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Military actions against Libya/Resistance must rely on own strengthBy Astrid Essed, submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 24/03/2011 - 13:59
![]() ![]() ![]() MILITARY ATTACKS AGAINST LIBYA/LIBYAN RESISTANCE MUST RELY ON OWN STRENGTH UN SECURITY COUNCIL AND ARAB LEAGUE DOUBLE STANDARDS I UN SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1973 INSTALLATION NO FLY ZONE AND PROTECTION OF LIBYAN CIVILIAN POPULATION ''WITH ALL NECESSARY MEASURES'' 17 MARCH 2011 SECURITY COUNCIL APPROVES NO FLY ZONE OVER LIBYA, AUTHORIZING ''ALL NECESSARY MEASURES'' TO PROTECT CIVILIANS , BY VOTE OF 10 IN FAVOUR WITH 5 ABSTENTIONS'' ''Demanding an immediate ceasefire in Libya, including an end to the current attacks against civilians, which is said might constitute ''crimes against humanity'', the Security Council this evening imposes a ban on all flights in the country airspace - a no fly zone - and tightened sanctions on the Qadhafi regime and its supporters. Adopting resolution 1973 (2011) by a vote of 10 in favour to none against, with 5 abstentions (Brazil, China, Germany, India, Russian Federation), the Council authorized Member States, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, to tale all necessary measures to protect civilians under threat of attack in the country, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory - requesting them to immediately inform the Secretary General of such measures'' http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2011/sc10200.doc.htm#Resolution II ''“Libya is not yours, Libya is for the Libyans. The security council, their resolution is void because it is not according to the charter to interfere with the internal affairs of the country. … You have no right. You will regret if you get involved in this, our country. We can never shoot a single bullet on our people, it is Al Qaeda organisation.” Part of the letter president Gaddafi wrote to president Sarkozy, prime minister Cameron and UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon Dear Editor and Readers, The fatal decision is made The print paper of UN Security Council Resolution wasn't dry yet, when military attacks on Libya were launched by France, the USA and the United Kingdom Recently countries like Canada, Italty and Denmark have joined the group And also Qatar, as first Arab country. ''To prptect civilians under threat of attack in the country'''' as been stated in the Resolution For the third time in a decade a military attack has been launched on an Islamic country by the same protagonists [US and UK], who have caused warcrimes and disaster in Afghanistan and Iraq, resulting in thousands of civilian death and inhuman treatments of prisoners of war The monument of shame, Guantanamo Bay, which is not closed yet, is a disastrous example of the Afghanistan and Iraq dirty wars. It's no coincidence the West is ring leader in implementing UN Resolution and attacking Libya. Probably the US lead coalition wants a Libyan regime change, which is remarkable, since Gaddafi has been a ''friend of the West'' since 11 september 2001 He has boasted on his ''struggle against terrorism'' and even fullfilled the European wish to discourage the stream of refugees, by dirty deals with the Italian prime-minister Berlusconi [1] For we don't believe in fairy tales. The Western countries did NOT implement a no fly zone out of compassion with the Libyan civilian population. You have only to look at their great lack of respect for other civilian populations, like the Servian in the Kosovo war, the Palestinian, Somalian, Afghan and Iraqi It's an illusion to think, that it would be different now UN SECURITY DOUBLE STANDARDS PROTAGONIST: THE WEST That brings us on the double standard which is used by the UN Security Council It may sound tempting for naive and good willing persons: The installation of a ''no fly'' zone in protection of the threatened Libyan civilian population In reality, hypocrisy and selective indignation is the motor of the Security Council: Because during the Israeli military Operation ''Cast Lead'' in dec 2008.january 2009, by which numerous warcrimes have been committed against the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza [2], there was no Western initiative at all in favour of a fly zone Also the still continuing Gaza siege, which implies systematic starvation of the civilian population [3], never has led to the Western wish to pressure Israel ''with all means necessary'' to open the border In the case of Israel-Palestine, Europe could refer to the eternal American pro-Israel veto's in the Security Council, which makes the coercion of a no fly zone a frustrated waste of time. However, that doesn't work for Myanmar [Birma], where in 2007 demonstrations as ruthlessly were uppressed, as in Libya now [4] An initiative for a no fly zone in Myanmar was never taken DOUBLE STANDARDS PROTAGONIST THE ARAB LEAGUE The Arab League also is champion where it concerns double standards So the Arab League has recently suspended Libya [5], which is justice as such, considering the bloody repression against demonstrators and insurgents [6] The same League however didn't consider that at all in the case of Sudan, which has committed yearlong war-crimes and etnic cleansings in Darfur [7] Actually, Arab leaders spoke out their support for the Sudanese president Bashir, rejecting the ICC arrest warrant against him [8] Syria/Jemen/Bahrain But also in the present situation Libya is not the only human rights perpetrator Also in Jemen, Syria and Bahrain there is a bloody repression against demonstrators [9] Till sofar, the membership of those countries is not suspended But there is more to it: For the larger part, the members of the Arab League are pro-Western dictators, although sometimes it seems different, for example their rhetoric about Palestine [but that are