ניווטרשת אינדימדיה העולמית
World Social Forum Free PalestineBy Stephen Lendman, submitted by Anonymous on רביעי, 28/11/2012 - 11:03
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World Social Forum Free Palestine
by Stephen Lendman
The World Social Forum calls itself "an open meeting place where social movements, networks, NGOs and other civil society organizations opposed to neoliberalism and a world dominated by capital or by any form of imperialism come together to pursue their thinking, to debate ideas democratically, for formulate proposals, share their experiences freely and network for effective action."
WSF believes another world is possible. Money controlled societies don't work. Most people are shut out and denied. Corporate interests subvert human ones. Profits are prioritized. Popular needs go begging.
Human and civil rights are spurned. Democracy is just a figure of speech. Tyranny threatens. Future generations haven't a chance. Building a new world in solidarity is essential. Survival depends on it.
From November 28 - December 1, Porto Alegre, Brazil hosts the WSF Free Palestine (WSFFP).
The Global BDS Movement for Freedom, Justice and Equality called for supportive solidarity action.
Thousands of Palestinian supporters are coming to Brazil. They include activists of all stripes, organizers, youths, faith-based groups, trade unionists, academics, musicians, and many others.
Stop the Wall coordinator Jamal Juma calls the event "the most important (one) in the international arena for Palestine."
"The goal is to coordinate efforts, create networks between solidarity movements around the world, and formulate an effective and efficient plan that can achieve with Palestinians on the ground real change."
"This is a struggle for the humanity of the Palestinian people.”
He and others believe strong US participation gives WSFFP greater strength and durability. "Americans who are against the occupation need to come together and be heard," he stressed.
"It's important for American solidarity movements to unite and be a demonstrative effect for similar movements around the world."
Stop the Wall calls Occupied Palestine "part of every free heartbeat in this world, and her cause continues to inspire solidarity across the globe."
WSFFP represents solidarity for Palestinian equity, justice and liberation. End occupation harshness. Free Palestine. Achieving it depends on millions of committed world supporters.
Palestinians are isolated on their own. World leaders able to help spurn them. Ordinary people have to struggle in their place.
Hard tasks take time. Impossible ones take longer. Anthropologist Margaret Mead said never underestimate the power of "a small group of committed people to change the world." It happens no other way.
WSFFP comes at an important time. Pillar of Cloud pounded Gaza mercilessly. World leaders able to help did nothing. Palestinians were blamed for Israeli crimes. It's always the same.
Occupation harshness continues. Besieged Gazans suffer most. Humanitarian crisis conditions inflict enormous harm. Memorandum of understanding truce terms solved nothing.
Palestinian suffering continues. Upgraded UN status doesn't help. Membership or observer status with no rights is meaningless.
WSF Free Palestine features five main themes:
(1) Self-determination and right of return.
(2) Human rights, international law inviolability, and prosecuting Israeli war criminals.
(3) Strategies of struggle and solidarity. BDS is featured. It's a vital initiative. It gets results.
(4) Prioritizing a world without walls, siege, racist discrimination, merciless oppression, and patriarchy.
(5) Supporting Palestinian resistance and similar social struggles.
Aims include:
(I) Solidarity for justice and regional peace.
(II) Effective actions for Palestinian self-determination, a sovereign state, Jerusalem its capital, and "the fulfillment of human rights and international law," by:
(1) Ending Israeli occupation and colonization of all Arab lands, as well as dismantling the Separation Wall.
(2) Ensuring fundamental equal rights for Arab Israelis.
(3) "Implementing, protecting, and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194."
(III) Providing "space for discussion, exchange of ideas, strategizing, and planning in order to improve the structure of solidarity."
Zionists want Palestinian liberation prevented. They got Porto Alegre's mayor and Rio Grande do Sul state's governor to deny them use of Usina do Gasometro.
Events were scheduled there. False claims about "radical" Palestinian attacks were made. Activists fear one or more false flags may hurt event organizers.
Zionist extremism proliferates worldwide. It terrorizes and corrupts everywhere. Taking a stand against it is vital. It prevented Nakba from ending.
