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ניווטרשת אינדימדיה העולמית
Let the Israelis Know We Won't Let Them Snatch Mazin QumsiyehBy Anonymous, submitted on שבת, 07/08/2010 - 09:30
Mazin has to report to the police of two colonial offices twice on August 9, 2010, once for a "traffic offense" and the other in Gush Etzion for who knows what. see He talks about 12 hours of delay and harassment coming back from Turkey to the West Bank here.
What's going on? Mazin is a leader in organizing Palestinian non-violent resistance to the settlers and the occupation. He writes about it, lectures about it, and participates in protests. In particular he's been acting against land grabs against al-Walaja (note: recently an Israeli court made a ruling in favor of Palestinian rights there). Israel Apartheid hates any protest and is getting ever more heavyhanded in smashing dissent. What do they have in mind here? a warning? a trial? administrative detention? We don't know.
We need to let the authorities in Israel know that there are many people around the world concerned about Mazin. Hopefully if we can demonstrate such support we can head off an arrest. Write to politicians, the State Deparment and the media and ask them to inquire about why American citizen Mazin Qumsiyeh is being harassed. Mazin is currently living in Beit Sahour (near Bethlehem). He lived for years in Orange, CT and was on the staff of Yale and Duke Universities. See his site. What you can Do
Here's a great letter that you can use as model, vary it as much as you want.
the Facebook page for the campaign "We Support Mazin Qumsiyeh". The group has over 2,800 members. Join the group.
Here's the contact page for the U.S. Department of State Or simply call 202-647-4000 and find the right department to express concern and ask the the Department contact Israeli authorities.
The U.S. Ambassador to Israel has offices in Tel Aviv. He is James B. Cunningham. The embassy has this email address for U.S. citizens.
Here's the contact page for Richard Blumenthal, running for U.S. Senate in Connecticut. His opponent is Linda McMahon. This is her contact page. Her email is here.
Contact current Connecticut members of Congress by clicking here.
Here's ways to contact Israeli officials Here's a free fax website straight to Israel.
Let us here at "The Struggle" know what responses you're getting.(even if you get none at all)
Our Earlier Campaign for Mazin Qumsiyeh
Noam Chomsky, Tony Judt, Philip Weiss, Felicia Langer and a list of others ask you to do what you can to Stop a Jewish-only Settlement in Beit Sahour and Help Prevent the Kidnapping of Mazin Qumsiyeh (list in formation)
Years ago the great Israeli activist Israel Shahak told us, "Don't just send protest letters to Israel. The officials don't care." What they do care about is losing support from the U.S. and Europe, losing buiness and being embarrassed face to face.
Keep that in mind when you think of things to do. What you need to send to Israel are concrete evidence that you're revealing the ugly state of Israeli apartheid through published letters to the editor and Congress, street protests, etc. Here are some things you should try
Write letters to the editor of local and national papers and SEND COPIES TO Israeli authorities.
Read and download a copy of our petition to the President, and Congress, get people to sign it and fax them to us.
Contact national and local media, Amy Goodman, editors of Nation magazine, Joe Klein of TIME, Bob Herbert of the New York Times, and any liberal, left of open minded person you might know in the national media. Then start collecting phone numbers and emails of state media and contact them about what's going on. Ask them to write about Beit Sahour.
Write to Israeli columnists Gideon Levy, Amira Hass, Akiva Eldar, Bradley Burston.
Write to and call to progressive Jewish organization, JVP, Mondoweiss, (Challenge J Street if you have some spare time, though I suspect it will be useless)
Write to Palestine solidarity and left political groups and ask them to join the campaign.
Invite us to speak at an event in your locality. Call MECC at 203-934-2761
Visit this page frequently for updates. This article will by hyperlinked to specific emails as the hours pass.
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ראשון 22 אוגוסט 2010
שבת 21 אוגוסט 2010
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שישי 20 אוגוסט 2010
חמישי 19 אוגוסט 2010
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רביעי 18 אוגוסט 2010
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שלישי 17 אוגוסט 2010
ראשון 15 אוגוסט 2010
שישי 13 אוגוסט 2010
חמישי 12 אוגוסט 2010
Other Press
שבת 21 אוגוסט 2010
שלישי 3 אוגוסט 2010
שישי 11 יוני 2010
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