just words, not deeds] In reality, there is a strong political, military and economical bond between countries of the Arab League [especially Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries] and the West And regarding the socalled ''humanitarian intervention'' in Libya, the Arab League and the West are one, despite the recent critic [10], which has been weakened already The critic was about the alleged 48 civilian death, according to Libyan officials, by a recent allied military attack [11] NO FLY ZONE/MILITARY INTERVENTION I'S EFFECTIVITY The double standards of the West and the Arab League apart, what is really the effect of the no fly zone? Experts tell us, that the no fly zone is not really effective, since the Gaddafi's ground troops are playing the most important role in the battle against the rebels [12] If one holds on to the fairy tale, that the military attacks stem from ''protecting the Libyan civilian population'' the destruction of the Libyan Airforce is not enough Which means, that the war will be launched on a way that is contrary UN Security Resolutions, since the real aim is regime change [13] INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW Since the Western coalition, and particularly the USA, is reluctant to send ground troops to the soil of a third Islamic country, that means intensifying of air attacks, with the great risk of many civilian death [14] Not only because of the dense populated areas, but also the possible use of anti-personnel weapons and not making a strict distinction beween combatants [military] and non-combatants, which is a fundamental obligation under International Humanitarian Law [15] As we know, at least two coalition partners [USA and UK] are not exactly champions in maintaining International Humanitarian Law See Afghanistan and Iraq, where they caused thousands of civilian death, because of the use of clustermunition and not making a clear distinction between combatants and non-combatants Then, the other protagonist, Gadaffi, is a notorious violator of human rights [16] And also the rebels have a dubious human rights record [17] THE TROJAN HORSE The criteria of UN Resolution 1973 exclude the possibility of a foreign occupation [become wise after Afghanistan and Iraq] However, when the coalition forces are able to cause a regime change, it is higly unlikely, that they will pack their bags and leave, after a democratic government is installed Either there is a common confusion in the country, in which case the West will consider it 'her duty'' to prevent, that their ''work'' will made undone Or they will influence the new government deeply Therefore, however understandable, the resistance is naive to be too jubilant about the current military attacks Welcoming the West means inviting the Trojan Horse [18] EPILOGUE It's like the film classic ''Fist'' A young trade union leader has been frustrated from all sidesm untill a friendly ''organisation'' wants to help him Alas, this is the Maffia He is able to build up his trade union, but of course, this comes with a price That can also be the fate of the Libuan resistance and as with the union trade leader, the price will be to high to pay Of course Gaddafi has to go But not with Western military intervention A true democratic rule is only to be realized in dignity, when the Libyan population will defeat Gadaffi with their own strength YES, THEY CAN! Kind greetings Astrid Essed Amsterdam The Netherlands [1] HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH [www.hrw.org] ITALY/LIBYA: GADDAFI VISIT CELEBRATES DIRTY DEAL 9 JUNE 2009 http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2009/06/09/italylibya-gaddafi-visit-celebrate... [2] ASTRID ESSED ISRAELI ATTACKS ON GAZA/DIRTY WAR AGAINST THE PALESTINIAN CIVILIAN POPULATION 19 JANUARY 2009 http://chicago.indymedia.org/newswire/display/85520/ [3] INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS GAZA CLOSURE: NOT ANOTHER YEAR! 14 JUNE 2010 http://www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/update/palestine-update-1406... [4] HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH [www.hrw.org] BURMA: CRACKDOWN BLOODIER THAN GOVERNMENT ADMITS 7 DECEMBER 2007 http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2007/12/06/burma-crackdown-bloodier-governmen... [5] L.A. TIMES LIBYA: ARAB LEAGUE SUSPENDS LIBYAN MEMBERSHIP 22 FEBRUARY 2011 http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/babylonbeyond/2011/02/libya-arab-league-... [6] HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH/LIBYA http://www.hrw.org/en/middle-eastn-africa/libya [7] ''Darfur, in western Sudan, saw continued large-scale attacks by government forces on rebel forces and civilians, as well as an increase in armed clashes between ethnic groups, particularly in South and West Darfur. The United Nations and humanitarian agencies increasingly came under attack and were targeted for robberies, kidnappings, and killings by armed elements in Sudan's western region. '' HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH [www.hrw.org] WORLD REPORT 2011: SUDAN http://www.hrw.org/en/world-report-2011/sudan HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH SUDAN: NEW ATTACKS ON CIVILIANS IN DARFUR 28 JANUARY 2011 http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2011/01/28/sudan-new-attacks-civilians-darfur [8] BBC NEWS ARAB LEADERS BACK ''WANTED'' BASHIR 30 MARCH 2009 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7971624.stm [9] JEMEN HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH US: SUSPEND MILITARY AID TO YEMEN 18 MAART 2011 http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2011/03/18/us-suspend-military-aid-yemen BAHRAIN HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH BAHRAIN: PROTEST LEADERS ARBITRARILY DETAINED 18 MAART 2011 http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2011/03/18/bahrain-protest-leaders-arbitraril... HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH BAHRAIN: INJURED PEOPLE DENIED MEDICAL CARE 17 MAART 2011 http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2011/03/17/bahrain-injured-people-denied-medi... SYRIA HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATION VIOLENTLY DISPERSED 17 MAART 2011 http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2011/03/16/syria-peaceful-demonstration-viole... [10] MONTREAL GAZETTE ARAB LEAGUE CRITICIZES WEST'S STRIKES ON LIBYA 20 MARCH 2011 http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Arab+League+criticizes+Western+strik... [11] According to several sources, civilians were killed after an attack on Tripoli ''BENGHAZI, Libya -- Libyan state TV is quoting the armed forces command as saying 48 people have been killed and 150 wounded in the the allied assault by U.S. and European forces. The report can't be independently confirmed.'' FORBES.COM LIBYAN TV CLAIMS 48 KILLED IN ALLIED ATTACKS 19 MARCH 2011 http://www.forbes.com/feeds/ap/2011/03/19/general-af-libya_8365301.html THE MONTREAL GAZETTE WESTERN POWERS STRIKE LIBYA FOR SECOND NIGHT 21 MARCH 2011 http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Western+powers+strike+Libya+Arab+Lea... [12] REGARDING THE NO FLY ZONE [NFZ]; ''Second, even if a no-fly zone can be implemented with minimum civilian casualties, we don’t know if it will save lives or tilt the playing field toward the rebels. Air power does give Qaddafi some advantages, but a no-fly zone might do little to stop his forces from attacking and murdering the opposition using other means if he chooses to ignore or abrogate the cease-fire. And beyond grounding Qaddafi’s air force, the NFZ would not erode his other substantial military advantages; indeed, as the conflict progressed, his tanks, artillery, sea power and better-armed infantry put rebel forces on the defensive.'' THE NATION LIBYA AND THE DILEMMA OF INTERVENTION 18 MARCH 2011 http://www.thenation.com/article/159330/libya-and-dilemma-intervention ''A second objective being advanced by intervention proponents -- but not supported in the resolution -- is the need to tilt the balance of power away from Qaddafi. The no fly zone stands little chance of achieving this either; it's a more than 600-mile trip from the rebel stronghold of Benghazi to Tripoli, and even if the rebels had air support on their journey, Qaddafi's forces could clean their clocks as they advanced. '' DOES THE WORLD BELONG IN LIBYA'S WAR? NOT UNTIL WE KNOW WHAT WE'RE GETTING INTO MICAH ZENKO http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/03/18/does_the_world_belong_i... [13] ''A second objective being advanced by intervention proponents -- but not supported in the resolution -- is the need to tilt the balance of power away from Qaddafi. The no fly zone stands little chance of achieving this either; it's a more than 600-mile trip from the rebel stronghold of Benghazi to Tripoli, and even if the rebels had air support on their journey, Qaddafi's forces could clean their clocks as they advanced. To really tip the balance, you'd probably need sustained close air support and arms. Yet paragraph nine of the earlier resolution (1970) expressly forbids arming the rebel forces. So if we really want to tip the balance of power and arm the rebels, as the Egyptians seem to be doing, we need to recognize that we will be in violation of a U.N. Security Council Resolution. And again, there's no guarantee it would work. '' DOES THE WORLD BELONG IN LIBYA'S WAR? NOT UNTIL WE KNOW WHAT WE'RE GETTING INTO MICAH ZENKO http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/03/18/does_the_world_belong_i... [14] ''But if it does not succeed quickly, and the intervention degenerates into a long quagmire of air strikes, grinding street battles, and growing pressure for the introduction of outside ground forces, then the impact could be quite different. Despite the bracing scenes of Benghazi erupting into cheers at the news of the Resolution, Arab support for the intervention is not nearly as deep as it seems and will not likely survive an extended war. If Libyan civilians are killed in airstrikes, and especially if foreign troops enter Libyan territory, and images of Arabs killed by U.S. forces replace images of brave protestors battered by Qaddafi's forces on al-Jazeera, the narrative could change quickly into an Iraq-like rage against Western imperialism. What began as an indigenous peaceful Arab uprising against authoritarian rule could collapse into a spectacle of war and intervention. '' THE U.N.'S HIGH STAKES GAMBLE IN LIBYA MARC LYNCH 18 MARCH 2011 http://lynch.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/03/18/towards_military_interve... [15] INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS LIBYA/CIVILIANS AT HIGH RISK AMID ESCALATING CONFLICT' 19 MARCH 2011 http://www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/news-release/2011/libya-news... INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS BASIC RULES OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW IN ARMED CONFLICTS http://www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/misc/basic-rules-ihl-311288.htm [16] HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH LIBYA: END VIOLENT CRACKDOWN IN TRIPOLI 13 MARCH 2011 http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2011/03/13/libya-end-violent-crackdown-tripoli HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH EVENTS OF 2 YEARS AGO SPARKED CURRENT UPRISING IN LIBYA 11 MARCH 2011 http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2011/03/11/events-2-years-ago-sparked-current... [17] STR8TALK CHRONICLE LIBYAN INSURGENTS KILL TWO NIGERIANS 19 MARCH 2011 http://str8talkchronicle.com/?p=13153 [18] WIKIPEDIA TROJAN HORSE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trojan_Horse Comments |
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