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Israeli soldiers shoot another ISM activist in the head
by ISM
3:14am Sat Apr 12 '03
Between 4:30 and 5:00 PM today Israeli snipers shot another ISM activist in the head. Tom Hundall from Manchester Britain is currently in critical condition in a helicopter on his way from Europa Hospital in Khan Younis to a hospital in Bir Sheva. He is 22 years old.
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According to Laura, the activists were being shot at while protecting some children from Israeli gunfire. Tom was in plain view of the sniper towers and was wearing a bright orange fluorescent jacket with reflective stripes. The nine ISM activists and many children were in the process of leaving the area. Sniper fire from the tower was hitting the wall close beside the children, who were afraid to move. Tom was attempting to bring them to safety when he was shot. There was no shooting or resistance coming from the Palestinian side at all.
According to Laura, the plan had been to put up a tent where a tank parks itself every night in front of a Mosque. The soldiers in the tank shoot down the street, terrorizing people who come to pray. The group had discovered earlier that the tank was already in place and had begun firing into the air. The Palestinian organizers felt the plan had become unworkeable, and the action was abandoned.
Laura and two Palestinians decided to go assess the situation. She soon realized that the tank had moved from where it had been. It was now possible to set up the tent. She spoke to Tom D by phone and they decided to meet at the roadblock. The Israeli snipers in the eastern tower began shooting in Laura’s path.
When they arrived at the roadblock, the rest of the group was already there. The snipers began firing again: this time at the wall of the building next to the activists. As a result, the group began the process of leaving.
Tom saw a little boy in an open space, clearly visible to the tower. Tom went to get him out of the way. He looked back and saw two more girls whom he also went to retrieve. As he went to get them, he was shot in the back of the head. He fell to the ground in a pool of blood. The ambulance arrived quickly, after about two minutes.
For years the Israeli army has killed Palestinian civilians with impunity. Now they are targeting unarmed international peace activists and human rights workers. On March 16, Rachel Corrie was run over and killed by a bulldozer operator in Rafah while trying to prevent home demolitions. On April 5, in Jenin, Brian Avery was shot in the face by an APC in an unprovoked attack on a clearly unarmed group of internationals. Six months ago in Jenin, Caoimhe Butterly was shot in the leg and UN official Ian Hook was murdered.
We ask the world community to stand up and demand that Israel honor international agreements protecting civilians, whether they are internationals or Palestinians, and hold Israel accountable for these crimes against humanity. And we demand an end to the illegal and brutal occupation that these murders defend.
For more information contact:
Allison 067 742 780
Raf 054 389 466
Nick 055 874 693
Alice 067 857 069
ISM Media Coordinator
Beit Sahour, Occupied Palestine
052-360-241 add your comments
Israeli army sniper leaves British peace acti
by Justin Huggler in Jerusalem
4:01am Sat Apr 12 '03
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A British peace activist was pronounced brain-dead yesterday after being shot in the head by an Israeli army sniper.
Tom Hurndall, 21, from London, was shot while trying to rescue Palestinian children from a street where they were pinned down by Israeli gunfire.
He is the third peace activist to be killed or seriously injured in the occupied territories in the past month.
His fellow activists were beginning to wonder aloud last night if they are a target of the Israeli army. Mr Hurndall was declared brain-dead on arrival at a Palestinian hospital in Rafah but there were some reports last night that his condition might be improving.
Mr Hurndall came to the occupied territories after leaving Baghdad, where he had travelled as a human shield before the start of the war in Iraq. His group of activists was in a refugee camp in Rafah near the Egyptian border, where Israeli soldiers often demolish Palestinian homes because they say militants use them as cover from which to fire.
The civilian occupants of the houses are left homeless.
Mr Hurndall's group intended to stay the night in a tent in a street where an Israeli tank frequently fires into civilian houses, according to Raphael Cohen, another British activist who was there when Mr Hurndall was shot. The Independent has witnessed Israeli tanks firing on civilian houses in Rafah when there were no militants in the area.
