Independent Media Center, Israel

False GodsThursday 27 Feb 2003

author: Evelyn Tyson. Woodson (

Having been Born in a Land that enslaved my African Ancestors put in place a system to gurantee the generations following will never enjoy Liberty and equality; having this knowledge, sets me apart from most Americans, who have been desensetized to the cries of pain that African Decendants endure generation after generation. the devaluing of human life that is the hall mark of the so called founding fahters: who's curel European barbaric, instincts , led them to kidnapp rape and comitt genocide upon defenseless African women men and Children, with pleaure: no remorse can be found in Generations who are still the benificeris of the beginng of the reign ot terror that began when the greed for riches by the madness of uncontrolled Lust,brought the First Explores tothis Continent. and unleahsed the Curelty against Nieve True Americans. Who along with the Enterprising Africans was overcome with deception and Lies and Out right Satanic Lordship over helpless people with brute force, even Children were skinned and dismembered in front of Parents and family in order to terroize the victims into involentary

Sumissions, Sexual brutality was emplimented against all ages and genders. the State mandated Liberty is only a superficial Prop with the most hidious human rights violations as a back drop that is used on African Decendants of all walks of life inthe USA. From Inseption to postmortem,in some form or another , Since This Society is one of haves and have not's that uses false propragands to acheive it's hidious agends tehre has been divisions from the Beginng of the Founding of what is errouniouly refered to as the United States of America, the only unity is the USA is the Bed Partnership with Big Business and Corrupt Buracrats and Politicians; who enact Laws that are designed to work against Equality & Justice & Fair treatment of African Decendants Generation after Generation, Most Africans live and die without ever sitting foot on Forign Soiland are only Taught English. the few who are in the Military of manage to get In Government Positons are Conditoned to only thnik of the Intrest of Preserving the Crooked perverted System that, Destroyed our Identies and Culture Heritage as A people. any one who has the courage to be a individual is seen as a Threat and will be labeled as Anti American of a Threat ot National Security Lies are Fabricated regarding Chacrater often using family Members who are promised favors that usually dont materalize. Imyself have suffered thse types of Human Rights Abuses, it began in early Childhood before I was of any size or age to be a threat to anyone. My male parent didnot have any Formal academic Experience he was born at eh turn of the 19 Century when legalized Slavery was still the Law of the Land simply camifloged under ambiguous laws, be very much felt in every aspect of American Experiences as it is in 2003. I was born in 1942 and was subjectd to the identical daily plight the earlier slaves had been the subject of being a Girl and being of African ancestry , and having a Steparent of Engligh and native American and isolated from any help was traning Camp of sher terror. I recall wetting on myself some times three or four times . fromthe enternilized stress and anxity from the Abuses and and deprivations inflicted uopn me by the entire household at eh behest of the cruel Stepmother. who use dher whitness as a leverage. on the entire family including the extended family. If there is any doubt about Systematic Racism and it's wicked coils stretching around the World and perverting the Entire Global family, this Nation is a Hypocrit, I suffer from racil attacks from white's as well as my children were the victim's of beatings and other abuses by white Teachers who set the Stage for Failure for my beautiful Brilliant Children who was eager to please and well mannered, with good self emage unitl by the Third or Fourth Yeat inthe Corrupt hands of eveil they had began to beleiv ethe lies they were told about themselves and me; in spit of it two got Shcolaships to Collage the youngest graduated from High Scholl God Blessed him with above average gifts and talents which they teachers resnted and set out to destroy him, This is America that I know. I was given $1 by the white Female Judge when three white Supremist attakced me, the Second attack the First Time I got no Restitution. no order to pay the Medical Bills for Injuries to my eyes. formthe Blow to my head, This is the American I know, I was kidnapped and Raped when I was 8Months Pregnat my vechile was Stoeln the Young white Rapist. who was no even looked for, the Policwomen that I reported the crime to joked and Laughted about the details to the Brutality with Male Officers who later told me , This is just the tip of the Iceburg of my story I manged to rise above it to middle class life style but the Civil Courts are used agisnt me by white fraud's and The cases are decided before I enter the Court Room; But I have witnessed the hands of God remove many of tormentors off the face of this Earth. suddenly I have seen some lose thier powerful positions after I ask God for assistance, I have hopes for the Palastine, I greive to see what They and Afganatan and Africa and so many others are suffering Iraq , Philipines and Vietnam All places of The Luters and Power Mongers, Mark I know many of the us Senators Joe Leberman being one,They seem to thnk everyone is stupid and knws nothing and are unresponsive when confronted about these serious issues. I was in Turkey For One Months in 9-10 2002, While there I witnesed Condtions in Palastanian Villages by Isreli Forces that was heart breaking, Most American are unaeare fo the Facts due to false and misleading Infromation by American Media Outlets who under report Isreli Violations of Human Rights. and Opression provocations. I join the rest of God Children on Earth for Peace. I hope to be able to come someday whn Money is no the tool used to keep our voices silent from the rest of the World. If my writing is no so correct it's due to head injuries sustained begining in eraly childhoos untreated and amny years of abuse and deprivation's you, edit My Love to People of all faiths. God bless All his People, In the Name that is above all names. Yours in Love Evelyn Tyson. Woodson. USA If anyone wishes to contact me my email is

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