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Netanyahu: The Face of Israeli Fascism

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Netanyahu: The Face of Israeli Fascism


by Stephen Lendman


Israel under Netanyahu reflects Arundhadi Roy's view. Her book titled "Field Notes on Democracy" explained. 


"What kind of India do they want," she asked? "A limbless, headless, soulless torso left bleeding under the butcher's clever with a flag driven deep into her mutilated heart?"


She compared Hindu right wing persecution of Muslims to Hitler's war on Jews. Occupied Palestinians are treated the same way.


Hitler terrorized Jews for a dozen years. Israel waged war on Palestinians for decades. It rages out-of-control. It shows no signs of ending.


During his first late 1990s prime ministerial term, Netanyahu was Israel's most polarizing leader. He exceeded the worst of his predecessors. 


Right-wing extremists adore him. He's worse than ever now. Polls favor his January 22 reelection. Israelis will have themselves to blame. They're as out of touch as Americans. They accept what demands rejection.


Netanyahu wages war on democracy. He threatens his own people. He defies them. He gives chutzpah new meaning. 


He spurns Palestinian rights. He accelerated lawless settlement construction. He's stealing Palestinian land faster than ever. His E1 Ma'aleh Adumin plan drew flack. 


At issue is separating the West Bank from Jerusalem, Judaizing the entire city, surrounding Palestinian urban areas with encroaching Israeli settlements, and driving the last spike into the corpse of a two-state solution. 


It's no longer possible with or without E1 development. Proceeding with it divides the West Bank into separate north/south areas. Doing so reflects Netanyahu's divide, conquer, steal, and ethnically cleanse strategy.


He calls Occupied Palestine "disputed territory." He believes Jews have sole "natural right and territorial claim." He spurns international law. Fourth Geneva leaves no ambiguity. Article 49 states:


"Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive."


Palestinians acted in their own defense. They defied occupation harshness. They erected a Bab Al Shams village tent city. They did so on their own land.


Bab Al Shams means "Gateway to the Sun." It reflects Palestinian liberation. It's the gate to their return. Lebanese novelist Elias Khoury discussed it. He related Palestinian history symbolically through a love story. 


Younis left his wife, Nahila. He joined Lebanese-based Palestinian resisters. She remained in Galilee. For years, he went back and forth secretly. Their children were born in Bab Al Sharms cave.


A Popular Struggle Coordination Committee statement explained Bab Al Shams resistance, saying:


"We, the sons and daughters of Palestine from all throughout the land, announce the establishment of Bab Al Shams Village (Gate of the Sun)." 


"We the people, without permits from the occupation, without permission from anyone, sit here today because this is our land and it is our right to inhabit it."


"A few months ago the Israeli government announced its intention to build about 4000 settlement housing units in the area Israel refers to as  E1."


"E1 block is an area of about 13 square km that falls on confiscated Palestinian land East of Jerusalem between Ma’ale Adumim settlement, which lies on occupied West Bank Palestinian land, and Jerusalem."


"We will not remain silent as settlement expansion and confiscation of our land continues. Therefore we hereby establish the village of Bab Al Shams to proclaim our faith in direct action and popular resistance." 


"We declare that the village will stand steadfast until the owners of this land will get their right to build on their land."


Netanyahu ordered them out. He issued a lawless eviction notice. Forced expulsion followed. 


On January 13, Haaretz headlined "Israeli security forces evacuate activists from Palestinian tent outpost in E-1 area," saying:


Netanyahu asked Israel's High Court to rescind a temporary injunction against evacuation. He ordered access roads blocked. The IDF designated the area a closed military zone.


Netanyahu defied High Court authority. Osnat Mandel is Director of Israel's Justice Ministry HCJ (Israel High Court division). Netanyahu ordered him to act. 


He followed through, saying "the people and tents must be removed due to security considerations." He lied. He claimed the High Court injunction prohibits removing tents, not people.


Israel's Civil Administration Office falsely said Bab Al Shams "was installed on state land." Palestinians living there have legal ownership deeds.


Hundreds of security forces attacked Palestinians on their own land. They did so pre-dawn. Journalists and supporters were targeted.


Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi is Palestinian National Initiative Secretary-General. He witnessed what happened. He said:


"The people who need to leave are the settlers who have taken over the land, because the Palestinians have the right to stay on their own land."


He added that Israeli forces surrounded Bab Al Shams before invading violently. 


They attacked and arrested peaceful Palestinians, supporters and journalists. Women, children, the elderly and infirm were dragged away violently. 


Palestinian television aired what happened. Israeli forces disruptively tried to prevent it. They want Netanyahu-ordered violence out of sight and mind. Haaretz reported it.


One Palestinian spoke for others, saying:


"We tied our hands, chained ourselves with each other to prevent the soldiers from removing us. The Soldiers violently attacked us, beat us, and injured at least 10."


He vowed the Bab Al Shams struggle for justice won't end.


Hundreds of Israeli soldiers and police defied the High Court injunction.


Haaretz said it "determined that the tents were put up on private Palestinian land." Netanyahu plans E1 development there.


Palestinian spokesman Nour Odeh condemned what happened, saying:


"The eviction and the exercise of force is another indication that Israel is defying the international consensus on the need to vacate occupied Palestinian land."


One Palestinian spoke for others, saying "Our hope is to return to our land. For us, we are here because we want change. We did not forget our land and never gave it away."


Palestine's liberating struggle continues.


A Final Comment


Netanyahu represents the worst of rogue leadership. He defies rule of law principles and other democratic values. He's contemptuous of Palestinian rights. He threatens world peace.


On January 12, Haaretz headlined "Netanyahu, Barak spent NIS (New Israel Shekel) 11 bil. (around $3 billion) on preparations for Iran strike that never happened," saying:


Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert calls it a major election campaign issue. Netanyahu wasted Israeli resources on reckless "adventurous fantasies," he said.


Revenues spent are gone. "Can and should (Israel) bear the enormous defense budget, which has grown to unprecedented levels" under Netanyahu, he asked?


He's defiant. He won't touch defense spending. He claims it's "in light of the challenges facing Israel."


The Jewish state has no enemies whatever. Netanyahu invents them. He menaces the region. He endangers his own people. Megalomania and delusions of grandeur define him.


His mindset is messianic. He's a loose cannon. He's out-of-control. Hardliners around him share his vision. His Iranian obsession threatens Israel. His "bomb or be bombed" rhetoric reflects bluster. It demands condemnation and rejection.


Netayanhu rejected Olmert's accusation. He called him "irresponsible." He said he won't "divulge details of defense spending, but I can say that we developed capabilities in arenas both near and far, and that is an important investment."


He lied. Current and former Israeli officials deplore him. Some went public and said so. Israelis aren't paying attention. On January 22, he's favored to remain prime minister.


Haaretz contributor Yoel Marcus calls it "One term too many." Netanyahu reflects a "storm….strong enough to paralyze our lives, close down roads," and threaten lives that deserve protection.


"Maybe all those who are still drunk with Netanyahu's glory will awaken before he brings disaster upon us all," he added. Odds favor the latter, not the former.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 


His new book is titled "Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity."




Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.






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