When the activists reached the street, Mr Cohen said, they found it already under fire and too dangerous to enter.
The gunfire was coming from one of the Israeli army watchtowers on the Egyptian border, which surround much of Rafah. A group of about 20 Palestinian children - the oldest was about 10, according to Mr Cohen, the rest younger - were trapped by gunfire in the street. Mr Hurndall decided to go into the street with two other activists to bring the children out of the line of fire, believing they were less likely to be fired on because they were foreigners.
"Tom went and brought one boy back with him," said Mr Cohen by telephone from Rafah. "But he saw two girls were still stuck there. He went back out for them and immediately he was hit in the head." Like other peace campaigners, Mr Hurndall was wearing brightly coloured overalls so that he could be easily identified as an activist.
"The Israeli army was very aware of our presence in the area,'' said Mr Cohen.
He said the activists, who have been sleeping in Palestinian houses that have been coming under fire, had hung banners around the area saying they were there. Mr Cohen said Israeli soldiers had "shot the banners to shreds". The International Solidarity Movement (ISM), of which Mr Hurndall was a member, has been heavily criticised in Israel as one-sided.
It is pro-Palestinian but the members are unarmed non-combatants.
The shooting of Mr Hurndall comes after Rachel Corrie, an American, became the first ISM activist to be killed when she was crushed by an Israeli army bulldozer in Rafah last month. The Israeli army claimed that it was an accident and said that the driver of the bulldozer did not see her.
Brian Avery, another American activist, was seriously wounded last week when he was hit in the face by machine-gun fire from an Israeli armoured personnel carrier in the West Bank city of Jenin.
The Israeli army claimed its soldiers were firing at militants - the activists who were with Mr Avery said there were no militants in the area - and that the soldiers did not see Mr Avery. gardian uk add your comments
Brain Dead BEFORE he was shot!
by Judy
11:24am Sun Apr 13 '03
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The media are once again whining that Israel has
shot one of the
communist human
shields from Western campuses seeking to make the
Gaza Strip safe for
suicide bombers to mass murder Israeli children.
The Left is putting out its "version" of events.
The young Brit was
only running about trying to move some poor
innocent Palestinian children
out of the line of fire of the evil Israeli
troops who were shooting
Palestinians for no reason. Oh really?
Well we still do not know if the guy was even
shot by an Israeli, but
you can be sure he was not just innocently
minding his business and simply
protecting children. He is in the Middle East to
assist Palestinian
terrorists murder children. He and his communist
friends from ISM
routinely provoke and interfere in Israeli
military operations, and when
they do so they deserve to be shot.
Meanwhile it turns out this peace-loving peacenik
had also served as
a human shield for Saddam except he ran away when
he heard the Marines
were coming over-sized, over-sexed, and over
there. He decided he was
much safer playing human shield for Hamas
terrorists. Here is what the
Jerusalem Post says about the incident:
A report by the IDF gives a different story of
the incident. "At about 5
p.m. yesterday an IDF post on the
Israeli-Egyptian border in a
Israeli-controlled security zone identified a man
who appeared to be
approximately 20 years old, wearing a combat
uniform and carrying a
"The man opened fire at the IDF post and IDF
forces returned fire using
one bullet, and saw that the person carrying the
weapon was wounded by IDF
gunfire. It should be noted that this was the
only shooting incident
reported in the immediate area."
The IDF stated that hostile fire has been
frequently directed at IDF
troops from this area, including sniper fire,
with explosives and grenades
also hurled at IDF forces. It was in this area
where Hurndall was thought
to be wounded, the report concluded.
see this Independent report that
the guy had come from Baghdad!
Israeli army sniper leaves British peace activist
By Justin Huggler in Jerusalem
12 April 2003
A British peace activist was pronounced
brain-dead yesterday after being
shot in the head by an Israeli army sniper.
Tom Hurndall, 21, from London, was shot while
trying to rescue Palestinian
children from a street where they were pinned
down by Israeli gunfire.
