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Friday July 2, 2004 from Maariv (Israel's
second largest daily):
Suspicion: Extremist Leftist Activists are Assisting Palestinian Terror
By Uri Yablenko
Alongside the war against terror and the mission to remove Jewish
settlers from Gaza, the Israeli military is now preparing itself with deep
concern for a new threat, namely, the involvement of activists from
leftist extremist organizations - especially non-Israelis but also
including Israeli leftists - as accomplices to Palestinian terror
organizations. Their suspected collaboration includes the transport of
explosives from the "occupied territories" into the Israeli heartland.
According to the suspicion, based on intelligence collected by the
Shin Bet (intelligence services), some of the leftists who have been
demonstrating in recent months against the construction of Israel's
security fence, have also been serving as collaborators, possibly
unconsciously so, for terror organizations. Military intelligence has
produced evaluations according to which these leftist activists are
transporting cases and bundles into Israel from the other side of the
security fence, at times perhaps unaware that they are transporting
explosives and detonation devices. The military is watching with concern
the activities of the hundreds of foreign leftists who have entered Israel
in recent days for purposes of conducting violent protests against Israel
in the West Bank and Gaza.
The military has pointed explicitly to the so-called "International
Solidarity Movement", which operates cells in the occupied territories and
also maintains several hundred members inside Israel, people who entered
the country pretending to be tourists. Senior military officials said
this week that two terrorists who conducted a bombing of Mike's Pub in Tel
Aviv, killing several people, on the Tel Aviv Promenade, came into Israel
as ISM members.
In addition, the leftists are declaring openly their intention to
sabotage and vandalize the security fence any place they can manage to do
so. Jonathan Polk, a member of the Israeli group calling itself
"Anarchists against the Fence", explains: "We do not acknowledge the
legitimacy of the Israeli army nor the Israeli state, nor their right to
implement 'collective punishment', as expressed by the fence. The fence
is illegitimate and we will do everything we can to destroy it."
(Translator's comment - the actual goal of the protesters is to
assist Palestinian mass murderers and suicide bombers to have easier
access to Israeli civilians by sabotaging the fence.)
Re: ISM Leftists working as Accomplices for Bombers
What laughable scare stories. McCarthyism is alive and well. Watch out, the ISM might be under your bed! There is of course no evidence for all this nonsense, but that doesn't matter.