to love

your parents. But our love of parents who lost their legs

in a car accident and our love of parents who are compulsive

political robbers and compulsive projected murderers of even small children are two different human conditions.

Here I leave place to a philosopher, I'm not very good in

this discipline.

3. Sharon - Peres coalition... Mitchell...Abdullah...

Hit harder..And harder...And harder... This not Sharon,

this are words of Franco...Mussolini...Yeh, of Fuehrer

also...I am not in the geography...I am about "reaching any agreement" - and a very dangerous for human society psychiatric disorder. By the way, a very expensive one if you calculate it as an economist. I leave here the place to the economist. I feel economy but I was never published in this area.

4. Sharon has rejected...Raising the stakes even higher...

His own personal agenda...Never intention to reach political solution... Time to send a clear message to

Sharon...Constantly bombarding Palestinians...Increase their commitment...

I am not a muscled male nurse in a special, closed and guarded pure Jewish psychiatric department but imagin -

I am.And you are very kind and politically much more

educated visitors. And we see among the patients a huge man looking like President Truman who is breaking chairs and

tables on the heads of other patients, some bleeding, some

dead but stiil pure Jewish, and who shouts in perfect

Yiddish or Hebrew that he is Sharon and is going to

bump an atom bomb on Bethlehem and Jerusalem because the

o t h e r is not registered as Jewish. Is the o t h e r

more Jewish and Semitic or less or not at all, is not the

question of urgency.

What to do, gentlemen?.. Still - to send a clear message?.. Or to take the strange heavy little box with a stolen blue star of David on all four of its sides from the hands of

our pure Jewish relative by our own means - and risk our

expensive lives?..In the name of Hebrew University?..

5. Passover..In a few weeks...Egypt of those times...

"Holiday of Liberty"... Apply the inalienable principle

of the Palestinian people.

Oh,boys!..Palestinians do not need our or French or Turkish

or American or Bolivian help to feel free. Palestinians have

liberty in every cell of their bodys, even dead ones.

Palestinians lived in liberty centuries before mental

Zio-Nazis occupation - and they shall regain their natural

political liberty after the bomb ( ? ) shall be taken from

the hands of a dangerous inmate.

But to do this you must be armed at least with a knife.

We must arm ourself - or the psychiatric patient shall win.

As to the Jews who escaped ( or could leave in some official

way THE State of Egypt of today ), they will not celebrate

Jewish Passover in the different parts of the world.

Nothing to celebrate. Israel is still a Pharaonic State.

Jewish-Palestinian children are killed and digested with

all gastronomic TV publicity for the eyes of Democratic

Western World. And matzes outside Holy Land do not have

the taste we used to at quiet Jewish Passover receptions in the warm presence of our fathers and mothers, survivors

of Holocaust.

Quite possible, an ordinary Israeli who finds himself in full liberty outside THE State of Egypt in one of big American, Brazilian or European cities in these days, just shall buy a bottle of not falsified French cognac and will visit another "shikse".

And what would you do in his place?.. No tanks, no airplanes and Red Mogendovid wagons arrive always too late.

There will be - we have all time... - the Democratic

Palestine on the territory of old Palestine in the borders before 1948 mass murders. Balfur, Herzl, Husseini, Eichmann, Sharon, Ground Zero, Ground One ( State of Israel ), everything shall become History and professors shall tell our children how it w a s.

We shall procliam, let us say, on 5% of historic Palestine, proclaim with the help and full support of our

( Palestinian ) brothers and sisters a small

Independent Jewish Republic ( with Constitution ) or an Indepndent Jewish Home.

Our most intelligent rabbis with the friendly help of our best Jewish psychiatrists shall work days and nights to lay the fundament of a non-racist and non-fascist Judaism. Everybody who is excited by Judaism shall have right once - twice per year visit the normal Jewish country to fullfil his/her religious needs and ride a camel with their children.

All refugees shall come back and shall be restituted. Just like after a bank robbery with complications.

As to the masses of Jews of American and East European blood

who shall find their settlements trembling in the air, the United Nations must find for them an employment in Kabul, America have done a lot for us, for our formation, and it is our honorable task to help USA to rebuild Afganistan.

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