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US Boat to Gaza

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       July 14, 2010

Dear Friends,

 This is an important moment in history.  In the aftermath of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla massacre and increased world-wide scrutiny ofIsrael’s blockade of Gaza, the Israeli government has mounted a huge public relations campaign spreading the lie that by letting a few more items into Gaza the blockade has been lifted. This is not the reality. Gaza is still under siege, vital building materials and other supplies are banned, exports of goods from Gaza are denied and neither ships nor people can travel without permission from Israel, permission which Israel will not give. Gaza is essentially an open-air prison under a U.S.-backed Israeli blockade.

 We are planning to launch a U.S. boat to Gaza, joining a flotilla of ships from Europe, Canada, India, South Africa and parts of theMiddle East due to set sail in September/ October of this year. In order to succeed in this essential but costly human rights project, we need significant financial support.

 Citizens around the world have responded to the plight of the Palestinian people and are taking action to help break the blockade which is suffocating the lives of the people of Gaza and denying them their liberty. The U.S. government is complicit through established policies that uncritically support Israel in its brutal attack on the Palestinian people and on those who attempt to intervene on their behalf. We in the United States must continue to step up and do our part. We must join with others from across the world to support an end to the collective punishment of 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza.

 We turn to you to help make the U.S. boat, The Audacity of Hopea reality. We must raise at least $370,000 in the next month. These funds will be used to purchase a boat large enough for 40-60 people, secure a crew, and cover the licensing and registering of the boat. In addition, the funds will subsidize some other costs of sending a U.S. delegation. We can make this happen together. For example, with 370 people giving $1,000, or with 3,700 people giving $100, we will have raised our full amount.

 We have already received donations ranging from $10 to $10,000. So, give what you can and give generously. From the deck of The Audacity of Hope, we will be in a powerful and unique position to challenge U.S. foreign policy and affirm the universal obligation to uphold human rights and international law.  Let us act now because every moment counts and every dollar counts. Together we will contribute to the great effort to end the blockade of Gaza and the illegal occupation of Palestine. 

Please spread this appeal letter far and wide, so that others will contribute as well.

 Thank you for your generosity.

 On behalf of the U.S. BOAT TO GAZA,  

Nic Abramson, Middle East Crisis Response

Elliott Adams, Past President, Veterans For Peace

Laurie Arbeiter, Activist Response Team

Russell Banks, Writer

Medea Benjamin, Co-founder CODEPINK

Phyllis BennisInstitute for Policy Studies

Naomi Brussel, Activist Response Team

Allan Buchman, Founder and Artistic Director, The Culture Project

Leslie Cagan, Co-Founder United for Peace and Justice

Henry Chalfant, Filmmaker

Kathleen ChalfantNew York

Ellen Davidson, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions- USA

Noor Elashi, Writer

Basem Emara, Gaza Freedom March

Hedy EpsteinPalestine Solidarity CommitteeSt. Louis, Missouri

Mike Ferner, National President, Veterans For Peace

Felice Gelman, Gaza Freedom March

Jane Hirschmann, Jews Say No!

Jennifer Hobbs, New York City Attorney/Gaza Freedom March

Mary Hughes-Thompson, Free Gaza Movement

Abdeen Jabara, Past President, American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee,

Civil Rights Attorney

Tarak Kauff, Veterans for Peace

Kathy Kelly, Co-Coordinator, Voices for Creative Nonviolence

Eleanore Kennedy

Michael Kennedy

Mona Khalidi

Rashid KhalidiEdward Said Professor of Arab Studies,

Department of HistoryColumbia University

Ramzi Kysia, Free Gaza Movement

Iara Lee, Cultures of Resistance/Freedom Flotilla Survivor

Helaine Meisler, Hudson Valley BDS

Gail Miller, Women of a Certain Age

Fatima Mohammadi, Attorney at Law/Freedom Flotilla Survivor

Donna Nevel, Jews Say No!

Michael Ratner, President, Center for Constitutional Rights

Mariam Said, New York

Najla Said, Actor/Writer

Hannah Schwarzschild, American Jews for a Just Peace

Kathy Sheetz, Free Gaza – USA/Freedom Flotilla Survivor

Ann Shirazi, Granny Peace Brigade

Eleanor Stein, Albany Law School

Michael Steven Smith, New York City Attorney/Author

Alice Walker, Author

Sarah Wellington, Activist Response Team

Ret. Col. Ann Wright, Freedom Flotilla Survivor

Dorothy M. Zellner, Veteran Civil Rights Activist


Organizations listed for identification purposes only


Donate online at:


www.ustogaza. org


Please make out tax deductible

contributions of $150 or more to:

Please make out contributions

under $150 to:



Write Stand for Justice in the memo line.


Institute for Media Analysis

143 West 4th Street #2F

New York, NY 10012

Attn: Stand for Justice


Stand for Justice

PO Box 373

Bearsville, NY 12409




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