Leonardo Boff is an academic, author, and liberation theologist. On behalf of oppressed Palestinians he said:
"Liberation Theology was born listening to the cries of the oppressed, those whose rights, autonomy, vital space to live was denied."
"Today, for us, the oppressed who are in need of liberation are the Palestinians. And we, being coherent with Liberation Theology are on their side, listening to their cry."
"We are against oppression, and in favor of their independence, freedom and the right to their land which belonged to their ancestors so that they accomplish their history as a people, with their language and culture."
"Therefore, I join the cause of the Palestinians because they have rights and these rights cannot be denied. I support the World Social Forum for the Palestinian cause because this cause is of great dignity and for being fear and represent a duty."
"It is our duty to be on the side of the Palestinians. Because they are victims and it is illegitimate, unworthy keeping them in their current situation."
"We want to be with them so that they are free, our brothers. And from that freedom with autonomy accomplish the process of peace and reconciliation with the State of Israel."
Political activist, liberation theologist, and Dominican friar Frei Betto also expressed solidarity with Palestinians, saying:
WSFFP "will gather representatives from the three religions of the book: Judaism, Christianity and Islam."
"A Forum in which we will debate the situation of all those who live in Palestine and mainly the right of the Palestinian people to have their independent State and how we can from our own religious traditions contribute to peace in the world."
"Considering the importance of this Forum, I call upon all interested to be present in Porto Alegre as participants of the World Social Forum Free Palestine."
Kairos Southern Africa supports Palestinian liberation. It condemns apartheid and colonization. In September, its letter endorsed the Coalition for a free Palestine (South Africa).
It urged unity among all SA Palestinian solidarity groups. Apartheid was fought on many fronts. Committed activism got results. Struggle isn't easy. It never ends. Dark forces don't quit. Change takes time. It advances slowly. Kairos Southern Africa pledged support.
Dozens of participating organizations include:
1. ARCI, Italy 2. ATTAC Togo 3. ATTAC-France 4. Al-Awda NY: Palestine Right to Return Coalition, USA 5. Al-Nakba Awareness Project, USA 6. Alianza Mexicana por la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos (AMAP), México 7. Alianza Social Continental (ASC), América 8. Alternative Espaces Citoyens Niger 9. Alternative Information Centre (AIC), Palestine 10. Alternatives, Canada 11. American Jews for a Just Peace – Boston, USA 12. American Muslims for Palestine 13. Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Initiative (AMED), College of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State University. 14. Articulacion Feminista Marcosur, Latin America 15. Association Rawassem, Tunisie 16. Association Taneflith (club Unesco) Beni Yenni 17. Association Tharwa N'Fadhma N'Soumeur, Algerie 18. Association Tunisienne des femmes démocrates (ATFD) 19. Association des Femmes Tunisiennes pour la Recherche sur le Développment (AFTURD) 20. Association sans soutiens, Tunisie 21. Associação Alternativa Terrazul, Brazil 22. Associação Brasileira de Organizações Não Governamentais (ABONG), Brazil 23. Associação Metareila do Povo Indigena Surui 24. BDS Working Group, South Africa 25. Bay Area Women in Black, USA 26. Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samiti (BGVS), India 27. Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights 28. Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign – Vancouver, Canada 29. COSATU, South Africa 30. Campagne BDS France 31. Campagne Civile Internationale pour la Protection du Peuple Palestinien (CCIPPP), France 32. Canada Palestine Association 33. Canada Palestine Association 34. Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), Canada 35. Center for Encounter and active Non-Violence , Austria 36. Central Única Dos Trabalhadores-CUT, BRASIL 37. Centre des activités et d’études ouvrière (CAEO), Tunisie 38. Ciranda, Brazil 39. Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA), Toronto, Canada 40. Coalition for Peace with Justice, North Carolina, USA 41. Coalition for a Free Palestine, South Africa 42. Coalition large de l’association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (CLASSE),Quebec, Canada 43. Coalition pour la justice et la paix en Palestine (CJPP), Quebec, Canada 44. Collectif des Musulmans de France (CMF) 45. Comissão Brasileira Justiça e Paz (CBJP), Brazil 46. Committee for Palestinian Rights, Howard County, Maryland, USA 47. Community Leadership Institute (COMMIT), USA 48. Community Organizing Center's Columbus Campaign for Arms Control, Middle East Peace Committee 49. Cumberland Countians for Peace & Justice, USA 50. El Taller International, Tunisia 51. Engender, South Africa 52. Episcopal Peace Fellowship-Palestine Israel Network (EPF PIN), USA 53. EuroPalestine, France 54. European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine (ECCP) 55. Faculty for Palestine (F4P), Canada 56. Federação Democrática Internacional de Mulheres (FDIM) 57. Fellowship of Reconciliation, USA 58. Focus on the Global South 59. Forum Marocain Des Alernatives Sud (FMAS), Morocco 60. Forum Tunisien des droits sociaux économiques (FTDSE) 61. Forum des Femmes Africaines pour un Monde de l'Economie Solidaire (FAMES), Algérie/Sénégal 62. Frantz Fanon Foundation, Bamako, Montreal, Paris 63. Fredericton Jews for a Just Peace, Canada 64. Fredericton Palestine Solidarity, Canada 65. Freedom Legality And Rights in Europe (FLARE) 66. Friends of Palestine Wisconsin, USA 67. Fédération Tunisienne des Cinéastes Amateurs (FTCA) 68. Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec FNEEQ (CSN), Canada 69. Germantown Friends Meeting 70. Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, USA 71. Grassroots International 72. Habitat International Coalition 73. Hilton Head for Peace - Hilton Head SC, USA 74. Hilton Head for Peace, USA 75. Initiatives Pour un Autre Monde (IPAM), France 76. Institut de recherches des Femmes Autour de la Méditerranée (IDEEFAM), Algerie 77. Instituto Brasileiros de Análises Sociais e Economicas – Ibase, Brazil 78. Instituto Paulo Freire, Brazil 79. International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network 80. International South Asia Forum (INSAF), Canada, USA 81. International Women's Peace Service 82. International Women's Peace Service 83. Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), Jerusalem 84. Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), USA 85. Ittijah, Palestine 86. Kairos for Global Justice 87. L'association Femmes et environnement, Tunisie 88. Labor for Palestine, USA 89. L’association des familles des harragas disparus et morts, Tunisie 90. Madison-Rafah Sister City Project, Madison, WI, USA 91. Malcolm X Grassroots Movement 92. Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, USA 93. May First/People Link, USA 94. Media Review Network, Johannesburg, South Africa 95. MidEast: JustPeace of Traverse City, Michigan, USA 96. Middle East Lobby Group, USA 97. Mouvement des Jeunes Indépendants pour le Changement, Algerie 98. Movimiento por la Paz, la Soberanía y la Solidaridad entre los Pueblos (Mopassol), Argentina 99. National Lawyers Guild 100. Network Institute for Global Democratization 101. Network for Environmental & Economic Responsibility, USA 102. New Afrikan People's Organization 103. New York City Labor Against the War, USA 104. North Carolina Boycott Divestment Sanctions (NCBDS), USA 105. North Coast Coalition for Palestine, USA 106. NO VOX INTERNATIONAL 107. Occupied Palestine Golan Advocacy Initiative (OPGAI), Palestine 108. Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF), Pakistan 109. Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research (PILER), Pakistan 110. Pakistan Peace Coalition 111. Palestine Israel Action Group (PIAG), USA 112. Palestine Solidarity Alliance, South Africa 113. Palestine Solidarity Campaign, South Africa 114. Palestine Solidarity Forum, South Africa 115. Palestine-Israel Working Group of Nevada County 116. Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO) 117. Palestinian Queers for BDS, Palestine 118. Palestiniens et Juifs Unis, Quebec, Canada 119. People of Faith CT, USA 120. People’s Health Movement 121. Plateforme des ONG Françaises pour la Palestine, France 122. Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC) 123. Punks Against Apartheid, International 124. Red Mexicana de Acción frente al Libre Comercio (RMALC), México 125. Rede Ecossocialista Internacional 126. Sacramento BDS 127. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network 128. Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign 129. SJP- University of New Mexico 130. Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights - University of British Columbia, Canada 131. South African Artists Against Israeli Apartheid 132. South Asia Partnership (SAP), Pakistan 133. South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy (SANSAD), Canada 134. Stop The Wall, Palestine 135. Syndicat des Travailleurs et Travailleuses des Postes, (STTP) Quebec, Canada 136. Tadamon! collective Montreal, Canada 137. Taskforce for Queer Visions 138. Teacher Creativity Center (TCC). Palestine 139. The Carol Chomsky Memorial Fund, USA 140. The Israel/Palestine Mission Network, USA 141. The Israel/Palestine Mission Network, USA 142. The New York Campaign for the Boycott of Israel (Adalah-NY), USA 143. The World March of Women 144. UK Boycott Israel Network – BIN 145. US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) 146. US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation 147. US & Canada Delegation to the World Social Forum Free Palestine 148. US Palestinian Community Network, USA 149. US Peace Council, USA 150. Un Ponte Per..., Italy 151. Union générale de travail Tunisien (UGTT) 152. Union pour la Solidarité et l'Entraide, Sénégal 153. United Methodists' Holy Land Task Force, USA 154. Utahns for a Just Peace in the Holy Land, USA 155. Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel, USA 156. Women in Black Union Square, USA 157. World Council of Churches
A Final Comment
Free Palestine involves more than liberation. Dark forces threaten humanity. Palestine is one of many epicenters of global struggle.
They exist everywhere. The only solution is nonviolent world revolution. Freedom struggles are a full-time occupation. Viciousness gives no quarter.
During Pillar of Cloud, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Eli Yishi urged "blow(ing) Gaza back to the Middle Ages (by) destroying all the infrastructure including roads and water."
Other extremists wanted power cut as well as food and medical supplies blocked. Ariel Sharon's son said "flatten entire neighborhoods. Flatten all of Gaza."
Other lunatics barely stopped short of urging genocide. A few crossed the line supporting it. Only worthy victims matter. Unworthy ones include nameless, faceless imperial victims.
One Israeli life lost makes headlines. Palestinian deaths don't matter. Who's keeping count.
Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said Palestinians killed and injured "deserved it." Noncombatant status gave them no protection.
Targeting civilians is official Israeli policy. America wages war the same way. All military aged men are fair game. They include children and the elderly.
Mothers are killed. Some are pregnant. Maybe their fetuses were targeted. One day, they might join Palestine's liberating struggle. Why take a chance. Eliminate the possibility.
Unpeople don't matter. Victims are called victimizers. Truth is systematically suppressed. Inviolable international law is quaint and out-of-date. Naked aggression is called self-defense.
Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz supports Israel's worst crimes. He's a notorious bigot and purveyor of myths, canards and false logic.
He corrupts fundamental legal standards. Imagine what he teaches students. He believes Jewish suffering is unique. He's mindless of the rights of other people.
He advocates torture and targeted assassinations. He's a committed Zionist and Israeli apologist. He legitimizes Israeli aggression. He claims "old rules" don't apply.
He once said "the laws of war and rules of morality must adapt to (new) realities." Law Professor Francis Boyle called him a notorious bigot and advocate of murder and torture.
During Pillar of Cloud, he headlined an op-ed, "Israel's right to self-defense against Hamas," saying:
Hamas "target(s) Israeli civilians in their homes…Israel target(s) terrorist leaders and other legitimate military targets."
"Hamas supporters celebrate the murder of Jewish civilians."
"Israel's response - targeting only terrorists and Hamas military leaders - is completely lawful and legitimate." Its "self-defense…."
Dershowitz corrupts truth and legal principles. He considers Palestinian civilian men, women, children, infants, fetuses, and the elderly fair game.
He calls murdering them in cold blood self-defense. He's not alone. Scoundrel media feature these type commentaries. Reputable ones are suppressed.
Aggressive wars are called just. Patriotism means supporting wrong over right. Oppressed Palestinians are isolated on their own. Maybe one day they'll be free. The fullness of time will tell. A long struggle remains.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
His new book is titled "How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War"
Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.
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