ניווטרשת אינדימדיה העולמית
Enrage the Left!By Enrage the Left!, submitted by Anonymous on שלישי, 19/10/2004 - 06:58
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Tell the Truth! ENRAGE THE AMERICAN LEFT! This Film Angers the Liberal With the election just weeks away, the major media are trying to stop you from finding out about one of the most shocking films just out: 'Weapon of Mass Destruction: The Murderous Reign of Saddam Hussein.' NewsMax.com calls it a "must see" - adding that "if it were shown on national television, there is little doubt George Bush would win." This documentary film is the first to detail the gruesome and shocking regime of Saddam Hussein - and what his long term plans for America really were. After watching it you will be convinced that if the United States and coalition forces had not removed Saddam Hussein, the world would owe Hitler an apology! Go here to order now! "Weapon of Mass Destruction" was recently a hit feature at the 'Liberty Film Festival' in Los Angeles where it received a standing ovation at the conservative gala. An American-Iraqi woman ran to the arms of producer, Brad Maaske, weeping, thanking him for daring to "tell the truth about my people and their suffering under Saddam." "Weapon of Mass Destruction's" delivery of facts leading to the invasion of Iraq will put to shame Michael Moore and the major liberal media. Stories from 'mass graves' victims who were left for dead, and surviving witnesses of the horrors perpetrated by 'Chemical Ali' -- are stunning. "Weapon of Mass Destruction" includes unforgettable and never before seen 9/11 footage - it's a powerful reminder of how terrorism has changed the security of America, forever. Interviews with historians, including Victor Davis Hanson, offer expert analysis of what really happened during Saddam's reign of terror - and the film exposes the present U.N. 'Oil For Food' scandal. The movie is dedicated to the family of U.S. Army PFC Daniel Unger, an 19 year-old soldier who gave his life by sacrificing his own safety to protect two Iraqi citizens during a mortar attack. The tribute to him and his family will stir your heart and remind Americans that heroism still walks with us. "Weapon of Mass Destruction" is available now on DVD By Going Here Now. Or Call 1-800-673-2553 to order it NOW. "It made me laugh and cry, it made me angry, and it made me proud to be an American." - John H., Tracey CA Coming to a theater near you! To order by mail include $19.95 plus $4.95 S&H and mail to: Iraqi Truth Project California residents add 8% California State Tax תגובות |
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