

רשת אינדימדיה העולמית


To my Israeli and my Palestinian Brothers and sisters

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I look forward to hearing from Ya`ll
PEACE be with my brethren

Jesus our brother was a manifestation of Pure Truth and Love as You and I may be some of these days.
If you only get what you give then give whatever you want and you'll receive it

your reactions beget reactions and a good tree cannot bear bad fruit while a bad tree cannot bear good fruit so be concerned with the kind of tree you plant for it will see fruit.
Peace I leave with


Re: To my Israeli and my Palestinian Brothers and sisters

Hi I realize that it is hard for you to listen to the world assesing the IDFs conduct on Palestinian sOil

However don't be hard on yourselves

You do not attack innocent people because you are evil doers but because you are taught that your neighbors to the east are indeed evil doers

Neither of you are evil though you learned that the other is

you are wrong

You are both worthy of establishing peace amongst yourselves and have only eachother to blame if you choose to take out your habitual violence at eachother

You are not murderers and neither are your darker skined neighbors

think before you act and the world will do in kind

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