(sure he was)
He is the third peace activist to be killed or
seriously injured in the
occupied territories in the past month.
His fellow activists were beginning to wonder
aloud last night if they are
a target of the Israeli army. Mr Hurndall was
declared brain-dead on
arrival at a Palestinian hospital in Rafah but
there were some reports last
night that his condition might be improving.
Mr Hurndall came to the occupied territories
after leaving Baghdad, where
he had travelled as a human shield before the
start of the war in Iraq. His
group of activists was in a refugee camp in Rafah
near the Egyptian border,
where Israeli soldiers often demolish Palestinian
homes because they say
militants use them as cover from which to fire.
The civilian occupants of the houses are left
homeless. (The
civilian occupants are the families of suicide
bombers and other mass
Mr Hurndall's group intended to stay the night in
a tent in a street where
an Israeli tank frequently fires into civilian
houses, according to Raphael
Cohen, another British activist who was there
when Mr Hurndall was shot.
The Independent has witnessed Israeli tanks
firing on civilian houses in
Rafah when there were no militants in the area.
When the activists reached the street, Mr Cohen
said, they found it already
under fire and too dangerous to enter.
The gunfire was coming from one of the Israeli
army watchtowers on the
Egyptian border, which surround much of Rafah. A
group of about 20
Palestinian children the oldest was about 10,
according to Mr Cohen, the
rest younger were trapped by gunfire in the
street. Mr Hurndall decided
to go into the street with two other activists to
bring the children out of
the line of fire, believing they were less likely
to be fired on because
they were foreigners.
"The Israeli army was very aware of our presence
in the area,'' said Mr Cohen.
He said the activists, who have been sleeping in
Palestinian houses that
have been coming under fire, had hung banners
around the area saying they
were there. Mr Cohen said Israeli soldiers had
"shot the banners to
shreds". The International Solidarity Movement
(ISM), of which Mr Hurndall
was a member, has been heavily criticised in
Israel as one-sided.
It is pro-Palestinian but the members are unarmed
The shooting of Mr Hurndall comes after Rachel
Corrie, an American, became
the first ISM activist to be killed when she was
crushed by an Israeli army
bulldozer in Rafah last month. The Israeli army
claimed that it was an
accident and said that the driver of the
bulldozer did not see her.
Brian Avery, another American activist, was
seriously wounded last week
when he was hit in the face by machine-gun fire
from an Israeli armoured
personnel carrier in the West Bank city of
The Israeli army claimed its soldiers were firing
at militants the
activists (Britishspeak for fascist terrorists)
who were with Mr
Avery said there were no militants in the area
and that the soldiers did not see Mr Avery.
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You miss the point
by Jonny
6:07pm Sun Apr 13 '03
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Judy you are missing the big picture. You accuse the left of supporting suicide bombing, and in some cases you may be right, but in many you are not. Take a moment and think about why someone would resort to killing themselves for a political cause...Try putting yourself in a Palestinian's shoes for a few minutes. Think of it this way, people don't kill themselves and blow themselves up for meager little stuff. T
his has little to do with the Koran or fundamentalist Islam or anything like that, but rather to do with living conditions. Israel has made it unbearable for the Palestinians to live in the west bank and gaza.
Please dont flip this to say that it's not israel's responsability because it is. Israel knowingly and aggresively pushed up to 700,000 Palestinians out of what is now Israel, therefore by creating a refugee situation it is Israel's responsability to take care of it.
Israel has the responsability of providing a basic standard of living for the Palestinians or at least providing them some base from which to build it themselves.
You might refute this by saying Israel has, they have given money to the PLO who is just as corrupt as terrorist organizations. You'd be right. But the time has come to look for other avenues of support for the Palestinian people. NGO's are a great example of how to do this.
I don't seek the destruction of Israel but I also don't seek the destruction of the Palestinians and what should be their rightful state either.
