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Excellent reading!

Lying about Deir Yassin

Liars, pants on Fire

FEMA misled the public about the WTC collapse!

If WTC was built correctly, it should have burned out and not collapsed, causing smaller material damage and much fewer victims among almost 1000, who died under the zones of impact in and around the both towers. Exposing design flaws causing the WTC collapse would have weakened the argument for the retribution war in Iraq, because the retribution should be proportional to the injury. So, not exposing design flaws, and putting more blame for the injury on the attackers, implied more retribution, i.e. a stronger argument for the war. FEMA stopped short of doing the duty, and furthermore used very sophisticated technical tricks to avoid truth, which inevitably points toward design flaws resulting from corruption of the WTC capital project.

Tali Fahima and the Hypocrosy of the Fascist Left

Fry her

Important Invitation to all ISM members in Palestine

Come to Chechnya at Once!

Liberal Bashing

Koin the REAL Peace Movement

Deport the ISM Bastards

Deport the Bastards

Sometimes Honour Means 'Disassociation'

about vampires

מעשה הטרור הנפשע

מדוע בחר החמאס במועד זה כדי לעשות את הפיגועים הרצחניים?

Left vs Right

How Strong Is the Arab Claim to "Palestine"?

Are We on the Road to Ruin or Redemption?

It’s as if we were on a runaway train headed toward a precipice, with the mercenaries of the Republican and Democratic parties battling for control of the engine, and us, the passengers, hanging on for dear life to keep from being thrown from the train. Will we gain control of the locomotive before it’s too late?


This article looks at Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's dictatorial behavior at a recent cabinet meeting that made fateful decisions about the Gaza disengagement plan.

ספינת השוטים

תמונות מתוך משל "ספינת השוטים".
ספינת השוטים היא סמל ל"שיטה".

040829-05.JPG: הפגנה מול שגרירות ארה"ב 29-8-04

040829-08.JPG: הפגנה מול שגרירות ארה"ב 29-8-04

040829-10.JPG: הפגנה מול שגרירות ארה"ב 29-8-04

040829-13.JPG: הפגנה מול שגרירות ארה"ב 29-8-04

- Art of War : Patriot


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