And for the final criticism that I always seem to get both here and among normal conversation from day to day, "you just dont get it because you aren't Jewish or you've never been there, or you've never lived there so you don't know what its like." I'm Jewish, I've lived there, I've got many a friend who are Palestinian and Israeli, and I do know what it's like and its like this. People need food, water and shelter, once this is provided for them then they can work on things other than trying to blow themselves up for these basic human rights. add your comments
Suicide Bombings
by A Good Jew
1:45am Mon Apr 14 '03
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According to numerous studies including one out the University of Michigan Anne Arbor there are three reasons why suicide bombers kill themselves. One they are manipulated into doing it. This is constantly done by the Palestinians. Two the monetary rewards that their family would gain. Thousands of dollars are given to the families of suicide bombers. And three wanting revenge.
Based on these three reasons we can see there is no excuse for suicide bombing. You can't argue that it is their desperation, the "occupation", etc, because this is simply not true. Anyone who would justify suicide bombing based on revenge has just negated hundred of years of civilized society's pursuit of maintaing law and order. The act of suicide bombing is the most despicable act in the history of mankind. Just think about it your are killing yourself in order to kill others. add your comments
Dearest Good Jew:
by loa
2:43am Mon Apr 14 '03
no excuse for murder
by no excuse for murder
8:09pm Mon Apr 14 '03
address: no excuse for murder
phone: no excuse no excuse for murder
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You can see the pictures of Tom Hurdnall yourself.
He was not wearing a military uniform. It's in
the pictures. He was wearing brightly colored
clothing that marked him as an aid.
Listen, you can't have it both ways. If you say
that it was wrong for islamic extremists to
murder jews or americans then it is equally wrong
for Israelis to murder palestinians and pacifist
There is no excuse for murder. Why do I even have
to say that? What kind of world do you live in
that justifies the barbaric behavior of shooting
at children? To argue in the defense of this is
to lose all credibility in the eyes of
justice-loving humans.
(pictures available here)
www.palsolidarity.org/ add your comments
Judy, you confuse concepts
by Zander
9:27pm Mon Apr 14 '03
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Judy, your use of the terms communist and "over-sexed" suggest a masculine identity, not a feminine. By confusing the basic issue, you appear to be hiding from it. Senseless violence begets violence. Snipers shooting at families isn't a solution. Your verbiage is indicative of reaction formation, a state of mind in which fear and rage overwhelm rational thought processes. You flail at Tom in terms that you confuse with other frustrations, elsewhere. All of us can see that. That you don't suggests that you could use some time off, safe reflective refuge away from the violence. If armed occupiers sat in a tower and shot at the children of your friends, the people you go to picnics at the beach with, how would you feel? You say nothing of feelings, what you are actually thinking. You've cloaked your sensitivities with hatred, as if, how dare the Palestinians try to keep their ancestral homes and educate their children in the first place? A mind cannot obliterate its basic human sensitivities and think clearly. It becomes too corrupted to be responsible, to see outside of the limited circumstance that abuses those sensitivities. add your comments
You send the commies, we'll supply
by Newt
6:01pm Tue Apr 15 '03
see some common sense
by Dino
3:28pm Thu Apr 17 '03
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Some of you do and some don't get it, to the ones
that don't get it please stay in your own country
as your hatred is not needed. Here in New Zealand
our mild nature gets kicked in the face time and
time again by rude arrogant "just left the Army
Isrealis" as much as we try to understand you
tell us we know nothing. Lets put it in plain
words why is it that Isrealis piss people off
with there arrogant atittude, never repect our
opinions and simply have the biggest chip on your
shoulders, the World simply does not need this
unessary hate....look at the shame you bring to
Isreal and to the people that want peace on both
sides. Give back the land you have taken, live as
equals and When you do this only then are you
worthy to travel.
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see some common sense
by Dino
3:29pm Thu Apr 17 '03
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Some of you do and some don't get it, to the ones
that don't get it please stay in your own country
as your hatred is not needed. Here in New Zealand
our mild nature gets kicked in the face time and
time again by rude arrogant "just left the Army
Isrealis" as much as we try to understand you
tell us we know nothing. Lets put it in plain
words why is it that Isrealis piss people off
with there arrogant atittude, never repect our
opinions and simply have the biggest chip on your
shoulders, the World simply does not need this
unessary hate....look at the shame you bring to
Isreal and to the people that want peace on both
sides. Give back the land you have taken, live as
equals and When you do this only then are you
worthy to travel.
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re: 'a good jew' and their comments. it may
interest you to know that many jews were involved
in suicide bombings in Nazi germany and Nazi
occupied Poland. given that Nelson Mandela has
termed the Israeli oppression of Paelstine as
equivalent, if not worse, to South African
Appartheit their are serious paralells between
Nazi oppression and Israeli oppression which you
are perhaps unaware of.
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This is a clear terrorist act, part of a terror
campaign against the Palestinian people. There
can be no justification for terrorism, it targets
exactly the people who are needed to solve the
problems that create it.
Palestinian and Israeli can and have lived in
peacefull harmony but that is not the political
will of Sharon, he desires war, murder and
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To Mr. Dino
by Just a Simple Jew
6:25am Fri Apr 18 '03
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You and the other New-Zealnaders that think like
you can take the PR issues & stick into their
Or as Prime-Minister A.Sharon remarked
brlliantly in an interview before a week : Some
Europeans Countries are doubting the right of the
Jewish state to exist, I don't want neither to
argue with this nor to try to understand the
roots of Antisemtism.
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To Mr Simple Jew
by dino
2:20pm Sun Apr 20 '03
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You miss the point (AGAIN)we know the truth and
want peace but not in Sharons ethnic genocide
style nor Arafats suicide way....can't you both
just get along. P.S New Zealand is not a European
country, far from it so try and learn some basic
geography as well as peacefull solutions. We wish
Isreal well and will only smile when we see that
you can embrace your Palestinian brothers.
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The Fascist Left
by Tim
12:15pm Fri Apr 25 '03
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The Antiwar Movement's Nazi Connection
By Ben Johnson
FrontPageMagazine.com | April 25, 2003
In the run-up to the liberation of Iraq,
conservatives were tempted to say the entire
anti-war movement represented nothing more than a
conglomeration of Stalinists, Castroites and
Islamists. Such a description would not do
justice to the "peace" movement: it would omit
the role of vicious anti-Semites. FrontPage
Magazine recently exposed the neo-Nazi Bill
White’s Overthrow.com ("The Bottom of the
Barrel"), but giving White a run for his bile is
one Bruce Alan "Vincent" Breeding, a professional
anti-Semite and sometime Satan-worshiper whose
life’s purpose lies in fighting the Jews.
"No War for Israel" (NoWarforIsrael.com), the
love child of Breeding and recently incarcerated
Klansman David Duke, demonstrates the disturbing
continuity and convergence of neo-Nazis,
Islamists and the anti-war movement.
Resume of Hate
In his mid-30s, Breeding already has an
impressive resume for the hate movement. As a
Tampa-based regional organizer for National
Alliance, the hate group whose leader’s
writings inspired Timothy McVeigh,1 Breeding
helped bring Holocaust denier David Irving to the
United States. When David Duke unsuccessfully
sought the seat of disgraced Speaker of the House
Bob Livingston, Breeding joined Duke’s
staff and has been with him ever since. In 1999,
he launched the Nationalist News Service, which
dispensed daily news bulletins with hate-twinged
commentary ala Bill White. NNA operated as part
of Stormfront.org, the leading racist propaganda
clearinghouse on the internet.2 Breeding’s
most recent gig, under the pseudonym "Vince
Edwards," was running EURO (European Unity and
Rights Organization), through which David Duke
swindled his followers out of thousands of
dollars he later concealed from the IRS.3 In this
capacity, Breeding administered the Duke-owned
website "MartinLutherKing.org," a website that
defames the slain civil rights leader’s
Nazis for Peace
David Duke tried to reinvigorate his career by
seeking to capitalize on the "peace"
movement’s momentum with a anti-war speech
in Virginia. As a preparation for the speech,
Duke, noting the Left’s penchant for
gathering unverified information from "alternate
media" sources, commissioned Breeding to launch
"No War for Israel" (NoWarForIsrael.com) on
February 5. Its few original articles (just six
in all) offer red meat to die-hard leftists. For
one thing, MLK Jr. aside, they share a common
hagiography. Breeding prominently features an
angelic picture of Rachel Corrie, with a link to
her diary entries. The photo’s caption:
"Martyr for Peace."4
The contribution of "Brigadier General" James J.
Martin, a longtime Holocaust denier associated
with the Institute for Historical Review,5
amounts to little more than a familiar litany of
leftist talking points, in which he rattles off
30 Chomskyite charges against the state of
Israel, such as:
"Q.What country in the Middle East refuses to pay
compensation to people whose land, bank accounts
and businesses it confiscated?
"A. Israel.
"Q. What country in the Middle East seized the
sovereign territory of other nations by military
force and continues to occupy it in defiance of
United Nations Security Council Resolutions?
"A. Israel."
The website also lists the UN’s resolutions
condemning Israel (all of them non-binding,
incidentally). This moral equivalence - or in
many cases, condoning of Islamist violence - is
the Left’s stock-in-trade, here
appropriated without alteration by the
hate-filled fringe.
An article by Anver Suliman of the Pretoria-based
Islamist website Media Review Network and an
anonymous article on the site both claim the
forces behind the war are - surprise! - Jews.
Suliman bases his "analysis" on statements by The
Nation Jason Vest, Chris Matthews and Pat
Buchanan that "George Bush has become a 'client'
of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon."
The anonymous article cites the supposedly
disproportionate influence of "pro-Israeli Jewish
lobbyists" within the Cabinet. This pathetic
piece, which still lists White House persona non
grata David Frum as a Bush speechwriter,
apparently sees mischief springing from the
perfidious Jewish influence of such "top"
advisers as Brad Blakeman (White House Director
of Scheduling) and Christopher Gersten (Principal
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Administration
for Children and Families at the Department of
Health and Human Services). Everyone’s
favorite Jew - Collin Powell - is also listed
among the worthies. The author goes on to claim
"the Israeli lobby" created the Monica Lewinsky
scandal "to force (Clinton) to launch
‘Operation Desert Fox,’ in December
Even the remaining title of the lone remaining
article, "The Oil Racket and Greater Israel,"
recalls the peaceniks’ mantra "No Blood for
Oil!" Author "Eduardo S.B." declares "the truth
behind this war campaign has everything to do
with the ideal for a greater Israel and its
growing manipulation of oil interests."
Eduardo’s only other known writing was
publish by the Vanguard News Network, a
semi-literate hatefest website, whose frontpage
recently referred to young Jewish girls as
"ovenworthies."6 Eduardo embellishes this
mainstream leftist thesis by claiming the Jews
are the biological children of Canaan, who
adjured them, "Love each other (i.e. of this
tribe only), love robbery, love lewdness, hate
your masters and never tell the truth." Given the
leftist depiction of wicked Israeli "racism,"
"theft of Arab land," "deception" and "human
rights abuses," one can hardly see a meaningful
difference besides the sterile veneer covering
the Left’s own anti-Semitism.
I Spread Lies with a Little Help from my
Breeding compensates for the dearth of original
material on his site with host of links to "news"
offered by leftist, Islamist and anti-Semitic
websites. Although this is an unbridled hate
website, it gets much of its fodder from
left-wing organizations, linking to such far-left
pillars as Indymedia.org, the World Socialist Web
Site and Pravda (which has featured Bill White,
David Duke and Justin Raimondo as columnists).
So, too, does it draw from radical Islamist
sites. Breeding links to at least seven Islamist
"news" outlets, including the virulently
anti-Jewish Radio Islam, the Palestine Media
Center and a site delightfully titled
ElectronicIntifada.net. Overt racists get a piece
of the action, with NoWar linking to
Overthrow.com, IHR and Vanguard News Network.
Breeding also links to no less than six articles
from Antiwar.com, including Justin
Raimondo’s large archive of articles
he’s written linking Israel with 9/11.
(David Duke has done likewise.) NoWar’s
current feature article is Pat Buchanan’s
The American Conservative editorial, "Whose War,"
which Breeding has retitled "Meet Just a Few of
Your Jewish Supremacist Warmongers."
Common interests? What common interests?
Breeding draws from a wide variety of anti-Jewish
sources but has focused his marketing efforts on
the Left.7 He has repeatedly targeted discussion
boards provided by Indymedia, an expansive,
leftist "alternative media" outlet popular among
antiwar activists. In the typical response, a
leftist would denounce the site as a "white
supremacist sham" and post the "WHOIS" search for
the website, showing David Duke’s
Some would find this kind of repudiation
encouraging; I am not one of them. Why should any
thinking adult need an ownership certificate to
warn him off from a website named "No War for
Israel," which contains multiple references to
"Jewish supremacists" and features headlines like
"Some Jews Can’t Wait for Bloodbath" and
"Sick Jewish Humor"? The fact remains that
although their motivations differ, the rhetoric
and conclusions of radical leftists, Islamists
and overt anti-Semites converge.8 How do
Breeding’s shrieks of "Jewish supremacism"
materially differ from leftist or Islamist
denunciations of "Israeli apartheid"? Breeding
and "progressives" part company on rationale, not
effect: Breeding declares that American Jewish
policy wonks (Perle, Wolfowitz) support Israel
based on racial solidarity, while leftists claim
American Zionism is inspired by money and
intellectual imperialism. The difference? David
Duke has to travel to Bahrain for his speaking
engagements. The message those on the Indymedia
boards send their fellow radicals rings clear:
Don’t go to this website, not because they
are bigots, but because they are the wrong
White Sheets And Black Robes
Although he exploits and attempts to merge with
radical elements of the Hate America Left and
Islamist movements, Breeding may also be
motivated by the power of pure evil. Incredible
as it may seem, all the aforementioned problems
do not represent the full extent of Vincent
Breeding’s pathologies: He’s also a
At least, he played lead guitar for a "death
metal/black metal" group (so named because of its
exaltation of Satanism). Breeding lent his
"talent" to no less than four CDs produced by a
musical abomination known as "Acheron," lead by a
"priest" in Anton LeVey’s Church of Satan.
Breeding’s guitar work appears on all the
group’s CDs between 1992-95, including
their CD "Death is Only the Beginning #3," which
includes the memorable ditty "Slaughterization
for Satan." The band declares on its official
website, "The Satanic Millennium approaches and
ACHERON will unleash their diabolical creations
to hasten the climax of Armageddon. The World is
ACHERON's for the taking - they will seize it and
drain its life-blood to the very dregs. Praise
the ways of the Left Hand Path. Hail Satan! God
is Dead!"
Breeding sang a different tune while protesting
to preserve Mississippi’s
Confederate-inspired state flag. He told a
reporter he and other EURO-trash "plan to
continue to spread our message of love, tolerance
and the celebration of the diversity of
Mississippi's beautiful Southern heritage."
Vince Breeding: Beacon of Love.
Perhaps in Breeding’s Satanic pedigree we
glimpse the true motivating force of the Hate
America Left and the anti-Semitic movement.
1. National Alliance grew out of the 1968 "Youth
for (George) Wallace" movement. A university
physics professor named Dr. William Pierce
emerged as its leader, forging a Nazi-inspired
movement at once both anti-Semitic and
self-consciously anti-Christian. Pierce’s
novel The Turner Diaries (written under his
acknowledged pen name, "Andrew MacDonald")
describes how its protagonists carried off a
terrorist attack on a federal building when a
homemade nitrous ammonium bomb planted in a
parked delivery truck exploded at just after 9
a.m. Pierce went to his eternal reward on July
2002 ,23.
2 . Breeding’s contact e-mail address for
NoWarforIsrael is
3. Duke, renowned as a ladies’ man, has
admitted using political donations for gambling
in Las Vegas and the Bahamas. In a pathetic cover
story, he told his followers he only did so
because a friend had devised a system to "break
the bank" and bilk the rich, casino-owning Jews
out of their money!
4. The site also falsely claims Rachel
Corrie’s last words were "No War for
Israel." According to sources, her last words
were, "My back is broken."
5. IHR was founded by Willis Carto as the
Holocaust-denial apparatus of Liberty Lobby.
Carto, publisher of the now-defunct
conspiracy-monger tabloid THE SPOTLIGHT, is
considered by many as the most influential
anti-Semite in the United States. After declaring
bankruptcy, Carto founded the American Free Press
as THE SPOTLIGHT’s successor.
6. "Ovenworthies," from the Wednesday, April ,
23, 2003, edition of VNN.
7. Another of Breeding’s official tips to
troglodytes who wish to "Get Active" and promote
the website: "Write nowarforisrael.com on a
greased pig and put it someplace legal where
people will notice." Mind you, this is the second
promotional idea Breeding lists, right after
making a banner. Breeding doubtlessly interacts
with pigs more frequently than the average
8. Indeed, where else except within far Left and
Islamist circles does one even hear the term
"Zionist," almost universally used in those
contexts as a euphemism for "Jewish supremacy"?
Ben Johnson is Associate Editor of FrontPage
add your comments
by I Am
6:03am Fri May 23 '03
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A good Jew does believe in an Eye for An Eye and Wholly accepts the old Testement it is the only text a Jew Would accept.
Where were you coming from on that statement.
Was it some kind of Cryptic Jesus refrence? add your comments
Boo, Freakn' Hoo.
by KafirCrusaderZionist
2:41am Sat Jul 12 '03
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I want to compliment the IDF on the incredible amount of restraint they continue to show in the face of these terrorists and their human shields. What incredible willpower and humane mercy.
If the so called "palestinians" would head back to the land that was really given to them, JORDAN, We wouldn't have to look at these nazi sympathizers who constantly harass the Jews. add your comments
by P*p*
3:40am Sat Jul 12 '03
zionists are orthodox traitors
by hebrew against secular state of"israel"
11:47pm Sun Jul 27 '03
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i dont understand why people attack a now brain dead comrade, every lefty is a communist, what so wrong with communism,it acts on socialist principals of helping and sharing. what if this brave comrade is not a communist,maybe hes a socialist or anarchist. the uneducated attack at anything they can get their small brains to attach themselves to.... communist like thats fucking original. add your comments
To "Just a simple Jew"
by You Don'e want to know
12:36am Wed Aug 27 '03
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You said:
"You and the other New-Zealnaders that think like
you can take the PR issues & stick into their
Or as Prime-Minister A.Sharon remarked
brlliantly in an interview before a week : Some
Europeans Countries are doubting the right of the
Jewish state to exist, I don't want neither to
argue with this nor to try to understand the
roots of Antisemtism."
Of course you and Sharon might think so. You are God's chosen people and we all are sons of bitches brought about by God to serve you. Excuse us Maste Race. We shall humbly sacrifice our first born to your peace loving God, and our second born we will sacrifice for your pleasure. Please forgive the insulence of those who had shown you disrespect, for they shall suffer here and in the hereafter. add your comments
don't do the a favor:
by ok>
12:48am Wed Aug 27 '03
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when you decrease this issue to Jews vs. None Jews you are you are clouding the very issue by scapegoating the real enemy on Jewish people.
The Jewish people do not deserve to be entrusted with the responsibility of what has been done in the name of this specifik religion. add your comments